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RE: Steemvoter Week In Review for June 5 - 10

in #steemvoter7 years ago

Guys, I would like to take this chance to thanks all your effort for the project. May I ask a question is the in the steemvoter, it said the max rule is 3. But I have tried to add rules over than it, but there was no warning pump out. So, actually what will it be if I activate more than 3 rules? Will it stop functioning or what? Thanks for your help!


If you add more than your max, it will not stop you, but we periodically check to see if anyone is doing that so after a while you will get a warning. If you ignore the warning, then after a while longer you will find some of your rules get automatically deleted to bring you back under the limit. So obviously it's better to obey the limit and not have that happen to you.

And if you repeatedly do this, then eventually your account will get locked.

Thanks for your reply! Yes, stick to the rule is always much fair. Juts would like to confirm whether it is bug or some thought behind.

Hi it is a bug that we will rectify by the end of the week, however until then we will be manually enforcing the rules if the bug is exploited excessively.

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