Look What I Got For My Birthday!! ~ A Nice Surprise In The Mail ~ With Help From Stinky the Cat ~ Original Photography, Art, and Short Discussion ~

in #stinkythecatopolycat7 years ago (edited)

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My birthday came and went about a week ago. And a day or two later a large box arrived in the mail from Amazon. Pasted on the outside of the box was a little label asking: "Alexa, what are your deals? " My first thought, "ooh, someone sent me a little talking, know-it-all encyclopedic robot for my special day".

Just what I needed. A little electronic tower to set on my living room table, constantly shouting answers to the self-directed, rhetorical questions I often discuss aloud with myself throughout a normal day. Not to mention a bunch of replies and comments arising from my continuous stream of discussions with Stinky the Cat.

I can just hear the little talking cylinder now..."I don't know WHY Stinky wants you to fill her food dish again. Maybe you should ask her. That is the most direct way to receive an answer to a question. By the way, what kind of a name is Stinky for a cat?"

After about six seconds of running THAT scenario round and round in my head, I was seriously hoping the box did NOT contain a new Alexa bot. There was only one way to find out.

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The Package The Mail Person Left On My Front Porch

The big box certainly was light, so I gave it the usual 'shake the stuffins out of it', just to see what might be inside. Very little happened, except some tiny, plactic-y rattling noises from way way down within the bowls of the box. My first thought: "Hmm, if it IS a talking robot, it probably won't work too good anymore." Rattly innards are never a good sign with any electronic device.

I rummaged around in the over-stuffed 'whatever-whatnot' drawer in the kitchen, and came up with an old boning knife, and slit open my present like a big old fat, boxy carp-fish. And popped open the four, box-top lidlets to see what was inside.

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Ooh, What IS it? ~ Something To Do With Cats!

No wonder the thing was so light. There was a whole lot of well-organized air on the top, and another smaller, very colorful box down below. Some sort of game or something, with an obvious theme directed towards cats. Onward we delve, into the reaches of our present. I was beside myself with excitement. What can it be?

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Someone Else Wonders The Same Thing

As soon as I slit open the big box, I heard the pitter-patter of tiny, pink-padded feet, rounding the hardwood floor from the kitchen area beyond. Before I could turn to look, Stinky the Cat had taken up position on my recently abandoned stool, and was no doubt inquiring: "What is it? Is it for you? Is it a game? Looks like a game. Do you think its a game?" I answered back, glad now that it was NOT an Alexa in the box, with all these questions bantering about: "I don't know, but we'll soon find out".

The Stink seemed quite excited, and in no hurry to wait and see. You'd think it was HER birthday, rather than mine. (I have absolutely NO idea when hers actually is. She just showed up at the back door one day, already born, and moved right in.)

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"EXCUUUUSE ME...I Need A Closer Look"

Someone coined a phrase years ago, something to the tune of -- "Curiosity Killed The Cat" . And though I never really fully understood what that was supposed to mean, I DO now know the whole thing is a bunch of thick bologna.

As anyone who's been around a cat for more than six minutes can tell you, if that saying WAS true, there would be no cats left in the world after about ten minutes. And from my view across the fence in the back-40, this is just not so. It appears there are more cats in the world now than ever before. So I'm calling DOUBLE floor-sweeping, sandwich-toppings on that little saying about our furry friend, The Cat.

I headed to the kitchen to get a snack, to give Stinky a few minutes to decide if it was OK to continue on with this whole opening-of-the-birthday-present project. I returned after providing ample time for any normal person to make a full-on assessment.

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"I'm Still Not Done -- Go Find Some More Snacks"


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I Couldn't Have Said It More Plainly Myself

[Much Later] I finally had to physically re-move the cat, because, after all, this WAS my present, and waiting for her to finish up the full perusal was not going to happen anytime soon.

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Way Cool ~ A Cat >-|||||°> Opoly Game

That little thing above [>-|||||°>], is my keyboard rendition of a little skeletonized fish. Best I can do without a week or so of major online research. Sometimes you just have to draw a line in the time-crunch sands of life. All home-made emoji's aside (or whatever that little beached fish might be called), the Cat game looked pretty cool at first glance.

I slit open the plastic-covered Cat Opoly box with my trusty, dusty fish-knife, to see what this was all about.

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This Looks Like A Whole Fish-Barrel Of Fun!

As you can read on the back of the box, this game is guaranteed to be a "Feline Frenzy Of Fun!" It's a Monopoly game, just like the one made for the last umpteen years by Parker Brothers, only based in the trials and tribulations of the everyday cat, rather than a Wall Street Tycoon. It actually looks pretty involved, and also like it will be a whole LOT of fun to play.

That little gray cat on the back of the box is doing his best to look cute and get us all involved. He looks like a tiny rendition of my cat Freeway years back, that loved to ride on my bicycle with me.

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So THAT'S Where They Come From

You might have noticed the blue arrow I added to the box above. What do you see? Cat Facts. The back of each Cat Opoly card contains all sorts of Cat Facts. I wonder if this is where my little friend the Robotic Cat gets all those Facts they're always regaling me with on the Steemit site. I'm sure you've seen it, the little bot conversations I include at the end of each of my posts. This calls for some more comparative research. Some day.

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The Playing Cards ~ With The All-Important Cat Facts On The Back

This part of the game looks like a normal, run-of-the-mill Monopoly game card. Though sadly, the Parker Brothers still haven't caught on to the benefit of Cat Fact inclusion on the back of THEIR game cards. Some things are so self-evident, yet so-often ignored by even the heavy-weight's of the game-producing industry. Their loss, our gain, I suppose.

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Bargaining For These Doohickeys Is A Full-Time Job In This Game

These are the tokens you get and little things you bargain for, or receive and have negative thoughts about, while playing the Cat Opoly game. These looked to me like stuffed pedestal fish you'd put on your mantle and some sort of tiny grocery boxes or ingots of lead.

After spending a bit more time with the directions, I learned the yellow things are fish bones, and those gray cubes are NOT grocery boxes or blocks of lead, but upside-down LITTER BOXES ! I'm not sure, but I'm guessing winning or somehow getting these kitty toilet boxes while playing is some sort of booby prize.

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"I'll Gladly Trade You My Mouse For A Nice Fainting Bench"

These are the player's game pieces. The things you move around the board as you roll the dice, to represent your movements and other personnel actions. I love these whimsical little metal castings. So creative and fun, particularly in light of the wacky cat world they represent.

So very kitty appropriate - a ball of yarn, a bottle of milk, a house mouse, a can of Friskies, an odd little kissing fish, and something that looks a lot like the fainting couch my Grandmother had in their front room. I think it's actually a can of opened sardines. Makes more sense than a soft place to pass out in the front parlor. Though your average cat would LOVE that. Particularly if the sun was streaming in through the front window.

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Is That Steemit Money They're Playing With?

The rest of the playing cards look a lot like regular Monopoly cards, only with various types of cats breeds on the front. There is also the requisite stacks of money you use to buy and sell things as you move around the board. I always liked this part of Monopoly. For once in my life I get to feel like a real Financial Fat Cat.

This game looks like it will be a whole lot of fun. I'm pretty sure I've said that more than once here. Can you tell I'm very excited about my new birthday present?

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And A (Wrinkly) Dollar To Grow On

Showing details of the game board, as well as my enclosed birthday card and an extra dollar. The thoughtful relatives that sent me the game also included a home-made card with a hand-painted image of a herd of cows, all lined up under the trees, wishing me a happy farmstead birthday. And what was included within the card? A dollar bill.

The dollar is actually a yearly birthday tradition, intended as a "dollar to grow on". I think this is a cool thing to include with my birthday wish. And it looks like this particular bill had seen a lot of action over it's many years in circulation.

So maybe besides being a bill to GROW on, it can also serve as a dollar to LEARN from. Hopefully imparting to me some of the wisdom it's gained from all the experiences it has seen while being passed from hand to hand over the many years. We can always hope.

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The Full-On Cat >-|||||°> Opoly Board

Looks like a rather complicated, yet incredible blast-of-a-game. On-wards, to the all-important direction reading and setting it up for play. Looks to me like the game may need a semi-permanent place to sit for awhile, if it is like regular, long-playing Monopoly. Pretty sure that's why someone invented the card table.

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The Queen Of The Universe (Affectionately Known As Stinky the Cat) Has Other Ideas ~ Making The Actual PLAYING Of The New Game A Bit Of A Challenge

We contemplated PLAYING the game that night, but a certain someone had other ideas. As soon as I put all the parts back in the box after taking pictures, so I could keep them together, she promptly fell asleep in "her" new box. Right on top of our evening plans. We will set it up and play another night, when she has forgotten about this new sleeping area.

And anyway, it WAS getting to be after 11:00 at night, and that's when I usually get back on Steemit and start doing things. So...we'll have to figure it all out, play, and post a review about the new Cat >-|||||°> Opoly game at a later date. Hopefully before I turn another year older ( :

And one dollar wiser...

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing my new birthday present for 2018. If you have any thoughts about Cat >-|||||°> Opoly, or any of the many OTHER 'Opoly games that exist, cat's obsessions with empty (sometimes) boxes, playing board games, the art of birthdays and getting older, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 02/03/2018 @ 11:37

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 29



Happy After Birthday!!!🎂 😊 🎉

I'm so very elated that you received such a magnificent present and that Stinky approved. My kitchen is often full of discarded delivery boxes as the cats are just so darn fond of them. In fact, we now just throw the boxes as soon as we remove their contents and it's like a kitty cattle call. Chaos the tabby will come barreling from wherever he is in the house and catapult himself into the new cardboard cave shortly after it hits the floor!!

I hope you have already enjoyed many rounds of Catopoly and that someone made you a cake and some ice cream! I'd type more but I have to go start cooking for my contribution to National Stuff Your Gullet Day! Laterz my friend: BK

Thank you for the nice birthday wishes and emoji's things. Muchly appreciated. Haven't gotten to the game yet. Too much to do. But then, you can't relate to that at all, O : O : O : (A whole little crowd of them).

I don't know WHAT it is about cats and boxes, maybe thousands of years ago they lived in little square caves in the hills of Mt. Kattywhompus, their original breeding area, but whatever it is, they do LOVE their cardboard. I can just imagine Chaos going full tilt into the pile. What an appropriate name. Classic. Hope your National Stuff-it Day goes well. I assume that is the Super Bowl. Do you have a crowd coming over? I have a basketball game to go watch first, but may watch later on. I'm not a monstrous football fan, though do watch college when MY team is playing. Wonder if they know? Have a most wondrous day today.

D.A.C.e -- Day After Comment, edited: I DID watch the game, and it was a real 'barn-burner', as they say. Rather exciting till the end. Just had to add that, because I could ( :

I thought that dollar bill looked OLD, as in old reserve. I mean it doesn't say this is legal tender trade-able for gold does it, because it looks ancient. Is it the same bill passed back and forth? That is adorable.

My own scenario with an 'alexa' in our home would be the same. ALthough, every so often I shout to the aether standing in my living room: "Computer, what is the capital of Alaska?" or "Computer: How many bloody Tablespoons in a peck?" pretending I live on the starship enterprise. Then I realize if we did indeed have an 'alexa' I could do this and actually get answers.

When I was a child I used to call out to my mother from my playroom making her climb stairs and go down a hall only to respond to her arrival with, "Oh, I just wanted to make sure you were still there" I am not sure why I always imagined, as a child I'd be suddenly abandoned and left to the running of our family home by myself, but there you go. To what should Alexa answer to that? Would she say I was in fact indeed alone? But, I digress...

Where was I...

Oh yes, happy birthday. And I say, I love your cat, it looks like it's wearing an expensive fur coat made for cats. Our old ginger Puss looks pretty shabby in comparison.

I wonder if I will ever have the need to use your tag #stinkythecatopolycat ? One never knows.

Again, happy day and good 'emoji' making with that 'fishbone' rendition in Capital "I" and such. Well done you.

Don't think its an old reserve, or even Silver Certificate. I better go check. I might be able to retire to a beach real soon!! I don't THINK that bill is a family item, but I could be wrong.
I did that with my Mom, took a card she sent me, wrote on it and sent it back. It went back and forth a bunch of times. Etching out or pasting over the previous stuff, and write back in the mail box. It got a bit thick after awhile. What fun! Used to send her letters on Birch Bark too, when I was in Minnesota at camp. More What Fun!!!

I'm pretty sure I'd rather not have an Alexa either. "What was that"? "Oh bother, I was muttering to the refridge". No, I'll stick to my Encyclopedia Britannica and 17 pound dictionary, thank you verymuch.

Though I can only imagine how much you might mess with her, if you DID get one for your B-day. The poor girl might blow a mainspring or doodlywhopper valve.
"Please DDa, don't ask me any more of these odd, quirky questions. I have an electro-headache now". "What's WRONG with THAT question. I really want to know. What Sharpie ink colors add up together to make Dessert Mauve and Chocolate Pique? Because I KNOW Puss the cat's messing with my quail eggs again".
A whirrzing and clicking sound emits from the poor cylinder up on the table, as a small smoke ring rises up to the ceiling above: "*??..ziiing kaziiiing, kapow, whirrrrrrrrrrr, DOINK!
"Honey, we need another one".

I am curious about the 'abandoned to run the farm as a child thing'. That is very interesting. Though I know I had MANY differing thoughts about life when I was young. Amazing what the mind can come up with, when given free reign. Especially with no mental governor as a fledgling yout of the world.

Thanks for the birthday wish. Muchly appreciated. I'll tell the Stink you said she looked nice. But your little Puss looks like quite the character as well. The Stinkmeister would probably love to be friends. OK, maybe not. I'm pretty sure I am her only reason for living, as she sits in my lap now, messing with my computer keys and trying to post before I'm ready. (I have an old post all about that, Stinky the Cat posting my stuff for me. Classic).

(I worked entirely too long on that >-||||||||||||||||||||||||||-° > thing. See what I did there. A change for the maybe-better on accident with a cat in my way...an emoji eelfish)
WOW, I wrote a daggum book here....I need a bike ride about now. Have a most wondrous night.

I almost missed this post, but I got it in the nick of time!

Speaking of Alexa, Im getting the GRAY model!!!!!

I got tears in my eyes and about fell out of the chair. THAT is funny!!! I thought the version of the 'older couple' was great on the Tracey Ullman Breaks The News show was funny, but this tops it. (Ever seen her show, it's funnier than all get-out too. Though very European-political. One of the funniest characterization persons I've ever seen.)

Thanks for the lilty lift of laughs today. I needed it after writing away here. Glad you nicked the post in time too. It is very hard to keep up, that's for sure. How DO people find the time? And I'm pretty sure you're busier than me by far.

That is so cool. :D Happy belated Birthday!

Thanks, it was a fun day, rather quiet, but fun. Glad you enjoyed the discussion about it as well. Hopefully I can do a post about playing, once Stinky the Cat abandons her post. She is quite enamoured of it ( :

It's really an exciting game. I like it. I really want to play it.

Thanks, have you seen it before? Should be fun to play. Thanks for stopping by.

First of all...... Happy Belated Birthday to you, GFF! ;)))

And second...... I would like to say that this looks very great and fun birthday gift that I would love to try! This is one of my favorite games when I was a child. (it's not the same, but it looks similar)

Third.....Your cat, "Stinky the Cat" is very cute. Hope you would enjoy playing the game with her tonight! ;D

Thank you, it was a fun, but quiet birthday. Which is fine with me.
So you played a lot of Monopoly when you were young? The regular one? It is a fun game. I have a Sheep Rancher game of Monopoly too. You set up fences and buy and sell sheep. More fun.
I will tell Stinky the Cat you said that , it will make her very very happy. She is like that ( :
Have a most wondrous day, GFF

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that your birthday was fun!

Ah! The Sheep Rancher game of Monopoly sounds interesting! That would be fun and I will love it, for sure!

Ha ha! BIG HUG for Stinky the Cat! Hope you have a wonderful day, GFF! ;))

Not sure if I did this before buuut HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY TO YOUU!!!

Thanks, it is nice to have it go on and on. It was a fun, and quiet birthday, which is just fine with me. I'm getting boring, I'd rather post on Steemit thank go out and drink a bunch of beers. Maybe that's also called smart ( :

Since cats are so good at hiding illness, even a single instance of a symptom should be taken very seriously.

So, cats are exactly the opposite of me and my Mother, when I was in the second grade. I often came down with an odd, fake illness to miss school, because the Safety Patrol bully from the sixth grade that had already started to shave and smelled like sour milk would hold his arms out, and make me wait forever to cross the street. Even when it was all clear and no cars were coming from any direction.

Like the cat owner above, I took this all VERY seriously. My Mother did not. I seldom got to miss school, or the jerky safety patrol kid that smelled bad.
So, it definitely is the same, in a reverse-logic, inverse sort of way. Only with humans, and safety crossing guards, and my Mother, rather than a cat.

Unlike humans, cats do not need to blink their eyes on a regular basis to keep their eyes lubricated.

What do they use then? A light-weight, organic-based (olive oil) 3-in-1? And if not, why don't their eyelids squeak when they close them? This is going to keep me up nights from now on.

Approximately 1/3 of cat owners think their pets are able to read their minds.

I sure hope this is NOT true. Because if it is, I'm a very simple person, who's whole day is dedicated to walking around the house, thinking: "Is the food dish full?" and "Are we going to the refrigerator again?" and "Why aren't there more Kibbles in the dish?" Followed up all night long with: "Food?!!"
Good Lord, I'm a simple person...

Obviously, I'm not one of these people. I think of 52 MORE things for my cats to do around the house, than I vociferate to them. Sometimes in a strong voice. And they don't respond to a single thing I mention to them out loud, let alone the things I'm thinking they should do.

So, by connecting the dots of logic here, it's obvious they are NOT reading my mind, as they would do at least a FEW of the chores I'm thinking about, even by random accident. And they certainly don't get any of them done. So no, they are definitely not reading my mind.

For example: Just a short while ago, I was thinking to myself, "DillBob, why don't you go find a hobby, chase a mouse, or take a nap under a tree. Just do ANYTHING, except sit on the front porch, at 10:17 A.M., waiting for dinner to be served. That is 9 hours from now! And please stop meowing at the closed door every now and then too."
He's still out there.
Looking at the door.

Thanks-be cats are not part of the education system in this country. Faking illness so you don't have to go to school is a fine art learned by children at a very early age here. And is highly variable in it's success, fully dependent upon the savvy of the average, early A.M., "Hurry up and get ready for SCHOOL, or you'll be late!" mother.

But just think...if CATS were involved, and are THAT good at hiding illness, and therefor, by reverse default, even BETTER at FEIGNING an anomaly of health, well, the "Rest would be history", as they say. There would be NO kitties showing up for school. Our whole education system would be in a shambles, and might even shutter-up permanently. THEN where would we be in the Math and Science ratings?
Sincerely, -S.P.I.F.K.A.K.E.S.*

*Society for the Prevention of Illness Faking Kitties in the American Knowledge and Educational System

How fun, and sweet photos!

Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it all. And thanks for the visit as well.

The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. You can also learn about your cat's present state of mind by observing the posture of his tail.

Pantera is a very tough, alpha male cat that looks and acts like a Panther. Hence, the name.
When I pull his tail, he falls over with a concerted 'umpff ' noise, and then purrs very loudly, as if to say, "pet me, please. " Amazing for such a 'bad' cat.

I tried this with Stinky the Cat out on the driveway. Once. She just looked back at me as if to say, "what's THIS nonsense? "
We didn't try that again for several years. Later in life, she actually enjoyed this little game. Though she would not 'fall over' for anyone. Which goes to show, you CAN teach an old cat some new tricks. As long as she fully approves of the trick ahead of time.

I'm relatively certain Stinky the Cat's state of mind has much more to do with the vertical posture of the Kibbles in the food dish, versus anything going on at the other end of said cat.
(She just wandered through my office on her way to somewhere. So I asked her about the tail thing. She looked up at me, eeked out a "Kibbles??", then walked back out. I rest my case.)

People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better.

Eewgg! Kitty spittle and dander fluff. Though I must say I feel bad for anyone that is allergic to our four-legged friends. They CAN be a bit of fun now and then.

As for the bath part -- Ha Haa, Good One!! I'm pretty sure I'd rather be wrapped in brambles, rolled down a steep rocky hill, soaked in brine-water, then run over by two fat circus bears* on a tandem bicycle, than try to give Stinky the Cat a bath.

*Brutus and BoBo B. -The Bicycling Bear Brothers

A cat cannot see directly under its nose.

That is very interesting. I've never seen a cat trip over it's feet or take an UN-expected tumble. I wonder what their secret is? All those whiskers? Forward-facing backup cameras?

Which begs another question. Do cats ever mess with their friends? Two Tom's walking down an alley, one looks over at the other while they're moseying and says "Look, over there, it's a fat mouse"...just to see if he can make his friend trip over an ash-can lid. Since he KNOWS his buddy can't see down below his nose. It COULD happen.

Like birds, cats have a homing ability that uses its biological clock, the angle of the sun, and the Earth's magnetic field. A cat taken far from its home can return to it. But if a cat's owners move far from its home, the cat can't find them.


Now that you mention it, I've never seen a cross-eyed cat, so this makes total sense. Nature is SO amazing.

Siamese kittens are born white because of the heat inside the mother's uterus before birth. This heat keeps the kittens' hair from darkening on the points.

So more of a Kitty Bun in the Top-Rack Broiler thing, rather than the Oven, eh? Those wacky, white Siamese kitties. Always up to something.
Which begs the question: Do dark-colored cats come from a cooler uterus? And do we call them a 'refridge or 'cooler' cat from now on?

Like humans, cats tend to favor one paw over another

Does this mean the cat can 'bat' at something faster with it's dominant paw? For example: if the cat is going after a mouse...does the mouse stand a better chance of getting away if he/she/it always stays to the side of the cat that is NOT dominant?

So, in the case of a right-pawed cat...the mouse should always be heading to the left when it skitters across the kitchen floor. Not to the right.

Then again, how would the mouse really KNOW this information about the cat? All the mice I've seen, spend their time under the refrigerator or in a cupboard or other odd, out-of-the-way place. And so they don't really see the cat for very long. At least long enough to know its correct 'paw'. I think this needs a bit more research before I'm throwing all in behind this particular Cat Fact.

Does this choice pertain to just the front paws, or the BACK ones too? It would be VERY difficult to decide which one is your 'favourite', when you have so many to choose from. For Example: Does a cat that likes his or her back left paw best, then bat at things with THAT paw? How awkward would that be! And what about scratching itself? Which will it use most? The favourite paw? But this might be awkward. This will keep me up late at night, once again. You are very good at doing that, M. Catfact

Ha haa, immerse Stinky the Cat in a bathtub full of water, with my bare hands. Good one...

We recently gave Kiwi the cat a bath. Because he has a very small brain, and thinks it is OK to sleep in his litter box all the time. Even after using it. Yes, it is gross. No, I have not been able to train him otherwise. "Look Kiwi, a really nice box, right next door, full of blankets and pillows and other such fluff. Wouldn't you like to sleep in THERE?"

No, he'd rather climb back into the litter box. I'm not sure what sort of problem this is in a cat, but I'm pretty sure he could benefit from a bit of kitty counseling. (He once ran away because the wind blew too much. Must have been at least a light breeze.) Sigh...

Back to the bath. It went much better than expected. If it had been Stinky the Cat, I am quite certain I would now have much shorter arms. But Kiwi, he just went comatose, curled up in his standard, Pill-bug form (a tight ball), and went with it. Sometimes a cat with the combined IQ of old shoe leather and a brown twig is easier to deal with than one with some sort of upper-level learning degree. Now if I can only get him to quit using his 'fluff box' as a litter box too. I think I need a long nap.

I can ASSURE you, the allergic people tolerate this whole 'cat in the bath ' thing a LOT better than the cat. Have YOU ever tried dunking your cat in the tub? I have...

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