My Late Grandma's Tale: The Origin of Elementals and Scary Creatures of Folklore

in #story7 years ago (edited)

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This is an interesting story my late maternal grandmother told me a few years before she died. It explains why there are creatures of folklore like earth spirits, elves, goblins, ghouls, mermaids and etc.

I assume you all knew the Biblical story of Adam and Eve before. My late grandmother's folk tale is just an aftermath expansion of that story.

When Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden or Paradise, they settled in the Wilderness.

After settling there, they cried a lot. The two lamented the fact that they could never enter the heavenly Garden of Eden or Paradise ever again. Of course, while crying they embraced each other always.

Now having eaten the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil have made them gain carnal knowledge too. They only wore pieces of leaves or animal fur strung together to cover their private parts. And so their frequent embraces made each other aroused and then they gave in to their lust.

Eve got pregnant and bore weird-looking children with unnatural traits. Why this was the case cannot be fully explained. Some old folks speculated that the Serpent had sex with her while she was being tempted to eat the Fruit of the Tree. While other folks argue that God had not yet given His Blessing or Grace to Adam and Eve to be man and wife yet. They were still in that cursed mode after being cast out recently.

Adam was horrified of his kids and deeply ashamed of them. If God were to find out that these mutants and unnatural rejects were their children and products of sin, who knows what kind of anger God will have and punish them?

Adam and Eve tried again and Eve bore normal-looking kids this time. They were Cain, Abel, Seth and other brothers and sisters. Adam and Eve were happy. They can finally present these normal-looking kids to God and receive His Grace and Blessings.

But what about the other children - the unnatural looking ones? Adam and Eve finally decided to hide these children among the shadowy places, deep forests, mountains, dark caves, deep rivers or seas or any other places in Nature that look dark and eerie. The coupled commanded these children to stay there and never come out in daylight. And so they remained there to this day. They were the ancestors of elemental spirits and legendary creatures of folklore that we knew today.

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Sources: My late maternal grandmother

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Wooow what a great story. I just knew it now this kind side of the story and this will be the beginning to spread this. I don't know but I easily.hooked up with a story like this legends and spirits :). I really appreciated you for sharing this new folklore to us. Tnx much.

Yes, my late grandma was a great story teller. This was one of those rare stories I remembered her telling me.

Nice story my friend, well i know about Hazrat Adam and Ama Eve but not in deep details after reading your post i gained more knowledge about exactly what happens in that time. Stay blessed my friend and thanks for sharing

I could just picture you with your grandma while she was telling you that kind of interesting story.
I remember parents connived in our village, scares us about satanists kidnapping children. All stories just to from going out much.

Those are for scaring children. My grandma's stories are about explaining the paranormal.

They even scared us kids about this "Pascual" that will come and get us if we loiter around our neighborhood which later I learned was a big dog of our neighbor that died. >o<

That was a great dog! Ha-ha!

The story of your late grandmother is very interesting and it is my first time to hear this version. But just a random trivia: some people believed that the Garden of Eden is near Iraq or its neighboring place.

Maybe it is true before the desert expanded.

Point taken. But there is also another version that says, Adam married someone. I forgot her name though and that she was very hard-headed. So was so rude and unrefined and then left Adam.

Interesting. Where the heck did she come from if I might ask?

And that I did not know. It was merely and speculation. But as I try to see it, the idea of her does not fit in the puzzle.

Well i know about the 1st part till the babies were born but did not had any idea about that .Seems like you grandma was indeed a great story teller ,will learn about it more though ,Thanks buddy !

Adam and Eve are the parents of the whole world thanks for sharing such a nice post

wow this was really cool to read one of the finest story thanks for sharing this :)

I loved this story I read it carefully I think it is very wonderful

the story of adam & eve, excellent about your granny.

I remember,,, extraordinary painting art photo. love to read your post.
please, you vote my last post .thanks
upvoted your post.

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