Destined to be... 5th part exclusive to steemit

in #story7 years ago

On a cold, wet night, he found just how far she would go…


She took a chain that was hanging from a hefty metal frame and clipped it onto the bar that held his hands apart. He had no time to protest before she had hauled on the other end of the chain and his hands were pulled up above his head to be locked by the chain being hooked to the frame.

“My Lady…” he began, but she was ready for his questions and had a ball gag in his mouth and fastened at the back of his head before he got further into the sentence. He tried to shake his head to prevent her from fastening it, but to no avail. He realised that if he was going to rebel and escape, as had been his earlier plan, then the time had passed. He was completely in her power.

He could hear her moving about behind him, but each time he tried to turn around to watch, she slapped him with the paddle. She worked in silence and his curiosity was beginning to change to mild panic. No one knew where he was – even he was unsure. No one would miss him for a day or so, he had become a virtual recluse since the break-up of his relationship, and his friends, family and workmates were giving him a little space in order to get his act together. He was, as they say, shafted.

“Now, I realise that you are relatively new to this, but even still, you have a certain aptitude which I am going to exploit. I shall indulge you by being gentle this first time, but on subsequent visits to me, you shall progress and improve.”

He could not believe his ears; she had implied that he would return and he could think of nothing that he would rather do less than make another visit to this house of insanity. And yet his body again disagreed with him – his erection was by now standing proud and swollen in anticipation.

“The gag is there for my benefit; I do not want to hear your pathetic pleas and attempts at negotiation. Perhaps in future, I shall allow you to hold your own tongue, but until you have proven that you can and will, I will hold it for you.”

He flinched as her nails touched his testicles and scratched their way up the length of his hard-on to grip the head of it just beneath the glans where they exerted a little extra pressure on his most tender of places.

Her finger then rubbed the tip of his penis, taking the clear liquid from it and using that to lubricate the front, slipping her finger on and off the pronounced ridge just below the tip. He was quivering by the time the lubricant had been worn away and she stopped. His hips were thrusting forwards, sub-consciously trying to touch her with his eager and glistening cock. He realised that he had been holding his breath and let it go in great shuddering gasps, past the solid ball of the gag.

Then she disappeared behind him again and he heard the swish of something passing through the air and the swatting noise as something flexible and soft hit his buttocks. The sensation was not quite painful, but he flinched just the same.

“Oh you big baby! That didn’t hurt you! Stop flinching or I shall give you something to flinch for!” she chided.

She continued to administer the sensation and he soon acknowledged that this was becoming ever more pleasurable with each stroke. The blows increased in intensity but were punctuated by a soothing hand caressing each buttock after each cluster of two or three strokes. On a few occasions, a finger would slip under his buttocks to slide gently over his perineum and towards his balls, which were by now pulled up under his straining penis so tight that defining them as two was almost impossible.

His arse was tingling by now, but not an unpleasant sensation. She then pressed her body to his, the cool leather of her skirt soothing his reddened buttocks delightfully. Her hand snaked around his front to grasp a nipple as her other hand gripped his hair and pulled his head back so that her lips were close to his ear.

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