The Stain of Mordred part 21.

in #story6 years ago

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“You confronted an Avalon Mage at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, the site of where the Red and White Dragons flew just a week ago and he bested you with ease. You should have been able to taste the earth power in the air. He woke the Red Dragon and years of our work has been reversed as the magic of Avalon has been awoken. We now need to increase our efforts to restore our work. This healer must be discredited and his followers too if we are to get back on track to bring about the Fall.” Mordred said, his voice neutral.
“I did not realise he was from Avalon and how much power he had. What if others from Avalon have come through to thwart your plan?” Gareth asked.
“That is why I wanted him bringing here, to find out what he is up to and if he is working alone or as part of a larger plot. You were lucky that no reporters were able to see your confrontation as the local police actually did their job in setting up the cordon and isolating this healer and his followers from being seen. I don’t like to see those who work for me being made fools of, I would like it even less if others saw it.” Mordred answered.
“The Mage took us by surprise, we had not expected him to have such power. Apart from a few smoke bombs being set off we took him into our custody with little fuss and he awaits your pleasure in the cells Lord Mordred.” Gareth said nervously, unsure of what his lord would do, Gareth had seen his unpredictable side and those he felt had failed him died in the most painful of ways, fed to the Dark Gods.
“And his followers?” Mordred asked, an edge to his voice.
“We have all of the ones in the town at the two springs, about half a dozen who were with the healer escaped when they set off the smoke bombs on the Tor. It seems some of the police based in Glastonbury had divided loyalties.” Gareth said fearfully.
“Don’t be afraid Gareth, you did well. You brought me the Mage and sealed and poisoned the springs of Glastonbury. The people who the Mage healed will all be quietly rounded up in the interest of medical investigation into their illnesses and we can start spreading stories of an elaborate hoax to extort money from the sick and dying. Just get back out there and find those missing followers of the Mage before I begin to dwell on how he made a fool of you.” Mordred said with a cold smile.
Gareth bowed to his lord and left quickly, thankful to get a chance to redeem himself, not many in Mordred’s service got a second chance.

After dismissing Gareth Mordred ordered the Mage to be brought to him. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door and two of his guards led in the Mage who walked in looking around casually, at ease as if he was visiting a friend.
“Come Mage take a seat,” Mordred said dismissing the guards and pouring whisky from a decanter into two glasses on the table. “You will join me for a drink while we talk.”
“I’m not sure what we have to talk about, I’m just a penniless healer while you, you seem to be extremely rich and very well connected.” George said walking forward to accept the glass.
“There are questions about you that I would like answers to. You are far more than just a healer, you are a Knight of the Round Table, the first in over fifteen hundred years. You think I would not recognise a knight, once I was one too. Now we are the last two left of those of the Round Table.” Mordred said taking a drink from his glass.
“Not quite, Sir Bedivere lives still in Avalon.” George said.
“He does?” Mordred said in surprise and smiled. “I always liked Bedivere, he was one of the few who showed me kindness, kept his faith with the Old Ways and never played the games of court. Not even the queen could poison Arthur to him and I knew better than to try and turn him against Arthur. I am really happy to hear Bedivere got to live out a peaceful life.”
“He is happy and at peace, spending his time fishing and walking the hills of Avalon.” George said, surprised by Mordred’s reaction.
“You think I wouldn’t be happy to hear a friend who held my hand as I lay dying had found peace?” Mordred asked.
“I’m not sure, while he spoke of his old life he seldom mentioned you.” George answered.
“I killed his king, it would put a strain on any relationship. Let’s move on George and avoid getting distracted by the old days. Now the thing is, you are not of Avalon but a Briton who the Lady took into service but as you came back here, is there still some pull from your old life. Also what event in your life destroyed you to the point that the Lady would find you Mage? She always like her pet project, rebuilding things that were broken.” Mordred asked, curious and almost sounding concerned.
George took a seat across the desk and smiled sadly. “You do seem to be full of questions about me, let’s give you an answer to start things off. I was called George many lifetimes ago when I returned from the Great War.”
“A turning point in so many ways in mankind's ability to kill and destroy, so after surviving that why would you return now. Your family and friends are long dead, what would you have to return for?” Mordred asked, in the many centuries he had lived few people’s action could hold his interest for long. Mordred hoped George would live up to his hope of finally finding someone of interest.
“I came to stop the Fall, to stop you.” George said simply with a shrug.
“So you’ve come on your own, out of all those in Avalon, a half trained Mage thinks he can stop this on his own.” Mordred said in disappointment searching Georges face for any flicker.
“What makes you think I’m only half trained?” George asked.
“You haven’t been gone nearly long enough to be a full Mage, now next answer George as you’re becoming boring, what is the connection you have with the dead king and the red dragon?” Mordred asked.
“We shared a dream and talked, he gave me permission to try and stop you.” George said with a shrug.

To be continued.

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