in #story6 years ago

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Chapter 3
Another Side Of Him

“Hello? Earth to Alex?”
I shook my head and turned toward Tracey. “What?”
She pointed at the board. “Finish the equation. What’s wrong with you, you’ve been spacey all week.”
I glanced toward Gabriel at the front of the class and noticed his head tilted in our direction.
“There is nothing wrong; I’ve just been thinking that’s all.”
She edged her head forward as if asking me to carry on.
“About nothing, don’t worry.”
She looked like she wanted to push it further but instead, she turned back to her work.
It’s Friday now. The week went by so fast. Gabriel and I acted as if Monday never even happened. We’re basically back to normal. I haven’t brought up the fact that I had no idea what he was talking about when he said he lost control when he… kissed me.
Sure it was insignificant… it was a small kiss. A press to the lips. It was nothing.
But it meant something to me. It felt… different somehow.
In my whole high school life I’ve probably had two real boyfriends. Yeah, I’ve dated, but any kiss I had before that seemed… insignificant. How could that simple peck bring along a whirlwind of questions with it?
The bell rang signalling lunch. I was following Tracey out of the room when I tripped over my own feet and dropped most of papers. I sighed and started picking everything up. I didn’t look up when I noticed someone picking up the rest of my papers.
I stood up and looked at the attractive guy holding everything out. He had light chocolate brown eyes and short brown hair.
He smiled at me.
“Thanks,” I said as I took them.
“You’re welcome,” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You’re Alexis Gardiner right?”
I nodded. “Yeah, um, I’m sorry if this sounds rude but, who are you?”
He chuckled and held out his hand. “Tommy Hill,”
I shook it and raised a brow. “Are you in any of my classes because I don’t recognise you?” I started walking toward my locker and he walked with me.
“Ah, no I’m not. I have classes with your friend, I think, Gabriel.”
I nodded slowly and entered the combination. “Well, thanks for helping me.”
“No problem at all.” He scratched his head.
I turned slightly and saw Gabriel at the end of the hall near the doors. He was staring at something on the wall but it looked like he was concentrating on something else entirely. I furrowed my eyebrows at the clench in his jaw before placing the rest of my notebooks in my locker.
“So, um, Alexis I know we’ve just met but I was wondering if you would want to do something tonight?”
I closed my locker and stared at him. He seemed nice but, I just met him I don’t know what he’s like. Then again he seemed innocent enough. But I have to make it seem like I didn’t really want to. It’s like a number one rule.
“Um, I just met you. I don’t know…”
He smiled. “The point of the date is so we can get to know each other.”
“And why is it you want to get to know me?” I wondered truly intrigued.
“Beacuse I find you attractive.” He stated bluntly.
Interesting guy… “One date.”
Tommy’s smile widened. “Great. What’s your number?” I gave it to him and he gave me his. “Great. I’ll pick you up later?”
I raised a brow. “How do you know where I live?”
“Brian will tell me,” He winked. “I’ll text you a time.” He smiled and walked off in the opposite direction.
He seemed like a good guy. Pretty good looking too, almost next door neighbourish… I shook away the thought and look down the hall. He was still there but he looked deep in thought.
I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. “What’re you thinking about?”
He shook his head and smiled down at me. “Nothing.”
“You’re lying.” I bumped into him.
“Alright fine. I was thinking about Monday.”
I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Don’t you wish I never said that now?” He asked with a chuckle. “Don’t worry. I realise you are never going to let the fact that I’m keeping secrets from you, bother you. But at the same time you are not going to let it go.”
I nodded as I glanced down at my feet.
“It hurts me to keep secrets from her…” I heard in a whisper.
Was he talking to himself?
I yanked his arm so he was standing in front of me. “Then why keep secrets from me if it’s hurting you, Gabriel?”
He stared at me blankly like I just uttered blasphemy. He opened his mouth to say something but Brian interrupted.
“Hey you two,”
I smiled at him. Gabriel continued to stare at me like I had something on my face.
Brian looked back and forth between us. “Trouble in paradise?”
I shook my head. “We’ll meet you by the tree, okay?”
Brian nodded and walked off.
He put his hands on my upper arms and lowered his head to my level to look me in the eye. “I’m doing it to keep your safe, Lexie. No more questions. Please.”
He walked off towards the tree.
“You can’t just say that and tell me not to ask questions!” I shouted after him.
He glanced back at me but continued walking.
I sighed. Once at the tree, I closed my eyes and thought about what Gabriel could have meant by keeping me safe. From what, was the main question. We live in North Carolina, what the hell could there be to protect me from?
I started and finished my sandwich in seconds. The bell rang, surprising me, telling me to move off to my next class. I looked around wondering where Gabriel could have wandered off to. He was here a second ago! I frowned.
Gabriel disappeared without even saying bye.
I looked myself over in the mirror from my jean cut off’s from Abercrombie and Fitch to my baggy gray crop top from Urban Outfitter’s later that evening. I was so not dressing up for him even though I was completely tempted.
It was very warm outside so I didn’t care if I was wearing shorts and a crop top. I walked out of the room and was immediately attacked by Anthony. “And where are you going, little one?”
I snorted. “Little?”
He slapped my arm and I didn’t even flinch. He frowned. “Alright. Different question. Where are you going dressed like that?”
“Out, obviously.” I replied.
“Does dad know you’re going like that?”
I shook my head. “And we are going to keep it that way.”
The doorbell rang.
“Is that Gabriel? Is that who the date’s with?” Ant asked.
My eyes widened as I walked down the stairs with him. “No! His name is Tommy. See you later, Ant. Bye Mom!” I shouted.
“Bye, baby!” She yelled from the kitchen.
I opened the door and standing there was Tommy in a plaid red and white shirt and jeans.
And my dad.
“Oh-uhh- hey dad.” I said with a smile.
He raised his thick eyebrow at me and glanced down at Tommy. “Hello sweetie,” He kissed my forehead and walked in.
My dad was an older more bulkier version of Anthony except he had brown eyes. He’s an awesome dad but he’s quite protective when it comes to me. If anything happened to me, I had to keep it from dad or he would murder whoever did it.
He looked me up and down and frowned. “And where are you off to… dressed like that.”
Tommy cleared his throat. “I’m taking her to the movies, sir.”
I smiled at him.
But my dad frowned. “Alright then,” He turned to me. “Have fun. No later than 12. I love you and if something happens,” He glanced at Tommy. “I’m on speed dial.”
I laughed and walked out of the house. We went to his car laughing about my dad. This evening seems to be starting off well.

He held my hand as we walked out of the theatre laughing.
“That was a funny film.” He said.
I nodded. “Yeah, I am so watching Vampire’s Suck again. It was hilarious, I mean, I love Twilight but that film almost made me pee myself.”
We laughed and walked outside. When I was about to go to his car he pulled on my arm. “Let’s go for a walk.”
I shrugged and walked with him. We started talking about how school was even crappier this year and what classes we were taking.
When we were in an empty, small one way road with closed shops on both sides he said, “Have you had many boyfriends?”
I shook my head. “I’ve had two long term boyfriends but otherwise nope.”
He hmm’d and nodded.
That’s when he shocked me by pushing me up against the wall and forcing his lips on mine.
I pushed him off but he stayed pinned to my body. “What the hell?!”
“I heard your untouchable,” He said in a dark voice. “I heard you’re still a virgin but you’ve done a lot of stuff. Is it true?”
I blushed and gasped. “I am not untouchable, what kind of bullshit is that! And yes I am still a virgin if it’s any of your business, asshole.” I tried pushing again but he wouldn’t budge.
“Why? You have every guy worshipping the ground you walk on.”
I’m not answering to this prick. I slapped him. “Get out of my face.”
He stretched his jaw and smirked evilly. “There was no need for that,” His hand smoothed his way up my leg. I shuddered in disgust and pushed at his hand. He sighed. “I don’t want to hurt you Alexis.”
I tried shoving him again.
But then he back handed me. I grunted as my head whipped to the side. The side of my face was throbbing as I held back the tears. My heart was beating a mile a minute through my chest when I started to realise the reality of this situation.
I turned to him and saw him grinning. “Sorry, but you brought that on yourself. Now,” His hand touched my stomach. “Where was I?”
I’d never thought I’d get… well, violated. The thought scared the living shit out of me. Right now feels like a nightmare I couldn’t get out of and I didn’t know what to do. All I could do was try over and over again to push him away or to shout or scream but that was all.
Tears started rolling down my face. “No, please don’t.” I tried kicking him but my legs were pinned down.
“This’ll be easy. Just co-operate and you’ll be fine.”
His hands went to my jean shorts zip. I started slapping and kicking harder than ever. “No get off me! G-”
He gasped and suddenly he was flying through the air. He hit the wall opposite with a shuddering thump.
What the hell.
I looked around and saw the one person I was sure as hell not expecting to see here.
He looked so enraged; I’ve never seen such a fury in one face. His eyes looked even brighter when he was angry.
Oh god, breathe in… out… in… out-
I heard a choking noise and snapped my head toward Tommy. My eyes widened. He was up against the wall holding his hands near his neck like he was trying to rip someone off of him.
I turned to Gabriel and saw his hand slightly raised in Tommy’s direction. His palm faced down and his finger was slightly raised. His face showed clear signs of concentration.
“Alexis, get in the car.” He said in a dark, different tone.
How could I have not heard his car park near us? I walked toward the passenger side with shaky legs, opened the door but didn’t get in.
I watched him.
Tommy was still half choking and Gabriel was still staring at him with his hand slightly raised.
His eye’s started to roll to the back of his head.
“G-Gabriel.” I whispered shakily.
He clenched his jaw and dropped his hand reluctantly. And at that exact moment Tommy dropped to the floor in a coughing fit.

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