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RE: In or Out?

in #story6 years ago

There's this thing, Jim Carey said: "if you're eventually going to fail, why not fail at something you love to do? You might even succeed." And that's what keeps me going. I want to become a writer. And I hope you find all the courage to become an artist. :)


Thank you! I already am an artist. And a writer. In fact I’ve been writing professionally my entire adult life.

But I gave up the rat race six years ago and focus soley on creating artistically now. I’m not rich. But I’m doing what I love and what I truly believe I was born to do. It’s a slow and steady road. I only wish that I’d had the cojones to do it all along.

Maybe on your artistic road you'd find a way to achieve your other dream too. :) mean the one where I’m the princess of the universe?

You mean universe? Okay. I just meant you can still write a novel and get published. :)

Hahahahaha! That too...although I believe the era of the great novel may have passed.

Thanks for catching my Freudian typo. 😄

I don't think it has passed. You're welcome. :)

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