
The Pilgrims were the first to introduce cats to North America.

Stinky the Cat would be interested to hear this fact. She LOVES turkey. And the Pilgrims are pretty involved with turkey in November. I think she would like to think about them, and their sacrifices crossing the ocean, the next time she gets to eat turkey.
She does not like most vegetables though. So we won't talk about the Pilgrims when she makes a wrinkled face at most of the vegetables.

Ancient Egyptian family members shaved their eyebrows in mourning when the family cat died.

I really do have to go to bed now. You're starting to repeat yourself even more, Miseur Catfact. I've heard about these shaved eyebrows from Egypt about 27 times now.

Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House.

"And all cats love Abraham Lincoln" -Stinky the Cat

(In reference to the Gettysburg address, and little-known history...where the long-lost first draft was first unveiled, and goes something like this:
"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers (the Pilgrims) brought forth on this continent, a new animal, the cat, conceived in self reliance, and bred with the conviction of never being coerced to act, or told to do one darn thing they didn't want to do in the first place..." It goes on from there.

Original copy was destroyed by Lincolns dog 'Speckles', and a new one written out, with the cat parts left out, because Lincoln was tired when he proof-read draft number two. Cats have been fighting for their rights ever since. Though 1987 was a pretty good year in Catville.)

Cat bites are more likely to become infected than dog bites.

Where does that leave us? Quite sure Stinky is some sort of Egyptian Fell Dog. Is that sort of bite 1/2 as bad, or 27 times worse? Maybe we are OK, as she is missing a few front teeth anyway.

A cat almost never meows at another cat, mostly just humans. Cats typically will spit, purr, and hiss at other cats.

Stinky the Cat cannot meow at anything, since her 'kitty voxbox' is broken. But she doesn't hiss either. She just looks at them with disdain, or gives them her best Snoopy the Dog vulture imitation (yes, from the top of a dog house, now used as a multi-unit cat house), and wishes they weren't all so dorky.

A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia (Greek: cat+lover).

"I don't know what the Greek is for it, but a dog lover is called just downright dumb." -Stinky the Cat

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