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RE: The Quickening has begin! @fulltimegeek Has the Power!

This is a really nice 'tribute' to @fulltimegeek; you're absolutely correct, what he is doing is so important to try and bring a sense of fairness and common decency back! I too agree that "our Whales need more examples like Geek willing to do the dirty work" would certainly add to the sense of like-minded community spirit here if more teamed up to fight the good fight for sure!

What you and @fulltimegeek and the SOG's do is enlightening; your @thefreshfive is a great initiative! I'm a part of @newbieresteemday, which began as a resteem initiative (obviously:), but has become a growing community of people welcoming, supporting, educating and mentoring new and not-so-new folks here. Anything that adds to the selfless community, along with seeing what you are all doing and @fulltimegeek's mission, gives me hope for a continued successful platform overall.

Thanks again! Cheers :)

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