4 Words to Avoid Using When Explaining Steem..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemthoughts8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes, words can paint oneself into a corner. So never, ever utter these words. It's self-fulfilling prophecy. Brainwash and censor yourself. Don't jinx it lol.

  1. Avoid "cryptocurrency". Use "currency". Steem is just another currency. And it lives on the Internet.
  2. Avoid "decentralized". Use "powered by the people".
  3. Avoid "alternative". Steem is not an altcoin, and Steemit's not an alternative social platform. Steemit's the platform "of the people".
  4. Avoid "blockchain". Steem is smart money. Steemit is a website.

Below is what 99% of the population thinks about when they hear the word "blockchain".

Also, notice these words - crypt, alternative, chains. These words could sound gloomy to the uninitiated, being largely related to dark, heavy metal shenanigans. Nothing wrong with that, but that's how you stay alternative.

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Follow me @kevinwong


You cannot avoid a word like Blockchain no more than you could have avoided a words like
Internet or World Wide Web back in the day. Will it get changed to BC. (now that would be ironic.)
I think diluting the terms pushes it back down into the never ending stack of "Get Rich Quick" marketing blurry websites. I messaged a friend about Steemit and used the Blockchain selling point. And it still sounded like a Tony Robbins infomercial.
So I will need to polish my blurb a bit more.
I wrote on my Steemit blog recently about the weirdness of the whole Blockchain Bitcoin thingy.
It was meant to be funny, but maybe folks are just not ready for my kind of Blockchain humor;D~

Yeah true, could sound very "get rich quick". Just having a steem thought :)
Checkin out your article - thanks for droppin by

One of the worst thing about promoting steemit is that it can actually sound like another ponzi scheme. When someone says "I earned xxx dollars in few minutes just with one simple blog post", people simply go into a rejection mode.

True. It just did not occur to me back then because it's called a blockchain, so I thought this should be something cool.

This happened to me, too, when I heard about Steemit before joining. I would have joined sooner if the money had not been brought up at all, but rather that it's a blogging site on a blockchain.

Avoid "decentralized".

That one's pretty easy; because it's not decentralized. It is owned by Steemit HQ, Ned is the CEO, Dan is the CTO, plus of course the top 1% of whales own the lionshare. So yeah, pretty easy to avoid that one :-)


we are working on that issue. Big things to come.

That's exciting. I do love a good tease ;)

Cool, I await with bated breath :-)


Oh you addressed something important :) most things start that way anyway.. now it depends on what will unfold

Indeed they do; let's see where the good ship Steemit sails to next :-)


Point Noted! I love it when someone just breezes in and simplifies a topic! Thank you so much!

  • I am starting to type to the tune of grease lightning now! Decentralized fits in so well!
    taking a time out with immediate effect!

Resteemed to help others be more successful at getting outsides interested in Steemit!

Thanks @quinneaker ! Explain both sides would be best, not just the "crypto" technicalities, but also both sameness and differences of what cryptocurrency is versus plain currency.

Great points @kevinwong!
Crypt, alternative and chains...there's a certain amount of irony in using those words for something supposedly unencumbered. Who's in charge of naming stuff anyways??? lol

the bitcoin community at first :) well i dont think not using those words would perform better, but I think it should also be explained together without those words..

Good points.

Thanks @thecryptofiend , different audience I guess, or maybe explain away the sameness and differences between crypto and the non-crypto part..

Yes and from what I've read on marketing you need to know and target your audience appropriately.

There is the promotion of Steem, steemit and its content. Would other words be avoided?
No governments. The majority recognizes the need for a government but does not like politicians.
No rules: The majority recognizes the need for laws and regulations for a certain social order. We do it daily in our lives: at home, on the road, at work. Whoever does not respect these laws and regulations can not be compelled force individuals as governments.
Freedom and no censorship. The majority acknowledges that we have relative freedom and that everything is not good to say. Today is pornography, tomorrow it will be radicals, fanatics, extremists and what else.
Some people who think differently than the majority think they are free, they know the truth, they have become adults and they must impose their ideology in the world.
Marketing or politically correct?

Interesting take :) @grandpere
Yeah I've written this also as bit of a satire for thought-policing. Marketing, and I guess dont have to be politically correct..

I also answered with a little satire! I wrote a few articles a few months ago under the theme "Wandering Thoughts".

I agree. One of my suggestions to people is "Reward Tokens". People like the idea of rewards and understand a token as being well simply a token. A token (of reward) may be given to and from one another.
Shared on twitter

Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 10 Dec 2016 - 17:51 UTC

4 Words to Avoid Using When Explaining Steem.. — Steemit

steemit.com/steemthoughts/… / https://t.co/6DFzHSRN9s

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thanks @virtualgrowth , i think it deserves to be explained both ways altogether so people know cryptocurrency is just the same like any country's currency, just that it's issued different and secured by cryptography.. (which is arguably better than non-blockchained financial instruments)

Agreed @kevinwong, to help explain numerous aspects of these new ideas of blockchain and cryptocurrency well so as to be well understood.

Sound advice. I've been struggling to communicate to a few people about my interest in cryptocurrencies, coin exchanges and steemit. These seem like great bridges to a wider audience.

Just tongue in cheek. It's actually a good thing to use those words, but I guess only for a certain audience..

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