Nicaragua Crisis Update June 4th, 2018.

in #story-mentor6 years ago

Sorry. No gory photos today. Someone asked me today what it is like to live in the midst of conflict. I thought I would give you a small glimpse into my world as it is now. This is a side from hearing nightly mortars and gunfire, and smelling burning tires.

The bad news just keeps coming. The violence continues and the death toll is over 100. The injured just keep piling up in hospital emergency rooms that have no supplies, no medicines and insufficient staffing. You see the injured being taken to the hospitals and clinics on the back of motorcycles. We don’t see any more ambulances on the street. Nor fire trucks.

People have been taking refuge in churches only to be shot down on entering or having the churches under siege. 5 more people were killed in Masaya on Sunday as the church was attacked before morning services.

Conditions in the hospitals are deplorable. The oldest son of the folks that taking refuge with us in our compound had a serious accident a little over three weeks ago. He was going out fishing with some friends to see if he could bolster the food stores.

The ocean was extremely rough and we had warned him about going out with someone inexperienced. He felt he needed to do his part. An hour later we heard a terrible commotion outside the gates. A very decapitated truck pulled up with people in the back screaming.

The son was lying in the back with blood pouring from his arm and I could see down to the bone. His back was sliced in two gashes across the shoulders. I did rudimentary first aid and told them to get to the hospital as quickly and safely as possible. (Perhaps I should have sent him to the local vet instead.)

We found out from another man in the boat that the pilot was a first timer. He saw the first massive waves and tried to turn around but the boat was tossed about and two fell overboard. Daniel was caught up in the propeller and pushed under. The guy in the boat left them to fend for themselves!

Another fishing boat saw what had happened and picked up the two hapless men and brought them to me. I am a nurse but my skills are limited when dealing with injuries this severe.

Later, I took a second brother to stay with him in the hospital. Here you never leave anyone alone in the hospital. His arm was sliced to the bone and the bone notched from the propeller from the shoulder to midpoint of the arm, past the elbow just above his wrist. But it was Friday and the hospital is only staffed with medical students. They re not qualified t do surgery of this magnitude. He should have been sent to a hospital in Managua.

Three days later, I hear that the wound is too infected and they won’t do surgery! And so are the wounds on his back. They have had nothing done to them since I treated on Friday morning. My dressings are still on! Of course, it is now infected.

Surgery has been on and has been cancelled too many times for me to count. There are no medications in the hospital. I supply what is needed from my stash. I have what amounts to a mini-clinic here because over the last few years we have seen the need.

The White Witch (me, it is a long story that I may post later) went to the hospital, spoke with the director and had his wounds treated. He has lost a lot of blood since the wound on his arm has been left open. The surgery cannot take place because they need to put in a plate and the only source is in Managua and the roads are blockaded. He also needs blood, but the blood bank has none in supply.

We gather donors and go to the Red Cross. 6 pints are collected and we are given a paper that says that blood will be available for Daniel. He is given 2 almost immediately. Interesting.

The final word we had on Friday is that the surgery is now scheduled for tomorrow. But he needs more blood. The family were told they could buy the blood for $85USD for a pint and he would need several. Back to the director's office with a receipt for the blood donated by family members. So now, we wait and see what happens.

Daniel's mother is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday in Chinandega, a two trip north of here. This surgery too has been on the books for the last 8 months. She doesn’t dare miss the appointment or she will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list.

On Thursday his sister will have her baby by Cesarean section, we hope. We are praying all will go well with everyone’s surgery. Looks like this nurse will have her hands full by the weekend. The plans are to release them before the weekend, most likely on Friday morning.

The risks for infections is extremely high. I have seen pig-sties that were cleaner. Every time I go there I feel the need to sterilize my shoes, sanitize my clothes and shower with anti-bacterial soap! I can’t describe what the goo on the floor is, for fear of making you the readers ill. It is not for the faint of heart.

No-one cleans. The sheets are all stained and the whole place smells of death. There is no glass or screens in the windows. I assume they have been damaged in numerous earthquakes. The top 2 floors should be condemned. (there are 5 floors). I can put my hand through the cracks in the wall to the outside. Birds fly in and out of the rooms.

Family members stay with their loved ones during the night, sleeping plastic lawn chairs or on the floor, taking turns picking the cockroaches off the bed of the sick and injured. No food is provided. The families cook food to be brought in to the patients.

The people that have been shot in these conflicts say it would be better to die than go to the hospital for treatment. The survival rate of this hospital in Leon is less than 50%.

To make matters worse, on Wednesday, the protesters have organized a nationwide strike. They have set up roadblocks already. The government's response to this is place tanks and men armed with AK47’s in the rotundas and threaten to cut off power, water and communications starting on Wednesday.

This will effectively cut off the country from the rest of the world. Who knows what atrocities will occur while the world is blind to what is happening?

We have seen Grey unmarked helicopters flying over taking photos. This is happening all over the country. About two evenings later we hear small planes flying over. Again so low we could see the pilots in the cockpit.

People in many small communities are getting sick with odd symptoms, including numbness, tingling, itching, burning sensation, loss of bladder control, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, lack of coordination, and seizures.

Our sources have told us that they are spraying an insecticide, Cypermethrin over the communities. Here we believe the sprayed the two large fish farms on either side of our homestead. This insecticide is a fast acting neurotoxin in insects. It can be effective for weeks when applied to indoor inert surfaces. Cypermethrin is highly toxic to fish, bees and aquatic insects.

We need someone to step in and straighten out this mess. Prayers are always welcome.


Praying. Hard. Take care of yourself. One thing that might be helpful if you do not already know - you can make colloidal silver at home with some pure silver, distilled water (you can distill your own) and 3 nine volt batteries. It really is a damn fine antibiotic. Oral and topical use for serious wounds and infections. He does not talk much but our friend @quietbear would not be saying anything at all if someone had not smuggled it in to him to treat MRSA, is a US hospital.

This is in all my first aid kits! It is the most impressive antibiotic I have seen. I make it here, but I can only get 50 PPM, and I like 500PPM. So I allow it to evaporate 90% by volume, before I bottle it. For Friday, just give more volume, same difference. It is good internally and externally; Make LOTS!

MRSA is rough, but silver is the best treatment!

May GOD Bless your small Clinic!

Praying her, keep posting!

Thank you, @longsilver! I hadn't thought of that! I will be making a batch before Friday when everyone comes home with nasty infections!

I sincerely hope you do not need it, but better to have it handy just in case.

If you are able to make your own colloidal silver, I think it would be a God send for your self and others to prevent infection. We use it at home and won't be without it. @cecicastor your strength and ability to cope in these extremely difficult conditions is amazing. I wish I could do more to help but my husband and I will continue to pray for you and all round you for conditions to improve dramatically. Will resteem this post to bring more attention to your plight and hopefully to others who will add you to their prayers also. Love and hugs my friend.

Thank you so much, @trudeehunter. I appreciate it. I am going to make the colloidal silver today. 2 out of the three have had their surgery but I haven't heard how they are doing. There are no communications in or out of the hospital. They will find a way to get some word out to me soon.

Make sure you only use distilled water. You can use the colloidal Silver on wounds and take it with water. It will clean wounds and kill infections.

gave the first doses last night. The wounds look better. There are no antibiotics to be had. I was at the clinic this morning. No pain medication either.

Back to old school techniques and medication then? Any herbalists in your group? Birdie on the Prepper Discord Server is the guy to talk to regarding herbal stuff, give him a shout.

No, just me here. We do have someone who lives about 5 miles away if we can get her to come...

Aggghhhh, I thought I was reading an excerpt from some post-apocalyptic novel...

This is so terrible. Following your updates and having spoken to you and Chris on the radio show it hits home so much harder than just seeing it on the news.

I do hope so much there is some more better news soon.

Any word on the UN Peacekeepers coming?

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Nothing from the UN yet. Nicas living in the US are picketing in front of the UN trying to bring attention to the problem here. Weare busy today preparing for the worst case scenario tomorrow. I hope the government will back down, but so far it doesn't look like it.

Hopefully the government won't shut down power etc tomorrow.

Do you have any solar generation kit at all?

No, we don't. That was to be on our project list for this year, but we have been unable to get solar panes into the country since last fall.

Any other generator supplies, besides cars? Even something that hand cranke would be valuable.

We have three generators, 4 back up batteries, lots of candles and kerosene lanterns, flashlights, firewood and 2 propane tanks. Everything is full of fuel and extra gasoline in an underground tank with a hand pump. Also a supply of diesel. Nothing with a hand crank though.

Good to know you are set up on generators and fuel! So very glad you Prepped! :)

If you place the generator in a hole, the sound they make goes straight up. This make them hard to locate by sound. Self blackout is smart, remember the wire snares! Be safe.

I will thanks, @smithlabs! Thanks for all your great suggestions to keep us safer. I appreciate it!

Wow. You are like an angel for those people especially Daniel who is in desperate need.
This almost seems unreal because I just don't imagine what you and everyone is going through my friend.

Someone really does have to step in and straighten out this terrible mess and fast too, because day by day it's getting worse and worse.

Wednesday seem pretty scary too, since it doesn't look very good at all and you are our source of what is going on out there, so I'm praying that somehow this will be settled.

I can't believe that in the midst of all that they are spraying poisonous toxins. This is very, very scary since there is no help for the sick.

Everyday I look for your updates and hoping and really thinking that somehow this will end and hoping for good news, but it is the total opposite and my heart is aching for you guys and you are always in my prayers.

Thank you, @joalvarez! Please keep those prayers coming. We need all the prayers we can get...

Of course my dear friend. I can't stop thinking of you guys and I was just saying my prayers for you and the whole situation in Nicaragua.

All of it sounds like it should be a nightmare instead of reality. I am so sorry things are so bad and I hope someone does step in and put a stop to it all soon. I also hope they do it before any one else is hurt or killed. ((Hugs))

Thanks, @debralee. It is a living nightmare every day. It is constant fear for what is about to happen. It is guerilla warfare tactics.

This is appalling. I do hope Daniel pulls through .. his injuries seem horrific and I empathise with and admire you for doing what you can. Please reach out to the community here if there's any concrete assistance we can possibly provide. Wishing all of you protection and safety xx

Thank you, @riverflows! The support has been amazing from the community. Without the encouragement, somedays I would have packed it in.

My prayers go out to you and those who are sharing your living quarters, s well as all the others citizens who are being exposed to this violence.

Thank you for the prayers. There is a meeting at 3pm today but I am not holding my breath for a resolution. All prayers are really appreciated.

so horrible @cecicastor I have never heard anything like that in my life, the description of the so called hospital! praying.

Thank you, @janton! many people who visit third world countries only see the tourist areas which is usually away from where everyone else lives.

well if I ever make it down there and it's still in one piece and you are still there maybe you can give me a non-tourist tour!

Definitely. It is too bad that a beautiful country is being torn apart by a senseless war. This could have been worked out without the violence. But the government decided to show who is boss...

yes and what's so crazy is that didn't Ortega take over a corrupt
government to fix things and now HIS is the corrupt government?

In the 1980's he did. Then he lost to another corrupt government that sold off the train which was a lifeline to the people on the other side of the country. I don't think Nicaragua has ever had a non-corrupt government, the only thing that is different is the degree of corruption and how well they hide it.

oh man, that's a very sad legacy.
But there is always hope for change and I'm sure that's what
keeps people going. Or staying there.

We pray for change. News just in that another 14-year-old boy was killed in the street. I lost count as to how many young people 13, 14, 15 years old have been killed or critically wounded. Infants and toddlers too...

Your world is incredibly insane! I've never heard of having to buy blood for $85. Hospitals here give you blood when you need it and do their best to save lives even when people are poor. I hope he'll be okay. I'm sorry your world is so bad and scary.

Thank you, @marxrab. It is crazy. We try to live as normally as possible for the sake of the children. They don't need to have their innocence taken away. We are hoping Daniel will be okay and that his sister's surgery on Thursday will go well.

They may be using that cash for their families. The paychecks may have stopped, as usually happens. It IS wrong, but right now there is a LOT of Wrongs going on!

If they keep spending here, we will face the same thing!

LOL, The White Witch!

My Sister and Wife are nurses. NO ONE can understand how Rough a Sweet Lady can get, until they push a Nurse!
Just DON'T go there!!!! :)

No words again. I read all the comments and well wishes. I've been reading your accounts and it shakes my core. What you describe sounds like a story ... yet it's real and you are living it.

I feel helpless. Is there any way I can help? Anything I can do?

Just listen and pass the message along. Folks have no idea what is happening. When you see this violence happening in front of your eyes, it shakes you to the core and changes your life forever. You can't possibly see things the way you once did. Any innocence that you had is long gone, never to be recovered. The fear is constant. It is difficult to live with but somehow we manage to try and keep life as normal as possible for the children and shelter them from the horrors.

I can not think of anything anyone can do but help get the story out and pray for peace. At this point, it will take a miracle. The machinery of war has been rolled out and it is gaining momentum.

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