What Steem Can Buy – Report June 25 2017

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Now that you are using steem as a currency, it is important to start looking at what things cost in terms of steem and not just US dollars, euros , pounds, etc.

Below are a few goods priced in steem. Most, are much cheaper as compared to what they were more than a year ago (16 May 2016).

note - house based on median US house prices

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there's always the Big Mac index. Although, I think it is still going to be some time before we can easily buy everyday items with Steem or other cryptos (although crypto credit cards are out there - and Goldmoney using gold). I'm looking forward to see Dash Evolution to see how that works.


yeah, I know about the big mac index...probably more for comparison sake among different currencies. good to start training the mind to think in terms other than usd or euro.

Right way to think. It sure is great to be holding an appreciating currency for a change! The evil magicians have been able to de-monetize the PM's for the time being.

true. how sweet when they lose control and pm prices spikes?

Agreed. Poetic justice, Divine retribution even. Just think, Liars are trapped in their own special Hell where the truth cannot be allowed to come out and must be suppressed everywhere and constantly and no matter what the cost in resources or human suffering. Sin piles upon sin, evil upon evil. Praise the Lord!

We ordinary folks experience it, usually as children, when we tell just one little fib to try to get out of something and it just snowballs out of control until you're battling the entire universe just to maintain some fictitious ego-narrative. Fierce wheel of Dharma & Karma.

yes. Praise the LORD!

Great info! Thanks for sharing.

thanks for that.

This is a good concept to share in the same way that pricing goods in gold rather than USD is. The dollar is a shrinking yard stick due to printing and inflation so bin it and use other things to value commodities. Good post.

for sure. gold and silver are the ultimate yard sticks. thanks

No worries @hgmsilvergold, keep up the good work.

Interesting 600 SBD for one oz GOLD .

back in April 1 2017 I sent 20 ETH (about 1000 usd at the time) to Goldmoney with the idea to take out some of my initial investment to somewhere stable. Haha, of course, in hindsight, at this moment that was a bad move. Although, still fits my idea of diversification across stocks, real estate, metals, cryptos and let's me sleep at night.

way cheaper than the price in May 2016...

A Nice Forward Thinking post...

price tag on goods, this is first time to know it

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