Coffee and Philosophy: The Edge

Today's mug is giving us a view from the edge. Staring into that frothy abyss and not knowing what will stare back at you can be scary or exhilarating.


I have embraced a new philosophy over the last several months and I want to share it with you all today. I wont get into all of my beliefs on time as that isn't really what this is about, but it's actually about the past, the future, and that fine line in between called the present. I used to spend way too much time worrying about past mistakes or living a life based on fear and scarcity of the future. Due to some fairly life changing events, I decided to start practicing mindfulness and not thinking about the past or future so much. I still have things that I hope to accomplish and I still have things to learn from the past, but the problem is that when we dedicate the majority of our life to dwelling on those things, we miss all of the life that is happening right now. Meditation is great for clearing our heads and formulating cohesive direction in our lives. I encourage everyone to try living life a little more on the edge! It's a very fun and freeing feeling! Namaste.


I HIGHLY recommend meditation as well! I also like to combine it with some Yoga and cannabis, too!

I like how active @ericvancewalton is on here after the release of his Meditation book, he is a cool dude.

Everything you need to know is up there somewhere. You just have to unlock your mind to remember it. :)

Someone once told me "Worry is the most useless emotion." At the time, I was a chronic worrier, so I didn't get it... in fact, I felt she wasn't "taken life seriously." But things change and we see different perspectives... I learned to ask myself "What is the WORST thing that can happen?" Well, I could end up broke, living in a cardboard box in the ghetto. Oh wait... I already did that once, so "the worst" isn't even new and scary.

So I got over myself. And got over buying into the whole "scarcity" paradigm.

Yes, meditation is an excellent practice.

The only thing I'm afraid to do now is "nothing."

Nothing wrong with "nothing" as long as it is a conscious and mindful choice. Sometimes nothing is the best answer. The "problem" arises when nothing is a reflection of apathy, rather than choice.

I could not agree more! We cannot change what has happened in the past, and cannot completely control the future. What's happening in the moment is all that really matters :)

Todo a su tiempo, los que nos suceda es por que debe ser asi, y siempre llegara el momento donde vendran cosas buenas, tomate un cafe por mi y meditelo. Saludos!! @philosophy-trail

¡Muchas gracias! ¡Que tengas un gran día!

We should realise this sooner before life sucks our soul with it's problems, thank you, namaste

I don't think we can really learn anything "too soon" or "too late," we just learn things as we remember the truth of our nature and the further we awaken, the more we realize that things couldn't have ever happened any other way. There is only "the way" because it couldn't have happened any other way. No one could make us any more or less aware of what we know than ourselves.

I agree with this, but the problem is 99% of people don't know it or can't reach that level of awareness including me

What if the only reason you can't reach that level of awareness is because you are still holding on to things that you are afraid to lose? The more you let go of things that aren't serving your true life calling, the more you break free. This doesn't mean you have to leave everyone behind, but some people will get left behind in the process. We can only ever be true to others when we are first true to ourselves.

Amen my friend, this is where I'm in life, trying to let go of the things/people/ fears that I don't need in my life, thank you !

Love your posts. @philosophytrail Always goodness. :)

Why thank you! I like the user name by the way! Whoever said freedom isn't free was right, it's a decision we pay for every day with our own lives. It's a cost that is certainly worth it in my mind, but the illusion that people have to kill each other for freedom to exist is kind of ridiculous.

yea ...its said that life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans....good philosophy,do away with the past.


The past is just what got us to where we are and nothing more.

Upvoted and followed! Meditation has changed my life over the course of several years!

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