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RE: Curation Guild Proposal Dec 15th 2016

in #steemvoter8 years ago (edited)

the option to opt-out should be made available on the steemvoter site, so when you use the guild to vote for something I dont agree with then it's easy for me to opt-out of the guild, or unvote the blog post. The idea of using private steemit chat to decide what to vote on sounds like it can lead to collusion and politics, and I'm all about freedom. It's a great idea but needs more transparency


We will be putting a symbol in the logs on what votes on for our 7 per week votes, and another symbol for the guild votes (if are part of it). This will give you the opportunity to view and un-vote those posts. However, people who un-vote's posts might have their accounts removed as this is how you pay for those free rules you have.

steemvoter posts are great, I know what they are about and why they exist, so I would never un-vote those, but the guild extra vote per day is a heavy heavy load on my emotional state of being, as I'm currently always in a battle to manage my votes and keep my voting power above 88%, the idea of giving up an extra vote to something other than steemvoter blog post is like terrorism. I am not a fan of supporting blog posts that earn allot of rewards with tons of upvotes. I prefer to vote on blog posts of relatively unknown bloggers that earn small rewards, get a low number of upvotes, and have a low number of followers. Steempowertwins do not fall into that category, and I dont support charity, so they are not a good example to use in terms of what I would support.

We understand completely. Please join us in our You are the one that should be there to help with this voice!!! Please.

unfortunately, I am morally against private chat on a public decentralized platform, I logged into steemit chat once, felt weird, then forgot my password when I tried to login a second time, this was months ago, never looked back. My favorite feature on steemit is the public wallets

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