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RE: SteemWorld Update ~ SPS / Holy Shitness Proxy

in #steemworld5 years ago

Hmmm @steemchiller ...

"Did you ever try to open this post here on SteemWorld like:"

";) Not 100% finished but the difficult parts are done."

... the honest answer is "No," as I never knew we had that option. "Flunked " that test ... 😧

And ...

"Didn't you see the button that I mentioned at the beginning of my post?
Think 'System Info'... ^^"

... yes, I did see that, but your original message said "hidden" which it certainly was from me, as I obviously didn't look everywhere, but did not find it. Having used SteemWorld for well over a year, this is one part of it I have seldom ever used. "Flunked " that test too ... 😏

Thank you kindly for pointing these features out. I will remember them (hopefully ...)!


Ok, I admit that the odds for having someone answering my first question with 'yes' cannot be very high... ^^ I just wanted to leave a link here, so that some interested Steemians can see that there are more things happening in background than I talk about in my posts.

Having used SteemWorld for well over a year, this is one part of it I have seldom ever used.

It's always good to receive such feedback, because I live in that world daily and it makes it sometimes hard to know, if people see the same things as I do as developer.

What I learned during this conversation is:

The link needs a more prominent place and should be labelled 'Show worker proposals' or so....

Thank you!

Please forgive my linking this to our last exchange @steemchiller, but just "dropping in" to wish you a well deserved ...

💥 🎯 Congratulations! 🎯 💥

... on having your proposal approved! Hopefully, you will be getting your first "paycheck" in the very near future (if you haven't already)!

When do we get the invite to the "party at SteemChiller's house" (non-alcohol, full wits about us version ...)? 😉

Seriously, I was very pleased to see this. I don't know of anyone more deserving. All the best to you going forward into a suddenly much brighter tomorrow!

You can always count on me to provide "the good, the bad, and the ugly" feedback @steemchiller. Just the way I am uhhh ... "wired ... 😉

As for the placement, I will take some responsibility for not finding it. It would be dishonest to say I made an exhaustive search for it. I looked under the "General Data" and "Account Details" buttons, thinking it would be in there somewhere. Sort of like looking for links to Witnesses ... 🤔

Same as I did! ;-)

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