The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 64.

in #story7 years ago


Quickly Frank was told what he would need to do and where he would need to go.
“Now we got the dull stuff out of the way I really need to sort out your look and that bushy beard is so not working, hello, caveman chic is old.”
“You touch my beard and I'll burn the scatter cushions,” Frank warned.
Fashion staggered back as if he had been slapped, his arm rising in an overdramatic way to fend off an invisible blow. “You are so mean,” He gasped, tears in his eyes.
Kirk walked forward and stood looking at the two. He knew he had advanced far beyond what he should be; he could think for himself, for a start. Not the usual robot reactions of responding to programmed variables, but actual thoughts, and he could learn new things. Since appearing in this dream he had been trying to work out what it was. Failing, he now decided that he had to warn Frank about the stranger. He looked at Frank and saw a scruffy human who while strange, was still human. But the other being was not human, although it tried to appear that way. Kirk looked at the figure that to his single robot eye looked human, but with the entire mass of a black hole held within its form trying to burst out.
“I'm sorry to interrupt,” he started, and both turned and looked down at him, so he continued. “I can order the things needed for this plan. I feel it's got a good chance of working, based on the evidence that it comes from beings from outside our time and dimension, but that said, this is the being that did a makeover on Alienbutt, so I wouldn't trust him on fashion tips. You should not trust this being with anything beyond the important science things.”


The figure's mouth dropped open, a look of outrage on his face. After half a dozen attempts, he finally spoke. “How rude is your robot? You are both so hurtful. Alienbutt is a style icon to millions all over the universe. The style he sets will echo down the centuries.” He put his hands onto his hips and looked away in disgust.
Frank looked from Kirk to the stranger before speaking. “Alienbutt is a style icon? Is there two of him? The one I know wears girl’s boots and a skirt and looks a right fart. If he ever sobers up and realises what he looks like, he'll die of shame.”
The stranger’s hand snaked out and slapped Frank across the face. “You're so mean. Why I bother I don't know. I'm not staying here any longer.” With that he disappeared.
Frank looked down at Kirk. “If this is real then I'm giving up on science, as his way of getting Alienbutt back is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.”
Kirk tried to shrug his shoulders. It was impossible for him to do so; he ended up doing a little hop.
“We are talking about Alienbutt here, so you may need to see a careers advisor in the morning.” Kirk looked at Frank. “And don't wear that pink coat you’ve got on. It may badly influence the jobs you're offered.”
Frank looked around the lab and saw a large couch in one corner. “Well that couch could be a good idea. It looks real comfortable. What do you think, Kirk?”
Kirk cocked his head to one side. “Did you keep any pictures of that pleasure droid?”
Frank looked down at Kirk and blushed, realising suddenly how wrong that dream had been. Quickly he changed the subject. “We need to get hold of a science ship and crew.” He picked up a fluffy scatter cushion. “Have these ever been of any practical use?”

To be continued.
All images are mine.


So old Frankie's got the hots to trot with the robot. Strange times the future will be. But he now has a way to get back Alienbutt, or so it would seem.

This is a really good post, please upvote and resteem this post.
thank you mr. @alienbutt

interesting to read.. thank you

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