The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 87.

in #story7 years ago


Killashandra rose high above the battlefield, her squadron following. From the advantage point she quickly viewed the scene of carnage below. The giant space station was taking colossal fire but so far the shields were holding up and the defending fleet were preventing any Federation ship getting close to it. At the back of the Federation fleet, behind the mass of battle cruisers, a large control ship lurked.
“Comander Killashandra, a number of Federation frigates are moving to intercept us,” her security officer informed her. “They’ll be within range in less than a minute.”
Killashandra looked at the viewing screen, where over fifty enemy ships had broken away from the main battle to engage her squadron. With a grin she opened communication to her ships.
“Let’s convince those frigates they didn’t bring enough friends, then a full speed attack run on that command vessel. I want to see it burning after the first sweep, as I hate to repeat myself,” she ordered, and as one the fifteen ships of her command turned to swoop down at the advancing Federation ships.


General Jee looked on in satisfaction as explosions began to rip through the giant space station. The battle was still fierce, but the loss of the station would be the turning point. The Ick fleet worried him as it was overdue, but they would not be able to turn the tide of this battle with the loss of the space station. He knew that somewhere out there his sister would be fighting for her life or even already dead, and it still rankled him that he would not see her die first-hand.
“General, we have a message from the reserve fleets. Commander Servios reports they are under attack.”
Jee spun around to face his communications officer. “The Ick?” he asked, shocked that they had managed to outflank them and find the reserve force.
“No sir, it appears the droid units have...” he paused, unsure of how to say what was happening. Finally he found the word, “... mutinied, Sir. The droids are attacking and destroying the rest of our fleet.”
Jee staggered backwards not understanding what he was hearing. How could droids change sides?
“Sir, we are getting reports from all over the battlefield now of the same thing, the droids are now attacking both sides.” The communications officer looked worriedly over at the door as gunfire was heard outside the bridge doors. Seventy per cent of the Federation fleet was now made up of droid units.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


Hello Mr. Fluffy :) I missed you ^__^. Also you @alienbutt :)

Great post, my friend !)

The droids have turned, the Ick's main fleet is in trouble, the federation is 70% droid, and the defenders of the station are being slowly decimated. Mr. Fluffy really thought this one out.

Wow Awesome post dear great content looking forward to see super awesome posts from you mate, following you now

true story and fantastic..!!

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