in #story7 years ago

That faithful day I was looking out of the window, makeup on and stark naked, waiting; waiting for the text notification from M' Ada. It's almost 4 pm any moment from now my phone would vibrate as I get notified of my driver for the day. The last time Mohammed was swearing, cussing and drove dangerously. I don't know (and do not wish to know) his quibbles with M'Ada but I am most sure it had nothing to do with me! So why did he try to put my life at risk that day? Anyways I made an official compliant to M'Ada and Boss and asked for a change of driver. Before now ( or a couple of months ago) all drivers were rotated for security reasons amongst us Girls but recently It seems its been one driver assigned to a girl. I like the previous arrangement better.

The phone vibrates, I pick up my clothes from the wardrobe I carefully stretched and snapped the dress to form while taking my time to check all nooks and crannies of the short spandex dress, looking out for those nasty bedbugs that refused to die no matter what pesticide I use.
The last time I tried to fumigate the house I almost died coughing and choking. The last pesticide should have killed them, for I almost died of choking that day. Alas, they didn't die! They are just die-hard blood-sucking criminals!
Why do they feed on blood though!? If they feed on food debris it might have been bearable that way. I used to crush them on sight! Now I give up, just check my dresses before I go out that''s all because I barely spend the night here (which happens to be their feast time).
I really need to move out of this place. It disgusts me so much. This very room makes me breathless from stuffiness and dampness in the air. I always struggle to breath in here. That is why my favourite spot is by the window, which is one window by the way; Like the water that seeps in during the rainy season is not bad enough. I was compelled to come live with Nneka in this wretched part of the GRA. I honestly dont know what is GRA about this area. It was ok with me for awhile though, as long as I was far away from the ever judging eyes of the Neighbours I grew up with.
I spent Over 25 years in that place and their piercing eyes started to drill a hole through my body most especially since my younger sisters both got married at the ripe age of 28 years.
I was 35 years of age when my youngest sister got married. It was then I decided to take up Nneka's offer of working and living with her. I had to leave for I could see the expression "Otoh N'aka Nne" formed on the lips of the neighbours as I exchange pleasantries with them, those pleasantries even began to dwindle.
Nneka gave me an escape.
I was glad she could even accommodate me - A jobless me! ( I barely made a second class degree for my undergraduate course at age 21 and getting a job was like finding a needle in a Haystack, Couldn't even upgrade to get a Master's degree for I was a "Girl" My future husband should finish the training according to my Igbo parents. I gave up on job seeking at age 30.) I was glad to have Nneka's support to leave home.
Well perhaps that was because she had a plan I knew nothing of till the day she got married and relocated to another part of the country ( Trust me I don't know where- She's secretive like that ).
A week after Nneka's" wedding the Landlord was reported to have been bedridden due to a stroke attack. I was not surprised at that for I knew He was F^cking Nneka and he was so in love with her despite Him being married. Then all the problems began. His wife who used to travel twice a month started being home and going through all the house records scrutinising to see if any tenant defaulted payments. sure enough Nneka had not paid a dime for the 4 years she lived here! Of course I had to pay up. Thank God I accepted to work alongside Nneka but the debts she left behind made me so broke I can barely survive despite my income.

I really need to leave this place I thought one last time to myself as I wore my dress. I didn't need any under wears by the way and my little frame was just made for this dress. Checked the mirror one last time read the "Memo" I got and grabbed my purse.

The new driver was quite unfamiliar, not the face of any of the previous drivers I have worked with. I checked the "Memo" again. Then I replied. I don't know why it took me 30 minutes to reply. M'Ada would be furious with me. Something about today's "Memo" was not right. And it felt more so as we wind down the eerie lonely road to the Client's house. Though the "Memo" was similar to same I got when I applied for this job. Nneka had pre-informed me of what my reply would be so I don't miss the job. My reply to get the Job was Both and Agreed. This particular "Memo" was slightly different It had "Whatever" at the end. I couldn't write Both and Agreed so I just wrote Agreed. I touched my purse reassuring myself my weapons were in tact. I have rehearsed on several occasions what to do when I get trapped. God knows I don't want to kill anybody; Not today, not ever!

I got to Client's house safe and sound and I met two of us there (not unusual) I felt safer and relaxed into the seat we were offered. Perharps this was an orgy party but then I never know before hand; we girls were expected to be prepared that's why we reply the "Memo" so M'Ada ticks her book. (Money In).

Ten minutes later we were outdoors naked on a field all of us "Clients" (4 of them) too. Orgy finished and waiting for signal to leave when horses were brought to the field too. three horses. well I was thankful we would soon leave as the horses strutted about the field picked myself up to move when we got stopped. "No, girls this is just the beginning".

Hey people, for fear of being too lengthy I would have to cut this story short and title this Part 1 . Watch out for Part 2. Thanks for reading, upvoting and following.

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Highly intriguing!!

This is erotically awesome... I like that. Nice one baby.

Lolx. Thanks

i always enjoy your posts. bring it on!

Thanks o.

Wow, a nice write up

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