Quick Set-Up Steps for Openledger (Used with SteemTrail)

in #steemtrail8 years ago (edited)

openledger.info account setup

  1. go to: openledger.info
  2. click: Enter Exchange > a new window will pop up
  3. Sign up by creating the following (write these down, you'll need them later)
    account name - needs dash or number
    repeat password
    click "create account"
  4. click: create backup now (you will need the backup to load your wallet later)
  5. click: account
    opens in a new window that shows your first transaction "create account"
  6. click arrow next to name in upper righthand corner
    settings - this is where you have access to wallet, account, password, backup

For Steem-Trail users

  1. goto: steem-trail on discordapp
  2. create user name
  3. in channel marked #open-ledger-account-add post your openledger and steemit account names
    OL: your-account | STEEMIT: @youraccount
    it is suggested that you make the openledger account name the same as your steemit account name

Now, you're ready to rock and steemit!

Follow me on Twitter: @mfinley80
Check out my website: finleyexperience.com
If you're feeling froggy, check out my serial ebook: The Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series


Thanks so much, I've been needing to do this!

Also, only use 4 tags right now, or your post will only show up in the first tag... there is currently a glitch.

No problem! We all gotta help a bit, eh?! Thanks for that info.

We all gotta help, because we all need help! - FOLLOWED!

Ain't that the truth! Mutual following! :D

Just edited this post one week after it was uploaded! Thank you. Seriously, not being able to edit after 24 hours was rough. :D

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