The Stain of Mordred part 20.

in #story6 years ago

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It was on the eighth day that they turned up, serious men in dark suites and sunglasses. The police who were keeping the cordon in place moved aside as identification cards were shown to them.
Mick walked over to where George sat before the tent, concern on his face. “Secret service just came through the cordon, you may want to change your mind and use our trick to disappear.”
“It wouldn’t help you in escaping, if I go they will search for us straight away. Make sure everyone stays back and they run when I signal so get ready with those smoke bombs your mate Billy got.” George whispered as the new arrivals came into the field.
One of the other helpers came over looking worried. “Just had a phone call, more of the suits have turned up at the wells and are rounding up our people, they have orders to seal the springs.”
“They want to stop us, shut us fucking down and without any witnesses, look all the press drones have gone.” Mick spat in disgust. “Damned establishment fucking protecting itself.”
“It’s worse than that, I must go with them to meet the one behind all of this. You must all scatter and go into hiding where I told you as they will want to take you all in too.” George warned. “You’ll know when to run, Mick go get ready.”
“You would be the person people are calling the Healer of Glastonbury.” the first of the men in suits said as he came within talking distance.
George looked at the man and could sense a dark power in him, those who stood behind him were a mix of ordinary people and those also exposed to darkness.
“I take it I’m to go with you to meet your boss, somewhere more private?” George asked casually.
“You are all to come with us and why do you presume I’m not the boss.” he countered with contempt.
“You are not of Avalon and while you may think you have power you are still a child on that path.” said George and saw the anger blaze in his eyes but he also sensed his doubt.
“If you could come this way, it would be best not to cause a scene in front of your little group of friends.” he finally said through gritted teeth.
“I think we may need a smoke break before I go anywhere, Mick always needs a smoke before he does anything.” George said turning to Mick and his other followers. As George spoke Mick grinned and dropped a canister to the floor, thick smoke began to billowing up as others also dropped the canisters they held. Billy had somehow gotten hold of a number of the smoke bombs from an old army friend and they used them to cover their escape from their camp site .
The newcomers in the suits began to move forward, the one George had spoken to with a snarl of anger on his face but George simply raised a hand and all stopped unable to move.
“Like I said, you don’t have the power to challenge me, I am an anointed knight of the Round Table, knighted by the Once and Future King himself, I am a Mage of Avalon standing on a holy site of the Old Ways.” George said with an easy smile. “You are out of your depth and things will only happen when I say they do.”
As the smoke began to clear George didn’t need to turn around to know his followers were gone, scattering through the hedgerows and slipping into the crowds beyond the police cordon as the local police turned a blind eye to their escape. The woman he had treated with cancer had been a well liked member of the local police before she got ill.
“Right, I think I’m ready to go, would you like to lead the way.” George said with a smile as he dropped his hand and the men stumbled as they were released from George’s hold. George saw the man’s doubt replaced by fear and gave a wide smile.

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