The Effects Of Pollution On Human's Life, Agriculture and The Economy Of A Nation

in #stemng6 years ago (edited)

The land that fed our ancestors sufficiently has denied us food and the fertility of mother earth has decreased immensely. If our ancestors could jump back to life, they would without hesitation rush to their graves because their barns would be a waste of land and a house for lizards. Our fathers who married many wives, had many children and still feed abundantly would surely be displeasured to exist in this present age where soil needs artificial manure(fertilizer) to produce what it naturally produced in their own days of living, some lands cannot even produce after supplying it with fertilizer. In the days of our father, even the poor could feed more than enough, their small portion of land could work miracles; even those without possession of land could purchase any eatable they wanted abundantly with their means of exchange then. In those heaven-on-earth days, the rivers possess a great multitude of fishes that could serve a whole community; every fishing hook thrown into the river was a catch.
Their days was like the heaven this generation hopes for, where who planted his seed, was sure of abundant harvest and who casted his fishing hook into the river was sure of a catch.
However, today, the reverse has been the case. Farm produce does not correspond with the input, to make the matter more terrible, some pests would still attack and infect the not-enough farm produce harvested. Also, fishes in the rivers have reduced due to water pollution.


Image credits: CCO Public domain Source:Wikimedia
Pollution is the introduction of foreign materials or contaminants into the environment; this causes alteration in the natural phenomenon of the environment. Pollution can be in the air, water or land. Pollution can be caused by hydrocarbons, plastics, animals and human activities . All forms of pollution have effect on human's life, fertility of the soil and the quantity of farm produce which subsequently has an effect on the economy of a nation.

Effect Of Pollution On Human's Life

The pollution that majorly affects man is air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of harmful gaseous substance into the atmosphere and is usually caused mainly by the combustion of hydrocarbons ranging from combustion of carbon compounds by vehicles for transportation to the combustion of hydrocarbons for electricity generation which is essential for day-to-day activities.
When these hydrocarbons get to the atmosphere, it contaminates the air human breaths, thereby, making it impure. Breathing of contaminated air is dangerous to humans' health: it triggers cancer, it increases the risk of respiratory diseases and asthma, it damages the immune system, endocrines and reproductive system_this could be the reason the rate of infertility is increasing. Inhaling polluted air for 6-hours decreases the potency of the lungs, respiratory inflammation, pains in the eyes, and severe cough among others. All these sicknesses would eventually lead to death.

Image credits:CCO Public Domain || Source:Wikipedia

Drilling, refining, fracking of natural gas and disposal of waste water without proper protective measures can lead to water pollution. Also volatile organic gases can contaminate underground water sources near natural oil and gas blocks if the blocks are inadequately constructed. Finally, humans would drink this contaminated water and become exposed to diseases such as typhoid, amoebiasis, hookworm and dysentery among others. All these sicknesses would eventually lead to increased death rate. So, the peak consequence of pollution to human is death.

Effect Of Pollution On Agriculture

Both air pollution, land pollution and water pollution have negative effects on Agriculture.
Air pollution causes global warming. When the globe is very hot, plants stand at a higher risk of dying. Some plants require moderate temperature to germinate and bear fruit.
Land pollution has the most negative effect on planting and harvesting. This pollution is caused by oil spill(an unintentional release of liquid petroleum on the surface of the earth due to human activities, natural disaster or lack of maintenance in oil pipes and storage).

Image credits:CC by SA 3.0 source:Wikimedia

The effect of this oil spill includes soil erosion, brownish vegetation and decrease in the fertility of soil which would consequently make less land available for cultivation, the available plants unhealthy and the soil unable to give abundant farm produce due to insufficient nutrient respectively. Eleme, a community in Rivers state, Nigeria, known for agriculture has lost the fertility of their soils due to increased oil spill
On fish farming and aquatic animal rearing, water pollution also caused mainly by oil spills makes aquatic habitation dangerous for aquatic animals. This reduces the population of aquatic habitats, hence, making fewer animals available to aquatic farmers. In 1989, the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled about 10.8 million gallons of oil near Alaska's shoreline, thousands of aquatic animals were endangered by this oil spill.

The Effect Of Pollution On The Economy Of A Nation

Pollution can cause instability on the economy of a nation. Pollution causes sickness and increased death rate of humans and animals, deficient crops among others.
In a state, filled with sick people, the workforce and human resources decreases because sick people cannot work. Most people on sick bed depend on healthy people for survival that is why beggars exist in the street. A man in hospital bed is liability to a nation as he depends on the work of others to get his bills and feeding catered for. Hence, the total number of dependent people outshines that of the independent, and this is savage to economy of a nation.

Image credits:CCO Public Domain source:Wikimedia
Even the healthy ones that choose to farm, would not see enough farmland due to erosion of the soil caused be pollution. Yet, the little lands available for farming would not produce abundantly due to infertility of the soil also caused by pollution. Fishers would not harvest enough fish because the population of aquatic animals would reduce due to oil spill, cows available for milking would reduce also. All these would make a nation depend on imported goods for survival. Economically, when a nation's import is more than her export, her economy begins to crumble; this has been the problem with Nigeria decades ago till now.

Finally, pollution has solution that can mitigate it. If public transportation is encouraged, the volume of fossils fuel being burnt will reduce, hence mitigating air pollution. If proper maintenance of pipelines and oil wells are carried, oil spills would be mitigated , this would increase the availability of land for agricultural purposes.


Pollution can lead to sickness, poverty, death and instability of the economy of a nation. Pollution has solutions that even though would not eliminate pollution completely, would significantly reduce it. You as a #stemng publisher, can ensure proper disposal of waste water and always carry out maintenance on your generator and discourage oil pipe vandalism.

Thanks for your ample time



I wish that instead of focusing so much on climate change as a topic, we would focus on pollution. I am not saying that climate change is not important, but in my--controversial--opinion, a big part of it is due to the Earth's natural cycle and a smaller part of it is due to what we are doing. Therefore, if we are going to understand what we need to do in order to evolve with our home planet, we need to live in the healthiest possible way. But how can we do that if all our natural resources are polluted? It is like trying to lost weight when you eat junk food? You can never understand what your body needs for fuel if you are clogging it with foreign food.

Nature-based solutions, such as Circular Economy, Circular Design and #biomimicry, can hopefully start to bring us back into harmony with our planet. Until we do this, I don't see how we are ever going to find ways to adapt to our ever-changing world!

Thank you for bringing the topic of pollution back to the forefront. Hopefully, each of us is doing our part to end the trend of destroying our planet out of ignorance!

@yvesolver, thanks for coming around.
Living in harmony with our planet is a decision everyone should take..our individual actions also contribute to pollution of our planet

Aho! I think most people make the decision intellectually, but not in their actions. I am pretty convinced that it is ignorance. Being in harmony with the planet mean unlearning stuff we were taught as children. Until you unlearn these things, you can relearn new ways of doing the same thing.

Unlearning is a more difficult process than learning though

So very true! I think it is because we usually build more learning and habits over certain things, so to unlearn requires dismantling a whole set of connections that can run quite deep and far. Not only that, I think it is also quite scary to think that something you believed was right and true is now no longer valid. The latter, in my opinion, is the hardest. If all your life you were told to drink a glass of orange juice a day because it was good for you, and you believed it so you did it. You believed it so much you even taught others to do it. Then someone comes and tells you that the orange juice is what is causing some strange problem you have. Even if you believe the person, it would be hard to change because not only do you have to admit that you hurt yourself all these years--even if you didn't know it--but you also have to admit to everyone else that you were wrong in getting them to do it. This is why yelling at people and thinking they are stupid for not changing doesn't help, because we never know what someone is going through. We need compassion and understanding in order to help someone see that just because you were wrong, does not mean you are a bad person.

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