Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy All Humans? Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #stem6 years ago (edited)

What No One Says About Artificial Intelligence: Costs. In the second part of this series, we look at elephant in the room with most discussions about artificial intelligence - costs. People love to talk about how AI will replace workers, but fail to mention that AI will cost a lot of money and it may not be economically feasible to replace workers, since workers can compete for wages. A related example of this is the claim that "gold isn't rare because we'll just mine asteroids." How much would that cost? Notice how no one addresses that elephant. Even if we could successfully mine one metric ton of gold from an asteroid for under $100 billion dollars, the cost of gold would have to be over $1 million an ounce.

That won't be happening anytime soon.

The Artificial Intelligence Series

Other videos in the artificial intelligence series:

Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy All Humans (No)?
What No One Says About Artificial Intelligence: Costs
What Is Artificial Intelligence? A Sensible View
The Best Applications For Artificial Intelligence

AI Needs Data!

If you're interested data to feed artificial intelligence (which it will need!), I teach the course Automating ETL, which teaches you how to get data easily so that you can quick analyze data in meaningful ways. If you're looking for a short introduction to T-SQL (a SQL language), check out fast-paced course T-SQL In Two Hours.


The situation also happened during the rise of "personal computers" during the late 1970's and 1980s when a lot of people were predicting that computers would soon displace people from jobs. This was the time I grew up and started getting interested in technology, so I remember that time well.

What of course happened is the types of jobs and the way people earn has changed considerably. Entire new industries have formed as a result, and a lot of things are still done by manually (but perhaps augmented by technology).

Btw I generally prefer to read articles rather than videos, but I make an exception here. I really liked your post.

I don't think they will destroy. What could happen is that we join them and become a new kind of human, probably an immortal one by synthetic beings.

It sounds far fetched, but our technology today would also found far fetched to someone from 100 years ago.

It is dangerous but it will not destroy the people. When playing with fire, we use a lot of fuses. See nuclear powerplants. In my country, talking exclusively about electricity, they have about 4 sources, which can replace each other fully. Only one working is necessary for the plant to work.

It is true though that in theory - singularity is very dangerous. Set it to grow rice and maybe, it will come to a conclusion that if it removes humans, it will have more room to grow rice, therefore it will grow more.

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