The Cute Butterfly

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Butterflies are amazing insects, butterflies are through is a symbol of beauty and perfection, butterfly is a metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a cocoon.

Kupu kupu adalah serangga yang menakjubkan, kupu sudah melalui adalah simbol keindahan dan kesempurnaaan, kupu adalah metamorfosis dari ulat menjadi kepompong.

The uniqueness possessed by butterflies is not owned by other insects, both in terms of color and food, butterfly only eat a clean meal that is the essence of flowers, butterflies have never been interested in approaching wilted flowers, or that have been damaged, more if flowers it smells bad.

keunikan yang dimiliki oleh kupu kupu tidak dimiliki oleh serangga lain, baik dari segi warna maupun makanan, kupu kupu hanya makan makan yang bersih yaitu sari pati bunga, kupu kupu tidak pernah tertarik mendekati bunga yang layu, atau yang sudah rusak, lebih lebih jika bunga itu berbau tidak sedap.

I can only take 2 pictures of this beautiful butterfly, before going in search of another flower.

Saya hanya dapat mengambil 2 gambar kupu kupu yang indah ini, sebelum pergi mencari bunga yang lain.

This Butterfly i took at Cut Mutia House, Matang kuli - Aceh Utara


nice post. i love it.

Excellent your butterflies photography really awesome..

I agree butterflies are probably the most unique insects that exist. They start off as a larvae, build up strength and food, and then go to sleep in cocoon phase.

When they wake up, the transformation is amazing. The colors and the shape is all new.

Also a great thing to photograph. Zooming in on a butterfly reveals all of its true details.

Great photos, thanks for sharing, cheers!

Really awesome writing...and lovely photography...✌

your are amazing..photographer..dear..i like so this photography..

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Simbiosis mutualisme yang cantik

Beautiful picture...
I like it...
Thank for sharing bg @alol
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