[Zuton] : Boxed in (4)

in #story7 years ago (edited)


The sharp pain rushing up her right arm jolts her back to consciousness and as her eyes flash open; she realizes the confines she is trapped in.

There is a small hole directly in front of her and another above that exposes a blue sky. The whistle of the wind fills the space she is in and the cold temperature indicates further that she is outside.


source - photo by johan munsberg

She raises her uninjured wrist and feels around the space in an attempt to work out where she is. There are four cold walls encasing her and they are ice cold to the touch. Her back is resting against one and her shins are slightly grazing one in front of her body.

She’s boxed in.

Her foot stings and she lets out a groan in agony as she squirms in her curled up position. It feels like her foot is wrapped up in some type of bandaging.

As she moves to hit the side of the box with her shoulder, she clips her wrist on her leg and screams out in agony. She bites down hard and her whole body shudders uncontrollably.

Open the DSound post below and close your eyes, listen to the file and open them again when it's finished. Scroll down when the file is finished to finish the rest of the story.

► Listen on DSound

There are muffled noises surrounding her as she centers herself and rests her strong foot against the metal wall. She uses all her strength to push against the side of the box in an effort to break free.

Not surprising, she fails miserably and her movement has attracted the attention of somebody.

Footsteps approach her, and in an instant, the blue sky disappears from above. It is closed off with the slide of something built into the metal boxes.

These are designed for this. All the hope she had, slowly fades away as doubt creeps back into her mind.

She maneuvers herself while clenching her teeth from the excruciating pain, in an attempt to get in a position to look out of the hole in the box. Her shins pulled close to her chest she is able to spin herself around enough to look out of the hole in the box.


source - photo by dmitry ratushny

The next thing she sees is the gleam off the edge of the blade heading towards her.

All code blocked pieces of text are open for interaction. If you have a suggestion and would like to see some different text within the code blocks, leave your comment below. When the next part is uploaded, the edits will be finalized.

Also, suggestions and ideas for the next part are appreciated and considered.

< Lights out

> [Next]


Great idea asking for input into your story line.
Nice work so far, keep it up.

You should look back through the series. I've been asking for input from the very beginning.

Okay, so this is a bit of a tough one for me. I am not used to fiction writing in the sense of creating imagery and scenes that are detailed - and my ideas may be too cliché (I've ran through many bad ones in my head).

I think we need to remember the Sia may have cut or punctured some foot or something, and has snapped a wrist, so that will have to be part of the sensation. Possibly, it has been tended and wrapped in a bandage or something.

Idea 1

Her grandma is part of this secret grandma society where they take their grand-daughters when they are the 'ideal' age of fertility. These grandmas believe that society is going backwards and the new generation are total crap, and the only way to save humanity is by editing the genes of the women's ovum and clone their genes onto them. Science is not my forte, but that would be a cool idea.

As for images, I'm too lazy to download and upload, but here is a link: https://unsplash.com/photos/tGYrlchfObE

Idea 2

I am not sure about the reasons etc, but I envision water dripping. Maybe its sewage system or something, or just some basement where they have either a pool or like a 10cm of water or something.

From this idea, I am getting that maybe, this company or some person or something is capturing people (women for sure) and creating hybrid human-animals. Like a mermaid sort of thing. Or like a human-octopus. That would be a cool creature. I love octopi! So the feeling and imagery here would be the waters and the slimyness and I realised this sounds like the BuddyUP Aquarium?? hahahaha. In both my ideas, there will be other kidnapped people, so there will be some screaming and grunts and scared people.

Here's the image: https://unsplash.com/photos/7gA0_YvrasQ

That's All, Folks!

I hope that other people come up with more creative ideas or, if they like one of mine, contribute and help them up. Again, I know I did not provide a lot of detail because this is not my area-of-expertise, so I hope you can take this from here and make it into something. Or from someone else's, I don't mind!

These are verrrry interesting indeed! I like how you have incorporated some dystopia-esque future into the ideas. I like how you've thought of the sci-fi route too. I really like the grandma idea, there could definitely be some kind of higher figure who has been on the face of Zuton for centuries and they are trying to attempt some ethical genocide (those two words really don't fit together well haha!).

Great ideas though, you've opened up my mind as to what the story could be. I'm going to consider how I can bring back the mysterious character from the last part and get the usual suspense going again.

I am glad that they helped you up. I can have wild ideas - but I don't write stories, and I know that it is hard to manage many facets of a story and weave them together etc. In time, if i had to write a story, it would become incongruent, but at least the creativity has still some potential. Glad I could help :)

I am glad that they helped you up. I can have wild ideas - but I don't write stories, and I know that it is hard to manage many facets of a story and weave them together etc. In time, if i had to write a story, it would become incongruent, but at least the creativity has still some potential. Glad I could help :)

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