The Science in Car Crashes

in #stemng6 years ago

You may not be a fan of physics, but that does not mean that most of your everyday living does not obey the fundamental laws of physics. In a car crash, there are always two possible outcomes; the person that opens the door and walk away, and the other that gets carried away by emergency responders. Both of these situations all depend on how the laws of motion, based on physics, worked out that day.

Inertia, the tendency of a body to remain in motion until an external force acts on it, is one of the reasons seat belts are critical safety piece of equipment for anyone in a moving vehicle.

For instance, a body in a vehicle traveling at 100 miles per hour suddenly experience an external force, in the form of concrete road divider which forcefully decelerates the car to 0 mph, the body if unrestrained will continue to travel at 100 mph (in the same direction as the vehicle) until an object (steering wheel, vehicle's interior, windshield, etc.) stops the body from accelerating further.

Even if the person is not driving, it could still prove fatal or at least, you may get to endure what some doctors call a "partition face", which include broken noses, injured mid face or upper jaw, plus other injuries sustained as a result of slamming into the driver's back seat or any seat that you got thrown into. That is why it is advisable for everyone in a moving vehicle to secure themselves, even if you do not like living, you may turn out to be a missile/projectile that can harm others hers who may be more safety conscious in the event of a crash.

Crash and Inertia

Newton Second law expresses force, F, as a product of mass,m, and acceleration a.
F= ma

Acceleration, a, is the rate of change of velocity with time.

Therefore, F= m (∆v /t)

Multiplying both sides by t, we will have

Ft = m∆v

The product of mass and change in velocity (m∆v ) is the momentum.

Momentum defines the inertia in motion.

A 4000kg truck travelling at 25 miles per hour has the same momentum as a 1000kg bus cruising at 100mph. Even though the momentum of two moving vehicles may be the same, the severity of the crash between them will differ due to the impulse.

Impulse is defined mathematically as the product of force and time, i.e. Ft

Impulse, I = Ft

A car that was stopped suddenly experiences a more considerable stopping force (F) in a smaller time, t.
If we compare it with a car that stops over a longer time, t, that will have lesser force, F, acting on it as each momentum goes to zero.

To understand the effect of impulse in a collision, let us use an experiment. For this experiment, we need two eggs of the same mass, a wooden board, and some piece of cloth.

Hang the cloth on the two top ends, leaving the two bottom ends free, and make sure nothing but empty space is behind the fabric. Beside it, you can nail the board to the wall. Step back about 10m, one after the other using the same force, throw the eggs against the board and cloth respectively. You will find out that both eggs momentum will go to zero after hitting the two objects. But the egg you threw at the board will explode on impact and splash everywhere, the other thrown against the cloth may only sustain a crack or nothing at all.

What just happened? Did we not throw the two eggs with same force? We did. The reason is simple, the board stopped the egg with such massive force at such a short time, compared to the cloth that did the same thing with a lesser force over an extended period. The impulse on both eggs is the same. One experienced a more significant force over a short time while the other encountered a small force over much longer time.

The G-Force

Pilots can undergo several Gs and not blackout [CC0] , from Creative Commons

The g-force is an equivalent pressure which applies to an object (or a human body) at sea level which is equal to the gravitational constant- 9.8 m/s2

1g is the average amount of force a person exerts either sitting, walking, or lying down, which prevents us from going into a free-fall.
For instance, a person that lay on his back feels the weight of his body, the same person in an aircraft or vehicle moving at 2G will feel twice the weight.

There is an interesting thing about G-force, it helps to express, technically, the amount of acceleration/deceleration body experiences rather than force, in that it does not require the mass of object involved to get this done. So an object of different masses has the same G-force acting on it.

As an example, a child and an adult, sitting in a vehicle with their seatbelt securely fastened. The car was travelling at say, 100km/hr when it suddenly slammed into a utility pole. The two bodies will experience different force exerted on their seat belt due to different masses, remember F=ma. The adult will have a more significant force acting on the seatbelt to secure his body from flying out of the car. The baby, on the other hand, will only experience little force on the belt due to the smaller mass.

But if we are to express the force in g-force, both bodies will experience same g-force acting on them irrespective of the different forces present due to their mass difference.

A similar phenomenon can be seen in a rollercoaster hurtling along its track. The rollercoaster exerts different forces on each rider according to their mass. But everyone on the rollercoaster experiences the same G-force. G-force conveniently allows for a mass-independent comparison for different situations while showing the scale of the force involved.

G-force and vehicle's crumple distance

A car that moves at 0-to-60 miles per hour ( in 10 seconds exposes the driver to 0.27g.

1G= 9.8m/s2= 32.152231 ft/s2

Tesla Model S vehicles move from 0-60 mph in 2.39 seconds, pulling off 1.14g, which is slightly more than the average Earth gravitational constant.

Rollercoasters can go up to 6.3G. The human body runs a risk of going unconscious when subjected to G-force above 6G for more than a few seconds. This effect happens due to the blood flowing away from the brain.

Though, skilled professionals like the astronauts, fighter pilots, can withstand up to 9G and more, due to training-built tolerance inside the centrifuges. The other set of people with high G tolerance are professional NASCAR drivers.

Car front showing crumple zone in a crash, By Janne. from Finland [CC BY-SA 2.0] , from Wikipedia Commons

To check the effect of a vehicle's front crumple distance in a collision, assume a car, X, was travelling at 30 mph and suddenly comes to a halt when it ran into a concrete wall. If the vehicle's front crumples one foot on impact with the driver secured to the seat with a seatbelt, the driver will experience a 30G force on that sudden deceleration. If in a second vehicle, Y, if the front end of the car is assumed to be less stiff than vehicle X, and it crumbles a distance of 2 feet, the deceleration G-force will now be 15G. That is a whopping minus 15G. Recall that impulse is Ft, the time the force acts on a body in the first instance (vehicle X) is halved in the second vehicle Y's impact.

Car manufacturers try to extend the time of impact using airbags, seatbelts, vehicle crumple zones, etc. to minimise the amount of time the force will act on the occupant's body/bodies in the event of a sudden deceleration in the case of a collision/crash.


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I am always asking my passengers to wear seatbelts.
When they say they are ok I calculate to them the inertial forces they will withstand from a car crash at 40km/h and calculate their weight in that moment. I explain to them that they will "fall" on my and my girlfriend's necks and then they will fly about a car length. They use their safety belts from that points onward.

I also had a very hard to convince friend and we agreed to hard brake check when he is not aware to see if he is able to take it.
I actually have better brakes than what the stock car has, in terms of performance and very good tires which I change constantly using real life performance reviews found at , well before they reach the EU safety marks. I left foot braked him to a full stop on an empty road (Bosch ABS) out of the blue and he has worn the seatbelt ever since. In his car also.

I think the problem with not wearing the seatbelt or the erratic driving or tailgating is due to a lack of a visualization. Defensive driving lessons are hard to get, maybe impossible in developing countries.
How can we visualize and educate the drivers about these things, this is the question? How to convince the hard to convince, or the overconfident. "No, your BMW can't possibly brake in 0.2 seconds from the moment in which your mind realizes the car you tailgate emergency braked until you hit it with a difference of 50 km/h"

I am very wound up about it, you'll see it in my account description: "safe driver" :)

Even if the ABS can function in 0.2 seconds, can the driver's reaction be that fast? I had an accident that resulted in the car flipping off the highway to the adjacent bush. We got off unscathed due to the fastened seatbelt. Defensive driving? Anyone that can drive here can virtually be on the road as long as you have a driver's licence, a licence you can get without getting behind the wheel once in your life!

I was referring to that. The driver's response is way too slow for the speeds that we are travelling.
We either remove the driver from the ecuation or learn to cheat and give us more time, like keeping greater distance to the car in front and identifying potetial dangerous situations.

Driving while making some braking distance between our vehicle and the next really helps us stop and prevent a possible pileup.

Defensive driving is common sense just as giving the vehicle at the front some distance. These things don't even need to be taught imo.

If taught, it'd help. Same way people with survival training fare better doing crisis compared to those who don't have. It appears common sense is no longer common :)

Safe driver Alex!

This is hilarious going into the detailed calculations for your passengers to see the danger of non-compliance with seat belt usage! you do this as often as?
I also remember sometimes ago when I was in a car with my brother going to a destination of about half a kilometer away. I felt no need to use the beat because of the short distance.
Well, I wished I did. We had an accident before getting to the destination. I was in the hospital for some days as a result. Ever since then, I don't care if the journey is just 50m away, i will always use my seat belt.

I even brake check the kids the second they undo their seatbelts thinking that I can't hear the click :)
The seatbelt is the 50's invention, come on, it's high time we used it always..
I will write something, maybe tomorrow about the newer car security systems.

hahaha... I will watch out for your post. Remember to include some of your experiences with the use of seat belt

When I was very young I used to be paranoid about using seat belts, mainly because I watched movies where people get stuck in the car because of their seat belts after an accident. Later on I'll say I understood the science in car crashes as you'll put it and saw the importance of the seat belt.

It helps reduce the effect of impact on the body.

The airbags perform similar functions right?

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..

sizuka ... we know you as Shizuka in our country ... you are famous here in the children.

kool I enjoyed applying physics and discovering the crashes. I believe we need to take help from biology to count the physical damage :D

That's right, the biology steps in when we analyse the damage to the body.

We are on the same page here ;)

@greenrun thank you for this enlightening info on physics

You are welcome.

Hello @greenrun

Using different real life scenarios to communicate the science behind car crashes, makes this article very easy to understand. Kudos.


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Hello @eurogee, we can only try to make science as fun as we possible could.

Thats crucial for understanding. Thanks

Message gotten

Real life example to our boring lectures back in school.... Feels better now that it have a real life backing

Thanks @greenrun

Thanks for reading through it all.

@greenrun give me back my eggs first of all, I'll say the rest later...

These real life examples just made it look like the x, mph and the likes doesn't exist.
It was beautiful learning here.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, I just helped you break one. You can thank me later :)
Thanks for the compliment.

that's lot of science involved in that too interesting to know that too in details :)

This draws my attention to your previous post on the use of seat belts....
The experiment you describe here just stuck to my brain now, I am alking about the egg experiment, it really made the whole explanation much more easier and simple.

Need some clarification on the concept of lifters.
Uptil now , I still have some confusion as to the kind of force whether G or g that acts on us while in elevator . When the elevator is decelerating , it will look as if we have no weight but on acceration we feel heavy, still do not really understand this mechanism. I know it has some association with g and G but, honestly not too clear.

Sorry, I do not understand the question. If you could rephrase, that may help.

Normally when i step into an elevator I.e a lifter. I at first felt comfortable but immediately the lifter began to move up, I felt weightless and lost balance and if I could recall I nearly fell the first day I entered a lifter. I had to hold on to the iron support inside it so as to be stable.

I am now relating my experience to the concept of forces acting on us inside a lifter. The concept was taught by my physics teacher back then in high school but, I guess I was nonchalant about and didn't really pay much attention to it then. But now I do.
What I am kindly asking is that, At that point in time I felt weightless and lost my balance during the motion of the elevator, was gravitational force g still acting on me?
Just curious to know the reason for that weightlessness and lost of balance. It happens to almost anyone who steps into an elevator for the first time.

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