The Demon, the witch and a teenage vampire. (Vampire Eloim book 3)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story8 years ago

The Demon, the witch and a teenage vampire. (Vampire Eloim book 3)

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Eloim was nervous; he stood with Karla and Lisa as they waited for their father. They had finally arrived back home from Transylvania to find their brother Gary waiting at the citadel entrance. After a brief welcome home he had informed them their father wanted to see them at once in his study. Eloim looked around his father’s private study; the walls were bare stone except for an old battle standard that hung behind the ornate table where his father sat when conducting family business. Finally his father looked up from the scroll he was reading and seemed to see Eloim for the first time.

“You’re back then, your mother will be pleased.” his father said with a slight smile. “I’ve just received a message from the werewolf Alpha singing your praise for saving his son. Your actions have brought a chance of peace between vampire and werewolf, well done son. In the short time you have been with us, you seem to have prevented a war with the Vatican and brought about a chance of peace with our oldest foe. I’ll not mention your less successful exploits today and won’t ask who replaced the light bulbs in the library’s reading lamps with ultra violet bulbs before we left for Paris.” His father stood up. “On the down side, you have made a very powerful enemy and we now have to work on hiding you from future attempts by that bloody demon’s minions.”

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“What about rescuing Polly? We have to get her back.” Eloim urged and he took a step forward towards his father. “That won’t be possible Eloim.” His father said sadly, holding Eloim’s gaze. “Even if we knew how to open a portal to that realm, there aren’t enough vampires in the world to invade the Fifth circle to get her back. The council of Ancients have ordered that we avoid confrontation with the demon realm where possible. So what we need to work on is protecting and hiding you.”
“That’s not fair dad, if it was the other way around, she would come for me no matter what! I’m not scared to go after her, even if other vampires are.” Eloim stormed and took another step forward; but Karla suddenly grabbed him, clamping a hand over his mouth, she dragged him back.
“He’s still upset and tired father, I’ll explain things to him.” Karla said fearing their father would lash out at his son’s words.
“Explain it well Karla, I will not be disobeyed in this and I will not authorise any rescue attempt for Polly.” There was a dangerous edge to his voice. “I will not lose any more of my children to that demon.”

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He took a deep breath and continued in a calmer voice. “Tomorrow, Eloim is to start some new training. He needs to know how to protect himself. Now take him to Amanda, she has a talisman for him that she has made. It will hide him from creatures searching for him by magical means. You are now in charge of his protection, Karla.”
Karla hissed a warning to Eloim to stay quiet as she dragged him from the room.

When the struggling teen had left, his father turned to Lisa who still stood before him. “You will also act as his protector and his teacher. He needs to learn our lore and history, teach him well my little Lisa. One area you should avoid though, is any mention of the Witch of Nerja, her legend is overblown and could give him false hope on a rescue attempt for Polly. He has great talent and ability that needs to be harnessed in a positive way.”
“Lore and history father but nothing about any witch.” Lisa said innocently, giving him a half smile.
“Good, if you go to the library and remove the Book of Witches by Alonso de Hojeda that should prevent him learning about her. It’s the chapter on the southern coast witches that is the problem. Alonso claims in the book that the witch admitted she had travelled to the demon realm.” Then he added; “A witch should never have been turned to become one of us, she should never have been bitten. bitten. Now you had better go catch them up, Karla may need a little help. I can hear that Eloim is throwing one of his tantrums out there.”

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As Lisa left, their father turned his head to the shadowed corner. “See my love, I told them they couldn’t go and where to not let Eloim look for the information he would need when he goes running off.”
“I heard you my husband, you made it clear that we support the decision of the vampire priest and the rest of the council and they will stay here.” Eloim’s mother said as she opened a hidden doorway and entered the study. “You spelled out carefully what is expected of them all, a very clever plan.”
“The priest has far too much say in the council, I do not like outsiders meddling in my family’s affairs.” Eloim’s father replied.

Thanks for reading this first instalement of my story, upvotes, comments and resteems welcome.
All images are mine.


Ooh ooh ooh I'm so excited there's a new Eloim story!

I've writen 4 so far so still this one and the next to post, the 5th one is taking a bit of writing as he hasn't let me know what the plot is supposed to be

He's a teenager, he's probably changing his mind every 5 minutes. Either that or he's moved into a non-communicative stage.

I think he's got distracted by girls, or a particular girl

oh bother, you might be waiting a while then

No point in telling you to hurry up, is there? You only turn it around and fire it back at me... :p

I need life to stop getting in the way and distracting me.
And now you mention it... new Red story?

I have Finlay Moran shouting at me right now... did you like Gideon, by the way?

yes, sure you could run with that story and expand it :)

I could...

How many projects do you think I have running right now? LOL

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