The Final Showdown: A Personal Story about Good Drugs and Bad Drugs

in #story6 years ago (edited)

I was lucky that I never got too deep into the "bad" drugs when I was going through my experimental phase. I tried some of those things but I found that I liked weed and psychedelics far better than anything else and those happen to be pretty harmless as far as mind altering substances go. However, there was a period where I would snort a line of cocaine without much thought if someone was offering it to me. I think that some of the negative image of that drug is overblown (as is the case with all drugs) but I certainly don't believe that using it for recreational purposes is the best idea that a person can have and I would refuse it if it was offered to me now. I didn't always feel that way, though. As I said, I was experimental. That is to say, I was experimental until a very specific night changed my feelings about cocaine and the other "party drugs." You see, there was a duel of sorts where "good" drugs and "bad" drugs went head to head in my mind. The experience was extremely difficult for me but, in the end, the results were largely positive.

A friend and I had called the mushroom man to buy an ounce of our favorite fungus. That was more than we had planned on consuming but we wanted to have a few trips on hand for later. The mushroom man told us that he would be there to do the deal at seven o'clock and we began to wait.

As was increasingly the case, the mushroom man did not appear at the designated time. We were used to that behavior so we weren't too upset. We smoked and watched T.V. for a while but time kept crawling ahead at an alarming pace. Eight came and went. Then nine and ten but, still, there was no sign of the mushroom man and we began to think that the trip was not going to happen.

The doorbell rang and we went to answer it. We knew that it was not the mushroom man but friends often stopped by and having a little company was a welcome distraction from our growing disappointment.


The individual who was outside (we will call him Cokey) was not the frequent visitor. While Cokey didn't come around very often, we were always happy to see him. He was a friend and someone we liked to spend time with but he had some serious addiction problems and he was what one might call a "fuck up." He was a nice guy though and he was always happy to help whenever it was asked of him so we all looked past his shortcomings.

When he came in, we began smoking and explaining our frustrations to him. The mushroom man was also Cokey's weed man and he knew how things can go when the mushroom/weed man says "I will be there in a little while." Cokey, being the sympathetic type, felt our pain and asked us if we wanted to do some lines with him. "Yeah," we said excitedly as we began readying a surface to cut them up on.


There is no need to describe using cocaine. It looks pretty much like it does in the movies. You divide it, suck it into your nose, and that is about the extent of it. Then, you feel really good and confident for about forty-five minutes and, after that, you start feeling terrible as your high crashes.

Maybe five minutes after we had shared some of his bitter but oddly pleasant tasting white powder, the mushroom man was at the door. To our surprise, the trip was on. Cokey offered him a line and we all snorted a little more while the mushroom man helped to make the mushroom tea.

We drank our tea and we gave some to Cokey, since he was nice enough to share his drug of choice with us while we were waiting for our drug of choice to arrive. The mushroom man went on his way while we waited for the trip to begin. Almost immediately, things started getting weird. There is usually a period of anxiety before psychedelics come on but, this time, the coke buzz was increasing that to levels that I would almost describe as a mild panic attack. I felt unusually hot too. Mushrooms can make you sweat but, as was the case with the anxiety, this was far worse than what is typical. I didn't know how the rest of the night was going to play out but it was clear that mushrooms and cocaine do not get along and that there was a "conflict" on the horizon.


The mushrooms had washed away the sense of euphoria that is one of the defining characteristics of coke and the cocaine was preventing me from submitting to the trip and letting it overcome my consciousness. One substance increases the ego, the other suppresses it and that did not make for a pleasant state of mind. I was tripping but everything felt wrong. The drugs were fighting it out and I was caught in the middle. I was acutely aware of myself and what I was feeling. Without the "high" of the cocaine, I was able to see all of its problematic qualities in myself and in my fellow psychonauts. I wondered what the point of such a drug is. It might serve some purpose (its numbing effect was useful in dentistry once and the stimulation could be helpful in certain situations) but I sensed that there is something wrong with it and the way it encourages people to behave. I don't mean that in the drug warrior sense. Cocaine feels good and it lets you trick yourself into thinking that you are acting normally. However, the clarity of the trip allowed me to see that we were not acting normally ( normally for people on mushrooms, anyway). We were jittery, gritting our teeth, and unable to relax. "This is not a good look," I thought to myself.

The trip was coming on strong and my first friend would not shut up. He kept talking and talking and that was driving me crazy. Normal trip conversations flow in a way that seems natural, if somewhat "rambly" but this was not that. It seemed as though he was compelled to talk and that this compulsion was the result of the same internal "fight" that was happening inside of myself. I finally handed him the bong in the hope that smoking would keep him quiet for a little while. I was wrong because he held it instead of hitting it and continued talking.

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The coke crash was now upon us and we were all reacting differently. Cokey was talking about wanting more coke which sounded incredibly unpleasant to me and demonstrated the level of his addiction. He knew as well as I did that the terrible experience which we were all sharing was brought about by that drug but his drive to keep using it was stronger than his desire to have the experience to come to an end. My other friend was still vocalizing every thought that came across his mind. I had tuned him out for the most part but he was hard to look at. His body was scrunched and tense as he clutched the bong awkwardly in his hand and he was rapidly bouncing his heal in a way that made him seem to be vibrating with discomfort. I was caught in my head trip and contemplating the fundamental differences between the substances that we had mixed. It seemed to me that they cannot coexist and that this experience was the conflict that forcing them together had caused. I began to question my decisions. Why am I wasting time with these "party drugs" when we have weed and psychedelics and all of their benevolent benefits? What "path" am I on? Is Cokey's addiction the natural result of use or is he weak minded and allowing himself to be controlled by his habits or is there something else at play in his life? Those questions swirled around my mind and I felt a sense of dread and extreme sympathy for Cokey. That same series of thoughts and events became a loop that lasted for hours. Cokey kept wanting coke. Talky kept talking. I kept thinking.


Finally, something changed. The mushrooms had overcome the power of the stimulant (not surprisingly as psychedelics usually "win," in my experience), the trip began to feel more familiar, and I came to understand what was happening. Cokey decided to leave to, presumably, go find more coke and Talky's talking started to run out of steam and I began to realize that these drugs pull a user in different directions and that mixing them was asking for this sort of internal conflict. Talky (later confirmed my suspicions about his experience by telling me that he had tried to keep talking in order to avoid the same types of feelings that I was having) and I followed the mushrooms and their pull. Cokey went the other way.

That night changed the way I viewed the subject of "party drugs" and the value that they hold. I didn't begin to think about them in the way that the anti-drug propagandists would like but I saw that their potential recreation or self-exploration often isn't worth the price that they come along with. Coke makes a person feel very good but it can also make that person look like an ass while he or she is too busy being undeservedly confident to notice. To people like Cokey, its use can also be highly problematic and cause unnecessary hardship. I made the decision that morning (the sun was beginning to rise at this point) that coke specifically and the "party drugs" in general were not for me.

Talky went on to have a normal life though I have lost touch with him in the years since this incident. I don't know what happened to Cokey. I saw him a few times after that but his presence faded from the lives of everyone around me so his fate is a mystery to me. I stuck to my decision and I haven't touched any of the "party drugs" since then. I even (mostly) cut alcohol out of my life (not for "moral" or addiction reasons, it just always made me feel kind of crappy the next day and I don't attribute that to this trip). I don't know if my story had a point but I am reminded of a bit that was preformed by the comedian, Doug Stanhope. I am poorly paraphrasing him but he essentially said that one can tell the difference between a "good" drug and a "bad" drug because the things that one thinks on "good" drugs are still true the next day. From my perspective, I was given a little taste of that truth. In a night, I was forced to understand that my view of the world was flawed. I learned that a drug being fun and not as cartoonishly "bad" as the authorities say does not mean that it is necessarily positive. It took a psychedelic slap in the face but I was taught that lesson and I believe that it remains "true" even after all of the years that have passed.


All the images in this post are sourced from the free image website,


Hi @artisticscreech! I've never had a trip before nor enjoyed coke, but hey, we all have our tastes right? I really liked how you had the guts to mix both of those at the same time. At least it made a good experience and a good story to write to your blog, in fact:
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I remember last year, I was traveling in Colombia and there I tried cokey for the first time. I had to try to see if I like it, so it was also experimental. There was also this thing the people in the hostel made me try, the one in a small bottle that smells like acetone or something lol. It felt like a quick boost like wow. Ugggh, I now hate anything that has to be snorted. It feels so uncomfortable, nothing good. Cokey, apparently, is abundant in Colombia lol. It's very cheap and all the travelers were all into it. I was susceptible to taking this kind of drugs as I was getting really confused about moving around for so long. After all the mood swings the next day, I just snapped at everyone at the hostel. I even hated the guy gave it to me like a birthday gift, like what the hell. I am not talking to this guy anymore. I'm glad I left Colombia. I'm glad I'm away from the bad crowd and drugs. I think I'll stick to mushroom and weed lol.

Coke makes a person feel very good but it can also make that person look like an ass while he or she is too busy being undeservedly confident to notice

lol, true.

Haha I imagine it would be pretty cheap since they make so much. I get why people like it and stimulants do kind of appeal to me because I always seem to feel good but they are pretty harsh as far as drugs go.

I never had a problem snorting it but I didn't like the way it drips after you finish.

Haha yeah that is kind of a messed up birthday gift. Everyone knows that heroin is for birthdays and cocaine is for weddings lol.

Everyone knows that heroin is for birthdays and cocaine is for weddings lol.

Ok, I didn't know that. Now I know. No cokey for my birthday okay.

Coke is never just coke is a big part of the problem. Always more chemicals being added into the mix. I don’t touch it, but I’d chew actual coca leaf.

The worst trip I ever had on mushrooms was eating 4 grams after drinking 18 beers at age 17 with no weed. Was terrible to be physically drunk & mentally tripping. Alcohol & shrooms are also bad news. I like to have weed available to come down from a shroom trip, but not on the way to peaking as I find weed keeps my head space more in this reality

I have wondered about the leaves too. It seems like that would probably be okay to treat like coffee or something.

"Alcohol & shrooms are also bad news."

Haha yeah I had a few trips like that too. I wrote about one a couple of weeks ago. I ate about 1/2 ounce of weed that was cooked in butter and mixed with honey then I drank 3 beers and four shots of really cheap liquor before having my mushroom tea. It was a rough night lol.

tea made from the coca leaves is a relatively mild stimulant and is basically standard recommendation for visitors to high altitude areas of South America - my sister works in the state department and did a tour of duty in the American Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia (almost 12,000' elevation) and they literally had coca tea in the embassy to give to all the official state department visitors from the US because it helped with the elevation sickness LOL

I have heard that it helps with keep the fatigue. That is probably how it is really supposed to be used I don't how many leaves equals out to a line but I am sure that it is a lot.

Ya, that sounds like a terrible combo 😂

I like all my psychedelics in the morning. That way I can still sleep at a somewhat normal hour & the sun is the best

Coke really doesn't seem like a very good drug to me, I haven't tried it but no ones story has ever made it sound enticing.

Haha It is good if you are a little socially awkward but still want to pick up bar chicks lol.

It makes you feel great but it goes away really fast and when it does, you either feel like crap or you want to take more so I view it as kind of a rip off. Weed and psychedelics are the way to go. $30 worth of mushrooms will last you all night $30 worth of weed can last a day or two (if you don't smoke too much) $30 worth of coke is gone in 45 minutes.

Wow this post has a lot of power .. Thanks for sharing your story I could not stop reading .. A hug from venezuela @artisticscreech

Great post, and I recognize the internal conflict when doing two sorts of drugs too from the past. My party years are long gone, but I also experienced some very good things while on certain drugs and used wisely.. and other occasions some very bad things due to circumstances/ bad company or other reasons. To me some drugs aren't that bad as people think when you use it wisely, and can give you great insights.. others however, can easily get a grip on people using them and destroy lives in a heartbeat. Saw that happening to people I knew too..

Agreed. People are pretty safe with psychedelics and weed. I don't know if I would suggest thay anyone use anything else now but some mushrooms or some pot cookies are okay.

Even a lot of the party drugs would probably be fine in moderation but they seem to come with more problems. Thats the thing about the coke crash. The easy way to get rid of it is to have more coke.

Personally, I have never used drugs. Maybe this was because of the kind of friends I have and I never attended wild parties either so I managed to stay in the clear. As a teen, I saw a few people around that the adults pointed out that their life has been ruined by addiction. Goodness...I never wanted to turn out that way. That however has not stop my curiosity about how these drugs make people feel. You described your feelings in details, I wonder if it happens to same to everyone that same way. I should show this post to the young hopefuls I know who are looking to try drugs out. I see no point to it after your explanation. Alcohol also is not really worth it if it makes me feel like crap. I just take a little once in a while.
Overall, this post has been an eye-opener, @artisticscreech.

The only two that I would actually say are okay for almost everyone are weed and mushrooms. They tend to be safer than everything else and they don't cause any addiction. Things like stimulants and opioids can cause some bigger issues. Opioids are more addictive but stimulants are usually the worst for your health because they can cause heart problems.

How alike the high is depends on the drug. If two people have cocaine they will feel pretty much the same. With psychedelics their trips could be very different but they will still have some things in common. They may both see geometric patterns but they will "look" very different and make the two users feel very different.

Alright...thanks for the explanation. I have always thought all these drugs were harmful. Now I know different. Thanks once again.

I never tried doing drugs or seen people do them in real life but the closest I came to this was some 20 years ago at the school I was teaching music. I saw a needle and a syringe on the ground in my classroom in the morning that was probably left from the day before.

It made me feel sorry for these kids and sort of lucky that I wasn't one of them.

Thanks for sharing your experience with these drugs so openly! May you always find the safe kind of high!

To me, it's creating art: drawing comic strips and improvising on the pipe organ. For different people it might mean different things.

Thank you and no problem.

I think honesty is what is really needed in discussions of drugs. Many of them are nowhere near as bad as all the anti-drug material says but that does not mean that there are no real dangers. With things like weed and the common psychedelics ( I can't really comment on the obscure ones) there is usually very little risk but stimulants and opioids can come with a whole host of other issues that have the potential to be distructive. The problem in anti-drug education is that when people find out that they have been lied to, they can risk going too far in the other direction because they don't really know where the line between measured experimentation and irresponsible use lies.

Here in our country all prohibited drug addicts, even if they say its good for their health and they are only using moderately, still they are man-hunted by the police to surrender and they will be put into a rehabilitation center. Those who fight with the policemen will be killed because of course the policemen would defend themselves from being killed first. The only safe option is to kill those drug addicts/users. Marijuana is prohibited as well.

I hope you're okay now.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
It would be of great help for the readers, especially those who are using drugs.

I'd seen someone who took so much coke mixed with hemp and had his own intake of tramadol, it's quite difficult narrating these sequences of drug issues, I tell you in my country here fucked up people find it very difficult to tell their drug experiences.
It's quite paramount that you learnt your lesson and will definitely teach people out there that most time there is a always a story inside the drug story.
So sorry for Cokey I hope you meet him someday after loosing touch

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