
I'm pretty sure Stinky the Cat has that beat by a country mile.

Purring does not always indicate that a cat is happy and healthy - some cats will purr loudly when they are terrified or in pain.

Stinky the Cat is a very quiet cat. Her meow'r is broken. She just says "aak", like Bill the Cat. It does not seem to give her a complex or anything.

In multi-cat households, cats of the opposite sex usually get along better.

When we first met her, Stinky the Cat did not play well with others. She would run at them with this sort of "I'm a Banshee" self defense system. If that did not work, she tried other things that worked even worse.

The cat Paintbucket helped re-train her a bit, through operant kitty conditioning. That is a story for another, longer day.

There is a species of cat smaller than the average housecat. It is native to Africa and it is the Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes). Its top weight is 5.5 pounds.

Stinky the Cat has a friend named Little Kitty. She is tiny like the F. nigripes cat. But she has only one toe on one front foot, and two on the other. We call her the "three toed kitty." She sharpens her single claw on the wooden porch floor like a circus knife thrower on a spinning stone wheel. It is something to see.

Kittens remain with their mother till the age of 9 weeks.

The richest cat is Blackie who was left £15 million by his owner, Ben Rea.

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