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RE: The Horse With No Name (Part 4)

in #story-mentor6 years ago

Hooray!! Horse did it and he's ok ! :) I am however concerned about Blondie, but he seems pretty resilient. Once again, I liked your story from Horse's perspective :)

I'm so glad you found your muse again, whatever it may be!


Yeah, Horse is doing good work. I thought about doing this part from Blondie's perspective, but I didn't want to have to go back in time again to explain Horse's perspective. I know not a lot happened in this one, but it moves the story along. Still making it up as I go. :)

Maybe I should just switch the whole story to Horse's perspective. I feel like there's less pressure with that. :)

Well it is easier for readers to be 'critical' with a human's perspective ("Hey, a guy wouldn't do that?!!"), but who can argue with Horse's :)

I didn't know you make it up as you go along! That's crazy!

Yeah, I have some ideas for where the story is going to go, but I haven't figured it all out. I have two episodes that are partially done at this point. I got on a roll tonight and rounded out one partial episode and almost completed the one after that. I have some ideas of what's going to happen, but we'll see how these next ones change things. I wasn't going to do episode 6, but that story line came into play as a result of some feedback. I want to give my readers a little better perspective. We'll move forward after that, I think. ;)

Look at you go! Glad to see you on a roll. Feedback sure is an awesome motivator, if it is done right!

Feedback helps... sometimes. "Make Your Face Better!"

hahaha "Make Your Face Better" :) Love Parks and Rec !

Yeah, Tom's a creepy little dude, but he's got some funny lines. I think it's funny that he can't keep a woman because he acts like a child all the time. What's strange is that so many women are attracted to that. Eventually they wisen up, but still, how can they not have an issue with that immediately? Yes, I do know real people like that. I don't get it.

I'm with you buddy, it's something I do not understand. It's not cute, it's not sexy, it's not endearing. In fact, it's the exact opposite...annoying and creepy!

The bottom line is that I don't understand girls any more than you do lol

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