Did you know about SteemWhales.com? Track your progress against all other steemitizens!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemwhales7 years ago

Hey again, steemitizens!

Did you know?

Did you know about http://steemwhales.com?

You can visit http://steemwhales.com and just go to the end of any of the rankings lists to see the total number of steemit subscribers (some may be inactive but all are counted), and you can also scroll through ALL users various platform contributions values and information like post counts, rewards, powering up/down status and more.

It's AWESOME to track your own progress in various categories like post count, follower count, overall wealth value, etc. against all the other steemitizens!

Check out http://steemwhales.com - you won't be sorry.

There are countless other helpful steemit ecosystem sites and tools to use as well. I have published lists before and will continue to do highlight spotlights on individual ones like SteemWhales.com from time to time. Follow me to stay tuned!

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!


Creator of https://SteemChallenge.com: Steemit's first contest, game and challenge directory.

SteemChallenge Beta Testing is underway as of June 21, 2017!


Steemwhales.com is an amazing resource and great data site for checking out all sorts of things about steemit and steemians. I use it from time to time when I am looking for certain data.

Good job making others aware of it!

Howwy Cow, You fowwow me @papa-pepper? I've hit the big leagues! :D

(And you haven't killed me yet!)

I noticed a ton of accounts with the name badger in them like "badger3102" all with different numbers. What's up with all of these badger accounts? Odd! When I searched myself on the site, I saw at least 10-20 right near my ranking. What's up with that? Haha.

Steemwhales has been tremendously helpful to me in terms of making sense of the whole ecosystem & allows me to set reasonable goals.

Thanks for sharing!

I'm not part of the steemwhales team :) I just admire them and emulate them in my own project under construction at steemchallenge.com :)

Apologies, original comment has now been modified to say thanks for sharing rather than imply that you're part of the team.

As it goes I'll check your site out later. Best of luck with it all, who knows - it might end up in my favourites :)

I hope it does, and I'll leave my disclaimer there as it. Should have been in my original post anyway probably!

Dude, thank you, ive been trying to find somewhere that lists these things, you're a godsend!

cool site, it inspires you to go to the next level :) thanks ! upvoted!

I know abot this site befor but it's nice to see how you share information

Thank you for reading me!

I want to be in the top 1000! :)

I'm in it in a couple categories so far! In just 12 days! Today is day 13, wish me luck!

I am going to be a whale soon :)

I started following you after I read "Dogs are people too" lol...I agree 100%! :)

I am glad you agree :) I followed you too

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