The First Words We Read Together

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Are written by John, chapter one, verse one through three. I found him In the beginning of 2010 from an internet search that began at Craigslist. I just arrived in a new location where I would spend the next year; Coos Bay, Oregon, USA. I left a bible study group at my prior location in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA of around 7-10 people that I really enjoyed so I put forth more effort than usual at this new location looking for a new group.

After a few weeks of internet searches and reaching out to people who post ads they referred to as study groups, I couldn’t find anything. I spoke with several odd individuals though. Three or four of those phone conversations took off in unexpected directions, a few were even slightly disturbing. Eventually I received a response from a girl named Kimberly - We spoke back and forth a couple of times via email. She wanted to know more about me to assure herself I was sincere and not another Craigslist story. Eventually she got me in touch with a gentlemen named Arden; a really nice guy who I ended up spending about an hour and a half with, twice a week, for the next six months.


He’s quick with verses - Sharp! Possibly the sharpest I’ve ever met. He can quote verses and call out chapters better than most - I’m still impressed. We got to know each other on a personal level over the months. Whoever arrived at the bread joint first typically bought the other guy an iced tea, he’s from the Philippines and every once in awhile he would bring me homemade empanadas, I loved them! We would #engage in small talk for a few minutes, get caught up with each other, talk about the weather or something, that type of thing and then we would say a prayer, open our bibles and start reading back and forth.

We never flipped page by page, he had his own method of navigating. We would skip through books and hover over chapters reading individual stories told in sections that always seemed to piece together like a puzzle. For the entire six months he would tell me about “class” he goes to where “the instructor” taught him everything he knows and he couldn’t wait until I got to hear him speak. I asked him several times when the next class was, “in just a few weeks,” he would say, or “there’s a new class starting in just a couple more weeks.”

Somewhere around the fifth or sixth month, Arden invited Kimberly to join us, the girl I originally got in touch with through email. I didn’t expect to see anyone else at the bread joint, I was surprised when he introduced us. He said she was going to join us for a few days, “great! Nice to be met” (my usual intro). She was really nice. Younger than me and super tall, too, over six feet, we all sat down and drank our iced tea. I’m not sure if we even opened our bibles that day. The three of us were having a normal conversation when the two of them began wanting to know more about me.

Together, they began asking me some basic questions, the type I consider small talk but shortly thereafter their interests shifted: ‘Are you married?’ ‘Do you have kids?’ Those types of questions. I’m certain my response was something along the lines of “why do you care?” They didn’t pursue it. Instead they began to ask me less evasive questions. Kimberly was more concerned with whether or not I was interested in beginning class. The two of them wanted me to know the class is two nights per week for three months. They told me it’s privately funded and there would be a total of 50-100 students. They said I didn’t need to bring any money or anything, food and drinks would be provided, I just couldn’t miss class. All I needed to bring was myself and my bible and Arden was going to chaperone me the first week (two nights). “When?” “Next week.” Arden said we would meet again later that week, keeping our schedule, but that we wouldn’t meet anymore after that because class starts.

We got together again at the end of the week and Kimberly was there again. Again they had an iced tea waiting for me and we got into some small talk. I don’t think we opened our bibles that day either - That day I was given an address and a start time, what to expect, things like that. The way they explained class to me didn’t seem much different than organized religion, something Arden is aware I’d rather watch from a distance. (I have nothing against churches, I just like them from the outside) They told me it isn’t a church, that it’s rented office space, there’s free parking, food, drinks and I don’t have to return if I don’t want to but they’d like me to give it a shot. “Deal!” They gave me the address and the security code I would need to enter the premises - I went there the following week.

I showed up about 10 minutes late unintentionally but there was still plenty of parking - It was a big parking lot. It’s a 3-story building and it’s dark outside, there isn’t any exterior lights on the building and it looks abandoned from where I’m standing. It didn’t look occupied other than some cars in the parking lot - I texted Arden. He responded back and told me to use the code to open the gate, he said they’re all on the second floor and class hasn’t started yet. I made my way to the gate and typed the code into the reader, the gate opened and I walked up to the second floor. I saw some lights when I got up there so I went to that part of the building and that’s where everybody was. There’s a lot of people, 50-100 was a good estimate, it looks and sounds like a social gathering.

There were multiple different cultures in the room - I felt exceptionally tall. The back wall had a table as wide as the room against it that was overflowing with drinks and snack type foods. The room had about 20 rows of evenly spaced chairs, 5-10 chairs per row and the perimeter of the room is surrounded by what seems to be a fairly sophisticated operation. There’s about 10 additional personnel around the edge of the room, each of whom are sitting at a desk, staring at their computer screens and they’re separated by plexiglass from each other and everyone else. They’re each wearing a headset and in the middle of what appeared to be an enlightening conversation. I looked around for Arden but I couldn’t find him amongst the sea of strangers. I stood at the back of the room with my bible in my hand and people watched.

I should’ve worn a different shirt. I was wearing one of those 3/4 sleeve ‘baseball t’s.’ The kind where the sleeves are commonly a different color than the rest of the shirt. I had one of those on and some tattoos are out.



I was approached by some little girls, they’re pointing: “What’s that? Can I see?” I’m about 32 years old and these girls are probably teenagers. I managed to maintain my composure and not be rude at the same time - I didn’t say anything. ‘Don’t make eye contact.’ Finally Arden found me. “I’m glad you could make it. Hello! What’s going on here, girls?” Arden said with a huge smile on his face. “Nothing” I told him, “get me out of here.” He walked us to a row of chairs; each chair had a pack of ear buds on it, I picked up the earbuds and sat down. About that time a gentlemen handed us a pager looking device that had approximately 10 settings on it, each identified by a different language. Those girls sat right next to us.

A woman affiliated with the group stood at the front of the room and explained to us how to use the device. She instructed us to plug in our earbuds, change the channel to our preferred language and from there, the people around the room who are sitting at the desks behind plexiglass will interpret the reading. Interpret? Arden whispered “the instructor’s Mandarin.” The instructor took the stage and began speaking, I couldn’t understand him. I put in my earbuds and changed the station to English.

Now I’m listening to a woman. She’s speaking to me in my ears while I’m watching the instructor on stage who seems to be really excited and energetic. I could sense the excitement and emotion behind the woman’s voice in my ears too. Arden looked intoxicated with a huge smile and everyone around the room has their earbuds in listening to an interpreted message. I was more interested in the voice in my ears so I began studying each of the interpreters while they sat at their desk, speaking to a microphone. I found the woman who was speaking to me. I think she was Chinese, I could tell by watching and listening to her that she was in a terrific mood! She was elated to be speaking into that microphone. I started trippin out!

I couldn’t focus on what was being said in my ears anymore. I’d convinced myself she wasn’t interpreting what the instructor at the front of the room was saying. I allowed that thought to manifest and the awkwardness of the room intensified. Now I’m staring at all of these people around me with earbuds in their ears, each of them are smiling and laughing at different times with an occasional outburst or applause. The room got smaller. The octave in my ears continued rising and each word sounded more awkward than the last. I had no idea what the instructor was saying so I was even more confused with the amount of people who seemed to be in love with him. I took out my earbuds, I couldn’t handle it anymore, I left and went home - Arden called me the following morning.


“What’s the matter, is everything ok, what happened? Why did you leave?” I told him I didn’t like the class and that I wouldn’t be going back. I told him I wasn’t cancelling our weekly meetings, though, and that I would see him at the bread joint the following week. He told me our bible study was over and that he would be attending a different class full time. He was adamant I give it ‘one more try.’ He told me how rewarding the class is and how I would gain a lot of knowledge. He said I missed the private one on one study that takes place after class and that he would really appreciate it if I would just give it one more chance. “Deal!” The following night I parked in the same parking lot of the same dark building at the same time.

I had a feeling I wasn’t going to make it though the class - I didn’t feel comfortable just walking up the stairs to the entrance. With my bible in hand, this time wearing a shirt that conceals my tattoos better, I sat down in the same chair I sat in previously - Arden saved it for me. We caught up with each other: “How’s work?” “How’s the week going?” Customary small talk. The instructor took control of the front of the room and everyone inserted their earbuds again. I put in my earbuds and was immediately drawn to that same woman’s voice. I found her behind the plexiglass again; she’s sitting at the same enclosed desk, this time she’s wearing bright red lipstick, a black/white plaid coat and a matching hat. I looked around the room and the atmosphere was just as I remembered it - Everyone appeared to be mesmerized by the voice in their earbuds and occasionally you would hear some applause or a loud outburst. I started trippin out again. I took my earbuds out and watched everyone around me for several minutes. There’s an outburst every couple of seconds from a different section of the room, it seemed like the lighting intensified. I began doubting each interpreter was saying the same thing. I noticed some interpreters weren’t moving their lips while others were and the instructor, in the front of the room, had a lot of energy, he was bouncing around and skipping side to side like a Rage Against The Machine concert. The longer I watched, the weirder it got - I left again.

Arden didn’t call me the following day - I called him. He didn’t answer his phone and I didn’t leave a voicemail, I texted him but he didn’t respond. I was worried I hurt his feelings, that was never my intention, I admired Arden, I just didn’t feel comfortable in “class.” I texted him a few more times but I didn’t hear back from him. It was probably some time that weekend or possibly the following week when Arden finally reached out to me via text. I vaguely remember the conversation - It was short and direct. He said some basics: “It was nice meeting you, God bless you,” those type of things but he informed me that we wouldn’t be meeting anymore because he would be spending the next three months in class. I returned the same basics: “The pleasure was all mine, God bless us all” and we said goodbye to each other.

I heard from Arden just a couple of times after that - A few peaceful texts is all I got. I miss him actually and I hope he’s doing well. I miss the study times he and I spent together at the bread joint, too, can you tell?

I haven’t been part of a study group since then - I haven’t even looked for one. I still study every day and there’s a bible in me everywhere I go but when it comes to groups, I’m going to watch from a distance for awhile. I’m comfortable where there isn’t always a chair to sit on and it isn’t placed in an evenly spaced row. Earbuds are a choice, not a necessity, and the guest of honor is the same guy I was talking about In the beginning. Everything is working out exactly the way it’s supposed to.

”In your sons name we pray”



Dude, that tops the one when you went to the Mormon church. DANG!!! It’s a wonder that bible is still attached to you. 😉
I went from a Mormon church to a non-denominational church. Let’s just say, I didn’t quite understand why people were so happy to be at church. After the 2nd or 3rd visit I found out why 😉
I’m eating a bowl of my homemade Blackberry Ice Cream and fully intrigued in this story. I thought some sort of weird cult thing was goin to happen where they wanted you to drink some special juice. 😂😂
Well written piece. I wish I had a memory like that. Maybe it’s from the... what... huh... what were we talking about.
God Bless Hommie

My brother, I so so so much appreciate the positive feedback I’m receiving from this piece. I’m really glad you like it, thanks for letting me know!

Well written you say? Well I had an extra 7 days to edit edit - wait’ll you see #fff! it!!! Haha. Thanks man. It’s an experience that isn’t hard to remember, I think about it all the time, know what I mean?? It’s one of ‘those’ memories.

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts, a big round o’ prayers to the whole Splatt crew.

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You guys are awesome! Thank you @theluvbug.

@dandays man, you've got some writing skills. My problem is I can never tell if your stories are true. 🙄

I don’t know if you’re aware of the quality of that compliment. Dude. Nobody has ever said they don’t know if they’re true. Man more than that, I never planned on anyone telling me that. Thank you!

Really, you just gave me a exciting confidence boost @sivehead, and whoever says they don’t like those is a liar. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Next round’s on me.

I've always believed in 'credit were it's due' man. And you deserve it! 👍

I’ve always wanted you share with me how your bible study stopped. I know you’ve told me but not quite in as much detail as this… happy to finally hear it. I think your interpretation of the bible is impressive by the way. Heart you all the time ! 😍

Ah yes, thank you! (I had ‘thank you’ typed out here about 5 times but it kinda made me look desperate kinda) I’m really glad you like it! that’s two! I’m never sure about putting these things together, you see how much of a mess I am until... about an hour and a day’ish or around there somewhere of clicking the post button.

Did you see what @sivehead said?! How cool is that?!

Thank you @puravidaville. Muah - On your face!

What @sivehead said was very cool! You are Captain Cool 😘

Wow! Such a weird experience (s) @dandays! Very well written too buddy, but that I expect now from you!

I grew up with organized religion (Catholic) and as an adult, am not a fan of any churchy stuff; no offense to anyone who is. At your 'classes', were the interpreters reading from a different script entirely do you think? Was it like a cult? So many questions grasshopper.

I hope you and yours are well; the week away from here has been nice, but I realized once I opened my laptop this afternoon, that I really missed a lot of peeps here ... you included :)

but I expect that now from you.

Are you serious?! Like, woah. Someone who puts it down like this expects it.. Big huge smile right here, it’s all your fault.

different script

I don’t know if it was completely different. It it definitely couldn’t have been timed the same as dude in the front, the ‘instructor.’ I don’t think I was there long enough to form an opinion if it was cult like but it was super weird. There’s no way the interpreters could’ve kept up with the instructor, I don’t know if they were reading as well??

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss you guys too! Eh, you saw that I called you out, ya?

Thank you for your encouragement @lynncoyle1, both you and brian both, you guys rock! Thanks a lot for stopping by. ....nice to read ya again.

I had the same question about whether or not the interpreters were actually interpreting.

I was really uncomfortable just reading this story, can't imagine what it was like to actually be there. Sorry it cost you the relationship with Arden :( I think you did the right thing, though.

Hey, thank you! Thanks for acknowledging the lost relationship. I think about him all the time, he even had me over at their house once and I ate dinner with him, his mother and his mother in law. All quite elderly, generous and welcoming people.

Truth be told; until you and @lynncoyle1 mentioned ‘reading,’ I never even thought about it!! I guess I couldn’t get passed the initial reaction.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @dollarsandsense, I appreciate you dropping me a line.

I like to see people take pride in their work or their writing, and I can see that you do :) You probably spend time fretting about whether or not it was good enough to post, or anything people actually want to read too :)

I think you made a wise choice to not go back there; even if you don't know exactly what was going on, you just know it's something not quite right!

Always my pleasure @dandays. Nice to read you again too :)

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