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RE: Me, Version 3.0

in #story7 years ago

"For the record, I'm not a huge fan of Edison, I'm more of a Tesla fan myself..."

Thanks for making that abundantly clear... Not that I was really worried. :D

(BIG Tesla fan myself...)




Thank you, @creatr. Wouldn't you love to have a few days with Tesla's notebooks that disappeared after his death?! I can't even imagine the work he did that hasn't been made public. He was WAY ahead of his time.

That would be fantastic. Much of what was stolen by the FBI was supposedly released not too long ago, but how would we know what may have been withheld? :O

BTW, are you familiar with and following @mage00000 ?

He seems to have some rather unique insights into Tesla's work and thought, and appears to have done a significant amount of experimentation with Tesla's designs... :) :D

We'll never know if what was released is complete. I'm not familiar with @mage00000 but am following him now! We know of a man in Minneapolis who claims to have built a perpetual motion engine based on Tesla's notes. He's posted video of the engine in action on social media but I don't know enough about it to be able to determine if it's authentic or not.

I've been studying and tinkering with magnetic motors and alternative energy tech of various kinds for decades now... No great successes to speak of, but I've seen enough and learned enough to be convinced that there is far more to learn and that abundant energy is "out there," given the right ideas, approaches, and open-minded thinking.

For me, the "holy grail" in this realm would be a relatively simple set of open-source plans that could be built from off the shelf materials that would just keep running...

One other fellow that I believe has "the secret sauce" is Rick Friedrich and he has been very open lately in publishing what he knows. I would dearly love to experiment with his ideas, but I've been too busy trying to learn how to market my own invented product to be able to afford the time to do so. If I ever get sales moving on their own to the point of survivability, I hope to do more research and experimentation. ;) :D

I often think of how different this world would be if Tesla's ideas were more widely adopted instead of Edison's. So does you product create colloidal silver? I tried the Sovereign Silver brand a few months ago during a horrible bout of the flu. The infection in my sinsuses was so bad both of my eyes got infected. I had a HORRIBLE experience with taking an powerful antibiotic (Z-Pack) in 2011 so I searched for an alterative. The colloidal silver cleared up the eye infection in two days! I'm a believer after that.

Our machines produce a 10ppm solution of silver ions and nano-scale particles. You start with pure, distilled water, and after four hours, the output (16oz) is essentially identical to Sovereign Silver brand, which (last time I looked on Amazon) costs as much for a gallon as the "street price" of the SILVERengines proton...

So, after eight batches, the machine has essentially paid for itself, and the silver rods are still good for another 100 to 200 batches. The rods are replaceable.

If you checked the link in my last message, you may have seen that we're presently temporarily promoting the machines at an even better price. :D

All this is purely FYI, of course. While I would love to sell you (or any Steemian) one of my machines, I'm (generally speaking) a very "low pressure" salesman. ;) Always happy to answer questions, of course.

Thanks for sharing your story about silver and your sinuses and eyes! I first got into silver about 25 years ago because of chronic sinus infections! :)

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