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RE: Motivated By Hope & How #StewardsOfGondor Provides Rocket-Fuel For Success

Awesome!! @davemccoy, you are a master at writing lengthy blogs with some proper information.

Thanks for each of those chapters and appreciating the efforts and support of #stewardsofgondor.
I think it's my obligation to thank @fulltimegeek every day.

I am happy to be mentioned along with my established fellow members of #stewardsofgondor like @abh12345 and @goldendawne.

Thanks for mentioning me in one of your chapters. It feels nice when someone appreciates the pay it forward efforts of me and I am very proud to say that it's all because of our main hero @fulltimegeek and support and encouragement of other members of #stewardsofgondor which encouraged me to propose the SP delegations I have made.

And the best thing is that, the #newbieresteemday movement made me remember my beginning days on Steemit where I use to struggle to get the attention of Steemians, leave about getting upvotes.

So, I felt, when I was introuduced by you to #newbieresteemday, I immediately made my mind that, I have a chance to pay back to @fulltimegeek and also support the newbies and hence that SP delegation.

With your and the ABC ladies(@amariespeaks, @beeyou and @charisma777) efforts along with the guidance of other members of #newbieresteemday, you are already getting the results as anyone can see and this movement will be bigger and bigger with your efforts in spreading the news with the help of blogs like this.

Great to be part of this and happy to support.


I meant every word I said and frankly words aren't enough to describe how awesome you are. We just met a few weeks ago and you have already provided some serious rocket-fuel to our movement. I know you are humble and rightly point to @fulltimegeek whenever your deeds are recognized, but you should know that you have truly made a difference to us already (and I can't imagine what happens next).

I have no idea if @fulltimegeek knows what you are doing with us (I can't imagine he could keep up with all these tags), but I do know one day he will be very proud of you when he finds out. You are helping to create a bridge that will be a path that people can take as they grow on this platform. This path will lead to many more #stewardsofgondor and it will start from the day they sign up. We are very fortunate to have crossed paths with you @coolguy123 and I know with your guidance and spirit we will achieve many great things together!

Thank you very very much!

Thank you for the nice compilation of words. You are awesome with your words.

@fulltimegeek has 50+ members as part of SOG and I am sure it's not an easy task for him to keep track of what everyone is doing. That's why, the weekly report published by @abh12345 will be a handy one for @fulltimegeek to keep a high level track of the achievements and improvement points of his Stewards. And it's unfair to expect his attention because of his own schedule. In-spite of all these, he visits our comments once in a while and that is a satisfactory one for us.

But I would like to say something, recently the delegation I received from @fulltimegeek got increased by 50% and that shows he keeps track of his stewards and rewards their effort.

I am just trying to spend some effort on #newbieresteemday and every small bit when combined will be a bigger one and I can already see that the newbies are getting rewarded more than what I use to get when I was a newbie and it feels good that there is some contribution from me in those rewards for them.

We better be careful or @goldendawne is going to think we are cheating in Asher's contest... Both of us can write some good long comments so if we keep going we will be way ahead of everyone!

I do realize that fulltimegeek has a huge amount of information to process and I think its amazing that he can even sleep. My mind is a little loopy by the end of the day and I have probably 1/1 millionth of the messages he has. At some point I'm sure he has to turn it off.

I'm glad you take comfort in being a part of newbieresteemday and we are lucky to have such a great member and partner!

ps.. I think we got a few more to join Asher's League of Excellence... I'd like to get that concept very widespread. The more people communicate, the better for us all!

Oh, @goldendawne has her own ways of tackling all the competition and if at all I could surpass her, I will enjoy that ;)

You are a competition for her, not me Dave, because I spend more time on rewarding the posts and now I am exploring the commenting part thanks to you and Asher's leagues.

Yes, @fulltimegeek has already contributed a lot to this community with his delegations.

If at all he tries to be a witness (even other members like @abh12345 and @wwf) my vote will be the first for their witness candidature for whatever these guys are doing. They will surely do more than what they are doing now for this community.

And as for as you bringing more people to Asher's league, it would be even more fun to compete with more guys and also that will be a big exposure to all those guys.

Thank you for the generous words!
I find a friendly competition (and me being off my game this week) is good for the soul!

I look forward to all we have to share together!

Yes, it's a friendly competition only and the competition to improve ourselves in a constructive way :).

me being off my game this week

any travel plans?

No travel plans- I'm a homebody. Hubby has to fight me to go out ANYWHERE!

Ok, nice to know that. Come to India :) There are lots of visiting places here..

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