Steem Wars: The Voyages of the R.S. Flying Wardrobe: Episode 8--Arriving at Zzzzzzqqww

in #steemwars6 years ago

Voyages of the RS Flying Wardrobe

I make sighing sounds echo throughout the entire ship. I really don't want to have to speak again. But we're finally nearing the ZZzzzzzqqww quadrant as directed by Dr. GMuxx and I need my foolish crew to get to the bridge to help watch for signs to the sale. You'd think a time lord would give more specific coordinates in his mission briefings. But you'd also think he'd tell us what the heck he expects us to buy instead of just saying "Fill your ship with bargains."

Turning the Flying Wardrobe into a junk shop is not on my wish list, but what's a ship to do when summoned by the Steem?

I wish the Steem had provided a better crew. Seven, Jay, and Tiny are still mucking about in the transport bay. I did tell them to go to the medical bay for testing, but who listens to the captain when she's only the ship AI? And does Seven really think I wasn't watching to see him hide that brain in his cavity? I don't know what he intends to do with it, but I do like for my crew to have their toys and think they have their little secrets. But if we get an outbreak of Proget's, I am going to have to reprimand him. I might require retraining to terminate his ridiculous brain fetish. Perhaps it could also add a protocol for paying attention to messages from the captain.

The displays in every room someone is in are blinking red and calling them to the bridge, but no one is here! Well, no one but the Woofkie, who is still in the bridge from when Tiny left, awaiting her return with occasional whines while emitting toxic fumes. Zombie made excuses about taking his worm back to its farm and giving it special dirt just to get away from the stench. I hope the sale includes extra toxin filters. This one is about used up.

I refuse to speak. Can't anyone watch their screens? I simulate a loud moan.

Tiny's voice emits from the comm. "Bex, are you ill? I've not heard a ship moan before."

At least someone noticed. I change the display nearest her. Tiny, I need all hands on deck. Please report to the bridge and round up the rest of the team.

Liam increases his whining and begins to bark. Perhaps he is as frustrated as I am?

"Bex, ma'am, do you hear me?" Tiny's voice is louder than last time. "I'm worried."

Liam puts his paws up on the wall and barks at the comm. How touching... And such a racket. I enable his microphone so Tiny can hear him.

"Hey. If you'd a taken it easier on the brains, I might have taken you along. But the nerve gas coming out of your exhaust would have had those rhyme zombies on our tail in a minute."

A moment after, Zombie's voice takes over the comm. "Hey! That's an insult to law abiding zombies everywhere. Bet they didn't even have worms."

Damn it. "You idiots can fight all you want... after you get to the bridge and help me find this flagging sale already! If it weren't for Dr. GMuxx, I'd pipe this Woofkie gas into the entire ship and chase all of you into Steemspace in escape pods!"

It feels like forever, but my internal clock says only 2 minutes and 17.3 seconds pass by the time my sensors finally detect crewmembers in the hallway to the bridge. Took them long enough.

About damn time. I blast onto the main screens.

The motley crew mumbles excuses, but I ignore them.

We've arrived at the edge of the ZZzzzzzqqww quadrant. The good doctor failed to give us more specific coordinates--or a schedule--for this stupid sale. They must have some sort of advertising up. Zombie, Seven, man the sensors--Zombie starboard and Seven port.

Realizing my refusal to speak is only delaying things further, I turn the screens back to displaying space around us and engage my voice modules. "The rest of you, study out those screens and see if you can find any signs of anything. Or even somewhere to ask for blasted directions. I'm not a man, so I'm happy to ask for help when I need it. If you have any talents to make this easier, get to it."

Jay sticks a hand in the air.

"This isn't a school, so speak up." I think all that time at the Academy must have scrambled his brains. Seven did say he was free of Proget's, but--

"I could compose a sonnet, R2-BEX2, if you think it would help." He pulls a tablet and stylus from one of the bulging pockets of his ankle-length leather jacket. It's black, of course.

"I am sure you could, but I think helping watch for signs would be more effective. Besides, Dr. GMuxx said bad things would happen if we don't get to this sale. Although I'm not sure what can be worse than his abusive punctuation in the mission briefing..."

Tiny steps forward and shoves the cup she is carrying toward Jay. "Here, hold my drink. I got this."

The SBD payout of this post is pledged to @tarc to support their animal rescue efforts. Please check out this cry for help. If you have any SBD, Steem, or upvote to spare, please throw it their way. Lives can depend on it.

For the continuation of our Steemwars voyage, follow the blogs of @thinknzombie, @tinypaleokitchen, @idenkcall, @damianjayclay, and @jonknight. Our thanks to @gmuxx and @thewritersblock for this inspiration.

For more information about SteemWars, please see this article from @thewritersblock. Join the fun! Make your own team or join an existing one to explore SteemSpace and write our own adventure.


Heh, who expects a Time Lord to give decent directions? They think in too many dimensions.

Threatening to pipe dog exhaust through the ship is a unique motivator!

Oh no, nothing ends well with "Hold my drink." D:

This is awesome! How odd is it that I can "hear" everyone's voice so clearly in my head? Zombie with his lilting Aussie tones, Tiny's mashup of so many accents she patented one of her own, and Jay's sexy British voice that has half of Steemit swooning. . .LOL! Great job with this. People who aren't following Steem Wars are really missing out.

We actually wanted to do some audio segments but the schedules have been an issue.

Same here, with us talking about audio segments. The world is getting smaller, but those dang time zones just don't relent. LOL

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