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RE: Autism, Scripting and a Story I Tell Myself

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Have you seen the documentary, "Life, Animated"? It sounds kind of like your "scripting" description from the 2nd paragraph. Turned out it became a way for this family to connect to their autistic son.... Strangly enough from Disney movies. Pretty amazing and kinda a great gift of a movie. Love to get your thoughts on the film when you have a chance.

Keep fighting for your son... and for yourself. You're both worth it.


I haven't seen it! I have read several articles about it. I think it's one of those documentaries that is so meaningful to my life right now, it's terrifying to engage. I will have to look back to it so we can connect on this. Thank you for your support!

By all means take your time. It was overwhelming for me. I was just so humbled by parents like you and those in the documentary that "go to the mat" for their kids. It's so important and not enough people do it.

We have to. That's part of the deal. Despite a deeply dysfunctional home, my parents did it for me. It's not easy, but having support like yours grants strength. Thank you.

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