Retribution - Chapter 17 (Dark Paranormal Fantasy Story)

in #story7 years ago

This is the second story of the BP series. If you haven't read the first story yet, you can find it here :)

Find previous chapters of Retribution on my Steemit Blog.

About Retribution
The journey continues as Beatrix and Arthur set out to find the portal to the world of shadows. Beatrix discovers new unsettling revelations, shattering the past and narrowing the possibility of a happily ever after. Filled with uneasy uncertainty, this second book in the series will have you on the edge of your seat!

Full of romance, excitement, drama, passion, triumph, and tragedy, this is a wonderful continuation of the story!

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Suddenly, she felt like she was watching a play. A scene slowly grew closer to her. The shadow creature raised its claws over a young man in front of him. Sparks flashed and swirled around the young man. The sparks subsided, and the person turned around to reveal it to be Arthur. “Now find her,” said the dark figure to Arthur. The dark figure showed Arthur a photograph of Beatrix. “You must find a girl named Beatrix Percival and fall in love with her.” Beatrix watched the scene in horror. Her mind started to race. Wait a minute, she thought. Something about this vision was not right. It suggested that Arthur was to meet her for the first time. She knew that Arthur had known her long before they met in her room. This vision is lying, but why? she thought.

“This isn’t real,” she said out loud.

The shadow figure turned its head to face her, and the scenery faded away to reveal a castle. He glided across the ground toward her, his eyes burning fiercely. “You will join me,” said the shadow creature. Beatrix tried to will herself to wake up. The shadow creature grew nearer and reached toward her with its grotesque claws. Suddenly, she heard a voice. “Beatrix, Beatrix, it’s time to wake up.” The world in front of her drifted away, as she opened her eyes to see Arthur above her.

“I-I had another vision,” she said. “But this time, th-the shadow figure was there…I think he was controlling the vision.” Arthur looked at her while she spoke. “The vision showed the shadow creature spelling you to fall in love with me, but you were my age…” A confused look spread across her face. “It was a lie,” she said. “I know it was because the vision implied that the first time you and I met was when you were my age. When I first got to know you, you told me how you had been watching over me for years…so the vision didn’t make any sense. Why did it lie?”

Arthur looked at her. “The shadow creature is probably trying to distract you from your mission,” he said. “That, or weaken your emotions so that you will join him.”

Arthur and Beatrix fell deep in thought for a moment. Arthur’s eyes brightened as he said, “You know what this means, don’t you?”

Beatrix looked at him, and her eyes widened with hope. “You don’t suppose…the last vision of the grave was fake too, do you?”

Hope filled Arthur’s eyes. Neither of them could be certain. Beatrix decided to hang on to that small shred of hope. Her heart filled with rage and joy at the same time. She didn’t know what would happen when she reached the shadow creature; in some ways, she didn’t even care. It deserved whatever wrath she could cast upon it.

She gave Arthur a big hug. Anything but inevitable doom was good news.

Evening approached, casting a citrus glow across the cityscape. Arthur took the compass out of his pocket and turned it in circles just to make sure it was still working; it was. Beatrix sat on the edge of the bed and looked through her bag to see what all she had with her. She counted her cash to find that she hadn’t much left. They needed to find the portal to the world of shadows soon. Beatrix set a book on her lap and wrote a quick letter to her mother. She folded it, slid it into an envelope, and sealed it. “I will need to drop this in the mail on our way,” she said.

“Sure thing,” replied Arthur. He smiled as he watched her. He thought about his own mother and wondered what she was like. Was she like him? Did they like the same foods and activities? He saw the smile on Beatrix’s face as she held the letter carefully in her grasp with love. He wanted that feeling too. Arthur, never knowing his parents, and growing up in orphanages, never really felt he had a home. Being with Beatrix felt like home to him. To Arthur, home wasn’t a feeling associated with a structure; home was a happy warmth that came from being around those he loved. He opened his bag and picked up a rough chunk of gold. He cast a spell on it and it, very slowly, began to transform. He placed it back into his pocket.

Beatrix looked over at him. “We should be on our way soon,” she said. “It will be easier to stay hidden if we travel at night.”

They collected their things and took one last glance at their room. Beatrix paused for a moment and took in the calm of the moment. It was such a cozy place, and she did not know when the next time they would get to spend the night indoors.

Arthur held out his hand to her. She grasped his hand and slowly pulled the door closed.

More Chapters will be published soon!

Thanks for reading! :)

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Beatrix's vision had me scrolling and reading fast - I wanted to know what happened. :)

wow great story. will love to read more like this from u .. thanks for sharing

great writing once again @artist1989. you have to do this in amozon also. I hope you will be there also, cheers for your skilled writing techniques.

Your story fascinated me!
I want you to tell us more like these stories.

As always man your post are great and the stories too

Perfect story you got skills bro.

Good story! You are very talented! Good job! Keep up!

what a great ending to the story i loved it.

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