The Pascal blockchain account seal technology: Cryptographically secure and trace your blockchain account history without connecting to the blockchain.

in #stemng5 years ago

Herman Schoenfeld's presentation of the account seal technology . Source:github

Have you ever thought about owning a blockchain for free? This could be the most precious gift you ever got, as this would you verify your transaction history without synchronizing with your peers over the blockchain, if you have a mainnet wallet for any cryptocurrency, then unarguably you’ve synced your wallet at least twice in the past forty-eight hours, this is to enable you trace your transaction on your wallet or you must have used the explorer for that blockchain as you can’t trace these transactions without having to link to the blockchain.

The blockchain system principally consists of information stored in blocks and linked by cryptographic chains tracing these block normally requires a link to the blockchain system.

This have been the modus operandi for every blockchain and this marks a relationship between every blockchain as the birth of any new blockchain only means the birth of a new explorer with exactly the same mode of operations and wallets which must connect to the peers over the mainnet before you can track your transaction over a long period of time, probably we’ve continued to see this as the true tradition of the blockchain as no new technology have tried to change this foregoing…

But not again ,an astonishing development by Pascal blockchain developer Herman Schoenfeld has hit the blockchain world with what is unarguably a turn around on how the blockchain is used and the pascal blockchain developers have again continued their long standing identity as the trailblazers in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency as a whole with the introduction of the safebox technology technology, a wallet address which is easier to memorize than your everyday bank account number, telephone number and even your dates…lol, of course, it will be easier to remember 5143-56 than 29-03-2019, sure you agree with me on that; and now the ACCOUNT SEAL TECHNOLOGY

Proposed, developed and presented by Herman Schoenfeld, the account seal technology enables you to cryptographically seal your account transaction histories and enables you verify these histories without needing the blockchain, for real you’ve got the blockchain at the tip of your finger, for free!. This monumental innovation to the already existing safebox-model yields wonderful results and open doors for new use cases just not possible on UTXO blockchains and DAGS.

This comes in handy and enables the user track history of over one hundred (100) blocks as the pascal blockchain nodes only needs/keeps the last one hundred (100) blocks and hence loses the account history after a number of one hundred blocks, blocks are produced anytime an operation is carried out on an account (mutation), these are stored in blocks and the history is lost after 100 blocks.

A user who wishes to trace history of over 100 blocks would have to track them manually or request them from an archival block by syncing with the blockchain; this is syncing tradition is the same in every other blockchains and hence these records cannot be traced without (connecting to) the blockchain.
This PIP as developed by Schoenfeld enables the entire account history to be verifiable and intrinsically secure. A user would only need the SafeBox to verify an account history and not the entire blockchain. The original SafeBox model dramatically diminishes the dependence on archival nodes, but now the account seal technology now completely obviates any smidgeon of dependence on PascalCoin’s archival nodes!

This is made possible by possible by creating a link between every prior state and the mutating operation which led to its mutation, the current state links links to its prior state, the prior state links to their prior state, hence a connection with the ’states’, which is verifiable without the blockchain. To validate the account history, the user possessing the account address can easily calculate the seals in a chronological order and ensuring the final seal matches the current seal in the safebox .

just as the hash of the previous block creates a chain which links the blocks, the account seal links the states of the account, thus enabling the user track and trace account history without the blockchain CC3.0 license.

The account seal implementation means the PASA history would serve as an embedded blockchain in which each account state serves as a "block header." The account seal serves as the link to the previous "block header." The account data functions as the "merkle-root" to the block contents. The security of the blockchain is assigned to SafeBox's aggregated Proof-of-Work which secures the PASA. No additional Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake is required to secure these embedded blockchains. To validate the account history without any blockchain, the user possessing the account address can easily calculate the seals in a chronological order and ensure the final seal matches the current seal in the SafeBox.

With much said already, anyone would wonder what this technology has to offer to the blockchain technology as a whole, fortunately, it’s use cases is limitless and one would think of many potential use cases on the course of reading this article, the account seal technology brings many utilities into life and it’s potentials could be harnessed infinitely not just in cryptocurrency but in every real life situation where records, check and balances and accounting comes into play. This is due to the fact that the account seal technology:

Enables the PASA(pascal account) function as a decentralized finite state machine

The Pascal account with the account seal technology is able to trace transactions without the blockchain, hence transactions with the PASA can serve as a state transition and audit-log it any programmatic work flow as the new DATA operation technology on Pascal blockchain facilitates data exchanges between Pascal accounts, these efficiently transferred data can be assessed and verified without the blockchain, hence apart from the transfer of cryptocurrency, this technology can be applied in real life cases such as voting where the account history can be used to tally votes such that unaltered consensus can be achieved, this would be a groundbreaking introduction to the electoral process, this technology also gains application in the gaming industry/technology as account history can serve as a sequence of the players' actions in the course of the game such as poker and hence the winner of the game can be decided without third party interference.

Enables the development of sophisticated wallets with account history calculated without the blockchain

Imagine owning a cryptocurrency wallet which doesn’t plus much pressure on your processors and doesn’t require the high data capacity to run your transactions and retrieve your account history from any untrustworthy peer and verify the correctness of this retrieved history? And also doing these without the blockchain, probably you’d be thinking of a better name to call it, may be a ledger!, but better said, it’s a wallet with a difference, light in resource consumption, effective and efficient in operation, just what you asked for!

Enables the pascal address function as a decentralized ledger

with the account seal technology, one only needs his PASA the safebox to trace their account history without connecting to the blockchain, thus one's PASA can act as a ledger in a decentralized exchange . Source:medium -image not under copyright restrictions

You can now affirm your correctness when you called the PASA a ledger in the first place, because in this case it can function as a ledger with the aid of the account seal technology, since history of transaction can be verified without the blockchain and individually, the PASA history is on this context a ledger of chronologically ordered statements made by parties to a contract which is immutable as it is still based on the blockchain technology and these transactions can be verified individually and without having to connect to any peer, hence the account history can serve as a ledger of a user’s deposits and withdrawals on a decentralized exchange unarguably a huge step towards the achievement of a truly decentralized exchange, this can serve as a proof-of-audit solutions between contractual parties while also offering solution to supply-chain notarization.

Enables the Pascal address serve as an embedded blockchain

With the linking of current and prior states via the account seal technology, every pascal address can serve as a blockchain itself with the states representing the blocks and the account seal technology serving as the chain which links these blocks in a similar fashion as the blockchain.

Under this interpretation, the PASA history serves as an embedded blockchain where each account state serves as a "block header". The Account Seal serves as the link to the previous "block header". The Account Data serves as the "merkle-root" to the block contents. The security of the blockchain is derived transitively from the SafeBox's aggregated Proof-of-Work which secures the PASA. This means no addtional Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake is required to secure these embedded blockchains.

Herman Schoenfeld, github

The account seal technology brings in a new light not just to the relevance of cryptocurrency, but also to the mass adoption of the blockchain technology and definitely the cryptocurrencies and dapps running on these blockchains.
More information on this release can be found here

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