Please implement a Reporting Function!

in #stolen8 years ago

So i am sick of people stealing content from other sources and just copy and past it on Steemit and than pocketing thousands of $$$.

Its just not fair.

And i am pretty sure, that soon lawyers will start to sue people and steemit for stolen content.

so please implement a REPORT FUNCTION and, once a claim is made and its proven that content has been stolen, all rewards have to be cancalled and the post has to be marked as stolen content!!!


peeps are too lazy to check for copied materials and just upvote.

yes, i did too. but soon i accidentally found the stolen content and i started doing some google searches.
of every 10 "great" articles, 30-50% were copy and past, and thats just not ok.

and i think in the long run its bad for steemit, if copy and paste articles are stealing away rewards from real content providing writers.

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