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RE: Solving Food production crisis(starvation) in Africa with Artificial Intelligent in Agriculture

in #steemthought7 years ago

The problem with famine in Africa as elsewhere isn't that there isn't enough food to go around... it's being kept from those that need it for political reasons! Over 90% of world starvation is politically engendered. In Somalia, for example, boatloads of food arrived and was diverted by warlords to buy arms and ammunition.


wow......thats another perspective to look at it.I'm really imploring private investors and parastatals.Government intervention will be like expcting Snow in East Africa.

Here's the problem... Government (or the UN, world govt.) will oversee the distribution. The people that need it won't get nearly enough, if any. The corrupt parasites that run the governments (mostly military strongmen selected by the UN) will sell it to buy arms to maintain power. I fear for the people of Africa... they are being raped for their vast natural resources. With the wealth of resources in Africa there is no excuse for famine, or poverty for that matter. Corruption is Africa's problem, neo-colonialism via the UN and western corporations!

You said my mind.It's a pathetic situation we got at hand mate.

One to which I wish I had the answer, my friend!

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