My time as a school teacher Part 5

in #story8 years ago

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Probably my last go for a while. The effort involved in this is too much for the return. I need to research Steemit and figure out how I am failing here. Once I figure it out I will return with more installments. This entry does not really convey the struggle I dealt with. I was spending an inordinate amount of time in the classroom trying to get my act together. I believed the criticisms I was receiving. As for the students, they were rough on me and I thought I was a terrible teacher. In hindsight I was going through the crucible and speaking with peers after the fact, they went through it too, even the experienced teachers.

Right before Christmas, the student who gave me the most trouble in class came in and handed me a present. He said “here,” and turned around and left. I was stunned. Over Christmas break I engaged in a lot of reflection. I needed to figure out what I was going to do and whether teaching was my calling. I returned to the classroom determined to see the year through.

I believed I was making strides in the classroom and I felt confident that I was improving. Administrators did not come into my classroom and I was receiving a tremendous amount of criticism but I persevered. My mentor and department chair were very supportive of my efforts. I received my employee evaluation in May and was placed on a plan of action; almost all of my evaluations were in the “Needs Improvement” category. I had not had a formal observation since October. I was ready to move to another occupation, I felt teaching was not for me. While I truly loved my students and had a great appreciation for their parents, I was not prepared to deal with the other professionals in the educational world. Two events changed my future and I believe they were an answer to prayers.

In late May the father of one of my students came by to see me in the afternoon. While we were discussing his son, the Principal walked into my room and asked the father to come to his office. The father agreed but said, “I would like to bring [him] with me.” I do not remember all the details of our conversation but I vividly remember the father saying that the teacher that had the greatest impact on his son was his “brother of the heart, [me].” I was stunned and looked at the Principal to see if there would be any reaction. There was not.

In June, with school almost over and with me still contemplating my future, I received a second affirmation that I should not give up on my vocation. When returning to my classroom after dropping off my students for lunch, I found an envelope on my desk. In it was a letter from the young man who gave me the Christmas gift. He explained to me how much I meant to him and told me he was thankful I was there for him. He knew I was struggling but he wanted to know if I would be back the following year. That afternoon I told him I was not done yet.

On the last day of school, I paid the Director a visit and asked him if he wanted me back the following school year. He told me that he would be thrilled to have me back and I assured him I would see him in July.

The pictures I include were taken by me on my trip across the USA in 2014. I wrote these entries during that trip.

Previous entries:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


I hear you, is it really worth writing on here.
You know what they say Teachin' aint easy.

I wrote this post here, it might apply to some people . . .

Hope you could find the part I am meaning about finding your place in Steemit.

Just a rah rah rah motivational speech : )

/ hugz ; )

See you on the BlockChain . . .

Sure isn't. I see you have posted more than I have and are just as frustrated. I will do some research but cannot figure this out.

I post a blog hints and tips post called college level education course.

This is meant to say to people writing and presenting is not easy and there are no fast ways to rewards, except for the chosen few. The chosen few are those people who have experience.

To earn a college degree it is 2 or 3 years of hard study and expense and practice to qualify as a teacher or accountant or whatever. The people earning money are experienced bloggers or authors or presenters.

I myself earn enough on steemit to buy chewing gum occasionally, that is because three months ago I was a terrible writer. Then I just became a bad writer after being promoted upward from terrible.

Now I am just a poor writer; but I am improving and having some fun spinning hints and tips and stories with some nice seeming random stranger friends I am making on steemit . . .

My advice if you do not like people, if you do not want to be involved in things then Steemit might not be for you, but rather you should try and find a niche or subject you are interested in and work to stamp your name all over that topic category tag.

Once your no longer a stranger, you will start to understand your place on Steemit; your mission should you choose to accept it is, just be adventurous : )

/ hugz ; )

Interestingly I am not terribly worried about the money side, I am trying to figure out how to get read. Thank you for the encouragement, it is appreciated. As I said, I need to get an education about Steem and probably am further behind because I am not a Reddit guy.

I am no expert, especially upon the subject of Social Media . . .

However I think the best bang for my buck or time input would be something like this. Firstly find three topics you like and know something about, then make sure you also puruse STEEMIT and STEEM. These are your platform website topics so you should become familiar with some of all this : )

Make comments that are brief and respectful and helpful in your three chosen areas. Over time by being polite and respectful you will slowly build a following. I always follow anyone following me.

Currently I have 60 followers; I seek out those I like and post comments on their stuff, I upvote from my feed. My feed is not the whole of steemit, just those I am 'connected' with, like following.

I do not upvote to get upvotes, I upvote stuff I like or stuff I dislike but seems genuinely helpful or useful information. Over time you make connections, so make sure you never burn network bridges and always be considerate toward other steemians.

Slowly you will grow, especially if you work at getting better at writing and presenting. Nothing sucks worse on websites than hoping to get noticed and no one seems to be online.

Build up you online voice slowly, try and get real good at making noteworthy or interesting or entertaining posts; the rest will follow : )

Remember the people here had years of blogging experience and probably never made any real money, they just blogged because they felt their message was important . . .

See you on the BlockChain : )

/ hugz ; )

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