The Insufferable Arrogance of Larry King - A True Story

in #story7 years ago

"I never learned anything when I was talking." - Larry King

Here's a true story about Larry King.

My story is about one of those days when Larry apparently wasn't about to learn anything...

It was the early 1980's.

Back in the early days of Silicon Valley, I developed and sold an unbreakable encryption program for microcomputers.

The Apple ][ had recently fallen off the tree. I had worked hard to save up and purchase one. The Apple was the machine on and for which I had developed my guaranteed privacy software.

Enigma Machine Rotors

Enigma Machine Rotors
By TedColes via Wikimedia Commons

I remember tuning in Larry King on the radio.

I came across his show in progress one day while driving home from work.

King was interviewing an expert on the topic of codes and ciphers. The impression they were giving the audience was that the government was able to break any existing code or cipher. When they opened the show to callers, I had to try and refute that mistaken notion.

Having arrived at home, I was quite surprised to be connected shortly after dialing in. I found myself suddenly on-air in King's New York studio with Mr. King and his guest.

"Hello caller, you're on Larry King Live."

"Hello Mr. King, thank you for taking my call."

I proceeded to mention my software, based on the principles of the One-Time Pad or Vernam Cipher.

Much to my shock, King and his guest proceeded to ridicule me, claiming that there was no such thing as an unbreakable code.

Recovering my composure, I pointed out that the One Time System is clearly described in David Kahn's comprehensive book on cryptography, "The Codebreakers".

Larry King responded:

"It isn't so. I know David Kahn. David Kahn is a friend of mine. There is no such thing as an unbreakable code."

Larry King in action...

Larry King in action...
By Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley via Wikimedia Commons

I was flabbergasted.

Never before had I been up against an arrogance that would blatantly, publicly deny an easily verifiable statement. All anyone need do is open a copy of "The Codebreakers" by Kahn and read about Vernam Ciphers and the "one-time system."

King apparently knew that his audience would take his word over mine without giving it a second thought.

In my darker moments, I still wonder.

Is Larry King simply an arrogant, ignorant stooge? Or, is he is a shill for the powers that be who would rather have the "common man" believing that they are all-seeing and all-knowing?

"The one-time system is unbreakable both in theory and in practice."
- David Kahn, "The Codebreakers"

You can quite easily verify the existence of unbreakable codes for yourself. Read the description and rationale in "The Codebreakers" by David Kahn.

What can you learn from Larry King's hubris?

The next time you hear a talking head spout some adamant pontification, don't simply take his statement for granted. Should you take the word of an "authority" over a "common man," simply because the authority is a big name or a person in power? If the topic is a matter of importance to you, do your own research.

I don't know David Kahn. David Kahn is not a friend of mine. But he does write books.


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@creatr @creatr @creatr

"How to be a dick and ignore reality!" The new smash hit autobiographical novel from Larry King!

For sure! :O

You say this is a factual case but I smell 'fake news' here. Please provide us with your credentials! Have YOU written a published book or do YOU have your own radio or TV show. If not I cannot regard your opinion as valid I'm afraid. I take my information from'reliable' sources only I'm afraid but thank you for your uninformed opinion. :) Will upvote you based entirely on your effort unless of course proof of your state approved credentials can be provided.

Thank you

Hello @tonyr,

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my story. :)

Feel free to believe or disbelieve me, as you like. This is a story about my personal experience. I have a reputation here in the Steemit community, based on my personal interaction with many other Steemians. I write under pen names here because of issues of personal privacy, and so I'll respectfully decline your request for credentials beyond the 3800+ posts I've done here and my established reputation.

I will offer you an alternative source for the myth of unbreakable codes. Check out this Telegraph article in which that bit of falsehood is repeated. If you were really concerned, you might even find an archive of that particular Larry King show somewhere in the internet universe. It doesn't matter enough to me to go looking for that. Whether you believe my story to be "fake news" or not, you can say with certainty that @creatr thinks that Larry King is a pompous ass.

Treat my story as fiction if you like; the moral of the story is still the same. If you don't do your own research, you are likely to live in a fantasy world based on falsehood. You can check the reference links that I've provided within this article to verify that unbreakable codes themselves are quite real.

I'll close by inviting you to browse through, and hopefully enjoy, my hundreds of other articles on Steemit. If you read enough of what I write and observe my interaction with others, perhaps you'll be able to develop a more informed opinion of my truthfulness.

Meanwhile, it has been interesting to "meet" you here today, @tonyr. I've browsed a few of your pencil drawing at your blog. You have remarkable skill as an artist. Welcome to Steemit! :)

Thank you very much for your kind words about my artwork @creatr. Please forgive my comment as I think I may not have been clear in my attempt to be sarcastic. My skills as a writer need a lot of improvement but I agreed with everything you had to say in your article. From what I have seen of your work I think you are a very thoughtful human being and obviously very polite. I was simply trying to be sarcastic in an attempt to be humorous. Please accept my apologies. Your post showed up on my feed because I follow your blog and I do so because I enjoy reading what you have to say.

Thanks again.

Ah, perhaps I am a little slow today. :)

In any case, no harm, no foul, and thank you for making your intentions clear! :)

Thank you also for following my blog. I need to find more time to write, as I have much more good content knocking around in my head, trying to get out... ;) Please let me know if there are any particular topics of mine that you've enjoyed and would like to see more of!



Thank you, I look forward to seeing more of your posts in future and I like to comment so will hopefully get the chance to speak to you again soon, whether in agreement or disagreement but hopefully always in friendship.

Thanks again.


That sounds very good to me, my friend @tonyr ! :D

When it comes to celebrities, people always take their word, above Common Sense. I have no idea why the Kardashians are revered ? , other than that one of the Children could be used as a very inaccurate Compass! What an idiot you had to deal with.

I still find the whole incident hard to believe... even after all these years! :O

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