improve by addressing the lack of | meningkatkan dengan mengatasi kekurangan

in #story7 years ago (edited)



a father has a boy aged 5 years. He put his son to a music school to learn piano. He hopes could someday see his son become a pianist. Once, the city of residence of the father and the child the arrival of a pianist is famous for. In a short time the concert tickets are already sold out. Dad bought 2 tickets to a show, to himself and his son. On the day of the show, one hour before the concert started, the seats have been filled. The child sits on the father's side. The child does not enjoy sitting still for too long. Unbeknownst to his father he slipped away.

seorang ayah memiliki anak lelaki berumur 5 tahun. Ia memasukkan putranya ke sekolah musik untuk belajar piano. Ia berharap kelak bisa melihat anaknya menjadi pianis yang terkenal. Suatu ketika, kota tempat tinggal ayah dan anak itu kedatangan seorang pianis tersohor. Dalam waktu singkat tiket konser telah terjual habis. Ayah membeli 2 tiket pertunjukan, untuk dirinya dan anaknya. Pada hari pertunjukan, satu jam sebelum konser dimulai, kursi telah terisi penuh. Anak duduk di samping ayah. Si anak tidak betah duduk diam terlalu lama. Tanpa sepengetahuan ayahnya ia menyelinap pergi.



the lights in the building dimmed, I was surprised to realize that his son is not there beside him He was more surprised when he saw his son was near the stage show. The children are walked over to the piano that will be played pianist. Without doubt the boy sitting in front of the piano and began to play a recital song. Simple song "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

lampu gedung mulai diredupkan, ayah terkejut menyadari bahwa putranya tidak ada di sampingnya Ia lebih terkejut ketika melihat anaknya berada di dekat panggung pertunjukan. Si anak sedang berjalan menghampiri piano yang akan dimainkan pianis. Tanpa ragu anak itu duduk di depan piano dan mulai memainkan sebuah resital lagu. Lagu sederhana "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

The Operator spotlights surprised to hear the tinkling sound of the piano.He thought the concert had started without the cue first.He immediately shined the light into the middle of the stage. The entire audience was shocked to see who was on stage just a kid.the pianist hurried up to the stage.

Operator lampu sorot terkejut mendengar denting suara piano.Ia mengira konser telah dimulai tanpa aba- aba terlebih dahulu.Ia langsung menyorotkan lampunya ke tengah panggung.Seluruh penonton terkejut melihat yang berada di panggung hanyalah seorang anak kecil.sang pianis bergegas naik ke panggung.

The pianist He smiled and said, "Keep playing". the child was thrilled to get the green light forward the game. The pianist sat down beside the boy. He began to play offset the recitals of the game kids fill in all the weaknesses of the game boy. It creates a composition of a very beautiful game They seemed to blend in the game harmonious.

Sang pianis Ia tersenyum berkata, "Teruslah bermain". sang anak senang mendapat lampu hijau meneruskan permainannya. Sang pianis duduk di samping anak itu. Ia mulai bermain mengimbangi resital permainan anak mengisi semua kelemahan permainan anak itu. Terciptalah suatu komposisi permainan yang sangat indah Mereka seakan menyatu dalam permainan yang harmonis.

welcome to this rousing cheers. A wreath is thrown into the middle of the stage. the child is so big head, he thought Crazy I'm just learning piano a month alone is great. He forgot that cheered on the audience is the pianist who fills all its shortcomings and make the game perfect.

menyambut dengan tempik sorakan meriah. Karangan bunga dilemparkan ke tengah panggung. sang anak jadi besar kepala, pikirnya Gila gue baru belajar piano sebulan saja sudah hebat. Ia lupa yang disoraki penonton adalah sang pianis yang mengisi semua kekurangannya dan menjadikan permainannya sempurna.

Thank you

Birrul Walidaini


Great story. I love steemit because i found people like you here who share this kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing my friend. Liked

Thanks you so much :)

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