A strange call; part2

in #story6 years ago

I looked at the moon in awe, as i recall this story. A story i never experienced or heard. Yet, i knew by heart.
My long story continues......... A strange call

After Tari left, Perrie was a living mortal, in hell. Ah! he was beaten, cursed, accused and finally banished, until he brings back Tari. Who heard his Woes? Only his parents did. Who believed him? Just them. Who blamed him? Everyone.

Tari the beauty of the land, ran away to be a reverend sister, was a truth that sounded like a lie, in the ears of all.
The youngmen of the villiage declared the little catholic church, the only church in the land unwanted. It has corrupted the mind of the innocent, they chanted. It is being used as an excuse, to steal their daughter, their beauty, the reincarnation of Agbada's mother and a gift from the gods.
The church, along side its school. The only school in the village was burnt to the ground. Her few worshippers and students, stood in a distance as they watched their sanctuary and school burn to ashes. " why did Tari bring this trouble on them" some wailed. " God will punish Perrie for his lies against the missionaries" others cursed.
Still, the ultimate price was paid by Perrie. The seventeen years old boy must leave home. No one was allowed to help him, but if by dawn he was still in the village, then he will be a meal for the gods. He ran out of tears and words. Such a pain changes a person forever.

He sat by the river side, with his eyes shut. He was wounded, brokened and close to losing his sanity. He felt a hand on his shoulder, but didn't open his eyes. Then he heard a voice he hated, at the moment. The voice of the catholic priest.
Fr. Mark who heard about his plight, and due to the fact he has heard of such incidents occuring in other places, the truth did not sound like a lie to him. " i'm heading back to the neighbouring villiage where i reside", he said softly. " you may come stay with me. It will take a while before you will get in contact with the girl that went with the missionaries. The missionaries she left with, belong to a congregation in South Africa. I don't think they will recieve my letter before leaving the country" he said. Then he sighed and continued, " after the violent attack on the church today, neither i nor missionaries will come to this village for a while. Especially the missionaries" he stressed .

Perrie remained quiet and made no sign of standing up. Fr. Mark walked towards the river where a boat was waiting for him. Suddenly, "Perrie", "Perrie" a familiar voice called out loudly. Immediately he regained his senses, opened his eyes and turned towards the direction of the vioce. Behold! It was a face that caused him to smile, despite his pain. It was his crying mother. A mother's love truly, reign supreme. "Follow him", she ordered.
They looked at each other for a while, this might be the last time he hears her voice, so how could he disobey her last order, he thought. He wanted to cry but he has ran out of tears. He couldn't go to her, it will put her in jeopardy. But they stared at each other for a while. A stare that will live with them forever. Slowly he stood up. He was too weak to walk properly, so he dragged his feet on the sand as he walked towards the boat, Fr. Mark was on. And they left.

Its being twelve years. Since two teenagers had to leave their home. One by choice, the other by mandate. The building of St. Micheal cathedral could not contain the numbers that came for the ordination mass. The atmosphere was a happy one. Many parents came on their best attire for their child's ordination. Those to be ordained were all on white. It was a beautiful day. 12yrs of studying and perserverance has brought them to their destinies. Before the end of the day they shall be relligious. Their faces beamed with smile.
Among the congregation too were persons who also couldn't help but smile. One in particular caught the attention of many. It was a dark, tall beauty. Dressed in a very sophisicated manner. Even her engagement ring was made of diamond. she could hardly contain her joy. She was a medical doctor and today her best friend will be ordained a priest. The first priest, from her little riverline village.

Tari recalled how six month ago, shortly after she returned to Nigeria, she went for mass at St. Paul catholic church. The tall, handsome deacon looked too familiar to be true. Even as he read the prayer of the faithful his voice was so familiar. She controlled herself from shouting, Perrie during the mass. Immediately after mass she rushed to the sacristy and waited at the door. When the deacon came out, and stood in front of her. She had no doubt he was her forever best friend Perrie.

She hugged him, as everyone looked on with judgemental eyes. She didn't care, nor did he. He asked her what she was doing there? and why was she dressed casually? Wasn't she a reverend sister? He had asked with so much surprise in his eyes. She remembered how shocked he was, when she told him she left the convent. " it was not what i thought it would be" she had said. " many of those sister's are not as they appear, i was disappointed and i left. They were not angels" she ended flatly. She smiled as she recalled his response. " even among the twelve handpicked by Christ, there was a betrayer. Of course there are bound to be many Judas in the convent. People used by the devil are everywhere. But if one must serve God, one would have to look beyond all that, and see the bigger picture. Which is maximum dedication to God".
He had asked her what she became and she told him she was a medical doctor, and had returned to Nigeria shortly. But couldn't find her way home. Tears filled her eyes, as she recalled his story. On how her choice lead to his banishment. How he had to stay with Fr. Mark, got educated, became a mass server and decided to be a priest. He will be ordained in six month time, he had told her. She wiped the tears in her eyes, as she recalled the sadness in his eyes, when he told her he has not being home for twelve years, due to the terms of his banishment. What a twist, she thought. The one called eventually was not her, but him.

Those to be ordained were asked to lay on the rug used to cover the floor. As they were prayed for. As Perrie did, he remembered the first time he saw Tari after 12 years. To his amazement, he wasn't moved by the fact she was unmarried and can get married. Even when she hugged him, looking more beautiful than ever, it stirred no lustful emotions. That was the day he realised, giving his life to God as a priest, was truly his calling. He no longer doubt his love for the vocation. In the past, he had doubt the reason behind his choice of becoming a priest. But on that day he finally knew why.
It all started, during his years of banishment. He found strength to move on, from the mass sermons. The bible, and by just sitting inside the little church. He fell in love with God. An unseen being, who sent his only son to live a very humble life, and die for his inferiors. The greatest love of all.

At exactly 2pm the bishop said, i present to you the newest priests in town. Tari could not help but notice how cute he was in his white chasuable. Even her fiance Frank, who she met three months ago and is already engaged to. Had once said, " its weird you didn't fall in love with such a lovely cutie, but chose celibracy".

As the congregation clapped, Perrie looked at Fr. Mark, who was smiling proudly. He saw his mom, she clapped the most. He remembered how happy she was when he returned home with Tari, Six months ago. She had sworn to serve the white God, for taking good care of her son and proving his innocence. Truly, His innocence was proved just few months to his ordination. Setting him free. He looked at Tari who was sitting next to her fiance, they were clapping and smiling. He smiled back.
He felt fulfilled, satisfied, and at peace. He looked at the status of Chirst in the church and muttered gently, " indeed, its a satisfying strange call"

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