THE BIOGRAPHY OF THE UNIVERSE - The Formation of solar bodies (Part 2)

in #stemng6 years ago (edited)

Image - Pixabay

In the first part of the 'Biography of the Universe' series, we describe how the universe lived its life through its most notorious activities at the earliest stages of its life. This article is about the life of the universe up to the formation of our home planet - the Earth.


The age of the universe continues to increase with space-time, growing from one second to three minutes. The next stage of the world's age is now dominated by lots of particles that are known as leptons.

After the negatively charged Hadrons had cancelled the positively charged hadrons in the previous stage, this led to the production of particles that will share the same fate. The leptons were formed and multiplied in the universe with their opposite particles antileptons. An electron is a typical example of a lepton, these particles being negatively charged all have an equal and opposite particle entanglement with other particles called Positrons and they are positively charged.

Positrons are ultimately the opposite of the electron - they consist of the same features such as the same mass, the same intensity of charge but opposite, they also interact with gravity, the electromagnetic force and the Weak force.

Let me take some time to talk about the weak force.


Like gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The weak force usually called 'The weak' is responsible for the mechanical means of transmission involving sub-atomic particles which in turn starts radioactive decay or energy loss from the atomic nucleus.

The radioactive beta decay is due to the weak interaction, which transforms a neutron into a proton, an electron, and an electron antineutrino.

Radioactive decay is the process taking place when the nucleus of an atom loses energy or shoots out energy in form of ionization parties. When radiation starts to cause decay it releases 3 types of particles namely: Alpha particles, Beta particles and Gamma-ray.

It's just like burning wood, which changes Into a totally different form of matter called ash, the weak force is responsible for the energy separation. Almost like how fire is responsible for the wood changing to ash - I hope you got the point?.

During the energy loss, when two protons and two nuclei particles fastened together are being shot out. Energy loss in this form is similar to the Helium-4-Nucleus but called the Alpha particle. It is harmful to biological life because of its ability to ionize, these particles can be stopped with a sheet of paper.

Beta particles are another form of energy loss from the nucleus, the decay shoots out positron particles or electron particles at a very elevated energy state. They are also called beta ray and can be stopped by an aluminium plate.

Gamma-ray is the third kind of energy loss by radioactive decay. When the nucleus of an atom is unstable it is termed to be radioactive, It can release electromagnetic radiation - photons at their highest energy state. This agent can be damped to a halt by a using led shield.

All the different radioactive rays are ionisation agents, and when they come in contact with biological life they prove fatal. Atoms at some point in their lives decay. In a collection of atoms, no one can predict when any one of them will decay. Radioactive atoms have relatively short lives. The universe became filled with these Leptons but within a short amount of time - relative to the universe, of course, electrons and positrons cancel out each other as they violently strike each other in the process of annihilation.

High energy protons break out and scatter everywhere, colliding photons of high energy levels are also released an additional electron-positron twains. If anybody had a camera then or had been able to see the world at this stage, they'd see that the inner part of the universe would have been completely white. Photons would have been tightly packed together and this would have obstructed the view of the said individual. When that said individual looked at his hand it would have appeared white. But as the universe expanded, light scattered more and the universe transformed from being like a cosmic white soup to becoming opaque and translucent and then completely transparent.

The universe continues to expand and its properties gave rise elements like helium, lithium and hydrogen. This may have been possible because, the density of the universe and its temperature dropped even more, down to at least 1 billion degrees Celsius. This drastic drop in temperature allowed the already scattered protons and neutrinos to amalgamate, forming what is known to be the very first elements.


For the next 17 minute, the universe goes through a process known as nuclear fusion. Fusion is responsible for binding two or more nuclei particles together in other to form a heavier neutron particle. Doing this causes the release of a violent amount of nuclear energy.

The universe became just as hot as the star in our solar system which is about three thousand degrees Celsius allowing the present cations of the present element to further fuse with electrons which rendered them all electronically neutral.

The dark age

After about 300, 000 years, the universe was now almost completely electrically neutral. It became less busy and very dark. The total darkness that enveloped the universe lasted for about 150 million years. Gravity spent this time to gather the dust and glasses, each and every atom continued to attract then self until they caved-in and created some kind of singularity that had the power of a super black hole called the Quasar.

The energy that drives the quasar is more or less gravity because as gravity pulls on dust and gases to revolve around the singularity their motion produces energy.

The energy gathered by the black hole is then released in form of radiation sending out these ionization particles which makes the universe become entirely ionized creating one of the first states of matter: PLASMA.

What is plasma?

A lot of us will live out our entire life without ever seeing what a real plasma looks like, it is not naturally produced in our atmosphere even if it is another property of matter. Who know how many possible states of matter we may never know of because of our atmosphere or worse - our cosmos.

Lucky for us this form of matter, (the plasma) can be artificially be introducing a natural bass into an intense magnetic field until it gets completely ionized and can conduct electricity.


As millions of years go by, these gases gravity continued to make the gasses fall within themselves generating enough energy and heat to produce nuclear fusion within hydrogen nucleus which merge to form stronger nucleus of helium. This fusing caused the release of violent nuclear energy and we call them stars.

When the stars burn out all the nuclear energy because they have no more hydrogen atoms to fuse, they contract into a singularity and explode, the explosion of a supernova releases enough energy to fuse and create other different elements. In some case the star dies and sets on its way to becoming a black hole.

This process just repeated itself for millions of years creating new planets, new stars, maybe different civilization has come and go until about 4.7 billion years ago when our Sun was born.

The structure of the earth was put together about 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe, by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost no oxygen. - Wikipedia

In the next post, we will look at the earth's evolution to creating the first forms of life. It will be the story about the origin of life on our home planet.


How Stuff Work | Big Bang Theory

Physics of the | Timeline of the Big Bang

Wikipedia | Quark

Wikipedia | Hadron

Wikipedia | Big Bang


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I love science and its attempts to explain the mysteries of the earth. It looks like the more it tries to explain the more nature throws in some more puzzles. Thank you.

PS :

It became less bus and very dark.

Sorry, what's that?

its 'Busy'

Thanks for spotting the typo, I have made the necessary correction.

Absolutely, science has to be the most complex puzzle ever invented, the only thing certain is uncertainty.

Oh. It happens to the best of us. The typo is always the fault of the overzealous spell check. Sometimes the smart phone can be pretty dumb. Lol.

Hehehe... You're absolutely right

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