SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #25

in #steemworld6 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


I'm still working on the front-end and I needed to change lots of things in the main CSS (layout) lately. As some of you developers might know, there is a CSS property box-sizing that enables us to change how a site's default box layout is being calculated. The default value is content-box and this is still being used on most websites today.

When defining a width and/or height for an element with additional padding and/or border, one needs to set the element's size with the content box in mind, because the inner padding affects the overall width and height. Since all modern browsers now support the box-sizing property with border-box and I want to switch to a mobile/responsive layout in the coming months anyway, I was busy with adapting the whole CSS in the past few days.

For existing websites such a change can lead to a hell of work, because one needs to recalculate all defined sizes, but in the end it is way better to work with the border-box setting. For example, one can use percentages in widths and heights without having to subtract the elements inner padding.

Another property I changed is the default line-height. I realized that a line height of 1.3 does not result in the same height on all browsers, therefore the page looked differently on different devices. I'm now calculating the line height based on the font size and define it with px (pixels) values, which makes it all way more accurate and easier to handle.

Now, as I'm in the last steps of updating the layout, implementation of the next great feature is coming soon: Let's build an awesome Post Editor for SteemWorld ;)

Have a wonderful week!

Starting SteemWorld with your desired settings

You can now start SteemWorld directly with your custom settings (even after cleaning the cache) by creating a Settings Link:

The cfg parameter contains the settings JSON string as Base64 encoded text. If you want to check the content, you can use a tool like to decode the text (it's url encoded, so you need to replace each '%3D' at the end of the string with '=' first).

Directly creating a bookmark is not possible yet, but will be added in future.

Screenshot Helper

Want to make a screenshot of a specific element on the page without the dark background and other surrounding elements?

If you hold down [ctrl] + [shift] when clicking on an element, it will be shown without any surrounding elements. A second click let's you return to the normal view. Not perfect yet, but should already work for most elements on the side.

Just in case you didn't know...

You can click on the 'profile icon' next to a user's name to open that account on SteemWorld:

Coming Open Source Steem Data Service (SDS)

  • Runs on Linux, Mac and Windows
  • Can be run locally or as public web service
  • Enables each of us to analyze and work with the Steem blockchain data in a simple and very efficient way (SQL and custom queries can be used too)
  • Syncing is possible via available public instances (very fast) or regular Steem nodes
  • Provides automatic downloading of already parsed data (no need to start from block 1)
  • No need to setup any database services (all file-based -> no layers in between -> lightning fast)
  • Offers configurable datasets (if you just need a DB with all transfers for example, you can run an instance with only the desired parser module 'transfers' enabled)
  • JS developers can easily implement own parser modules (just add a custom script in the modules path and the service will call the parseBlock, parseTransaction, parseOperation and parseVirtualOperation methods within your script for each block)
  • Also 'virtual operations' can be parsed (or downloaded from one of my servers that will provide all parsed datasets in nearly realtime)
  • Highly compressed data (some crazy stuff and a bit of magic involved here, more details on this soon)
  • Interfaces to other database systems planned
  • Completely free to use, will be released under MIT license

In the making

   ( A )

  • SDS
  • Post Viewer and Editor
  • More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts and comments, pie charts)
  • Improved Coming Curation Rewards
  • Thinking about if/when to start a witness node

   ( B )

  • Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
  • Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
  • Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
  • Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)

   ( C )

  • RC costs calculation
  • New responsive SteemWorld that can be run locally (Open Source)


EN  |  What is SteemWorld?
-> Welcome to!

DE  |  Was ist SteemWorld?
-> Willkommen auf!

Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,


Super Arbeit! Mach weiter so!

thanks @steemchiller!

Do you have blockchain gaming explorer of some kind in your plans? Would be glad to see if some profile engage in monsters or drugwars.

The moment you become a witness I will vote for you.

To tell you the truth, it may be flattering that many want you as witness - but what you are doing here is important (and it is your baby), so I hope you continue to dedicate your time and heart to this world of steemit...and we, in turn, will benefit.

Agreed, border-box is easier to work with instead of factoring padding in the containers.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice improvements again.
(Yes, I voted way before really reading the article.)

WOW! @steemchiller you are a real BOSS! Thank-you so much for all you do 😊❤☀️💯

love the work....And I also willvote you as a witness if you ever go that road!!!

Just added a link to your tool to the version of Steem Console I'm working on.... Still in Pre-Alpha....

If you like I can add you to the Alpha test group.....

love to have a look to this....

Thanks so much for who you are Being and all that you do, @steemchiller. You and SteemWorld are very much appreciated.

This comment was made from

Lieber Chiller,

gerade habe ich festgestellt, dass die Votes, die ich abgebe, wieder super schnell (fast unmittelbar) in deiner SteemWorld angezeigt werden. Klasse!

Das war nun einige Wochen nicht der Fall gewesen. Da hat das ja sehr lange gedauert.

Du wirst wissen, was du positiv verändert hast ;-)

Vielen Dank!

Oder kann das an der Steem-Node liegen, die gerade auf deiner SteemWorld ausgesucht ist? Es ist gerade die " (ausbitbank). Dass eventuell dort etwas positiv verändert wurde?

Lieben Gruß, @double-u

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