Secret Fantasy Glove Fetish - steemit exclusive

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Ah, there she is again, he thought as he queued up with his friends to get into the nightclub.

The anticipation he felt was palpable and increasing, making him fidget as they approached the entrance to the club. By the time their turn to be allowed past her to go in and pay arrived, he was trembling as usual.

His tremors could easily be explained away in the cold of the winter evenings, queuing for ten minutes or more, with little more than a shirt or t-shirt on. Most of his friends were shaking too, as were the rest of the enthusiastic club-goers.

All attired in similar fashion, shirts or designer t-shirts for the men, skimpy belts for skirts or equally short dresses for the women, of course the wait would be a cold one.

The door staff frequently shook their heads in amazement as the punters shivered and shook outside in the usually cold and wet street. Cries from the queue of “Hurry up, we’re freezing!” were met with, “I’m not, but then again, I’m wearing a coat!”

“Just wait there lads, please,” she said, pulling the thick braided red rope across in front of them. The group gave a collective groan that they were stopped before gaining the relative warmth of the foyer.

When the previous six customers – or punters as they were referred to in the trade – had paid and cleared the till area, she said, “Right you are lads, in you go!” Her leather gloves glinted in the lights and he wanted – needed - to reach out and touch them, but as usual, he daren’t.

Instead, he looked on jealously as a tall, toned and well-muscled man approached, ignored the queue and went right up to her, took her hand and hugged her in a greeting.

“Hiya Karina, I’m ok to go in am I?” he said, waiting for her reply.

She nodded and said, “Sure, Pete.” And she held back the group in order that the friend could get in first.

“That’s Pete Donnelly; he goes to the same gym as me!” Ricky said.

“You might go to the same gym, but do you do any work when you’re there Ricky?” Another friend shouted and the jovial reply of “Fuck off!” was met with laughter from the group.

“Hiya Karina!” They chorused, as they filed past, but as usual, she only nodded to them rather than answering, her attention on the queue again.

He paid his entrance fee with a sense of anti-climax; it would be at least an hour before she came inside. But he knew that if she felt very cold, she would keep her big coat on for a little while until she warmed through, that meant those gloves would stay on too!

Then the lads were in and on their way to the bar.

Image - pixabay

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