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RE: The construction loving Master Mind

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

A good read - it made me think ....... and I find I enjoy "Kopfkino" too much, so I fail in every aspect. I began very early in childhood to construct my own world and live in it: my mother would often call me out, saying: " Du schaust schon wieder ins Narrenkastl" (I just assume you understand German - roughly translated it is looking into the fools box - but if you do read German, consider this Warum ins Narrenkastl schauen wichtig ist). I had few toys, my grandfather provided me with copious amounts of paper and sharpened pencils. I created my own worlds, as I said above, and lived in it. I still do. That is what artists do. Picasso said: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. So I never grew up, and I am very happy about that!
Your header says: "A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So, he loses touch with reality, and lives in a world of illusions." ~Alan Watts
Yes, exactly - and a better world it is. That did not prevent me from functioning properly, nor did it prevent me from not being aware of what goes on around me (and indeed, reacting to someone in distress, for example). Unlike artists that take inspiration from their surroundings, I get distracted by it - therefore I cannot share a studio with someone that listens to music while working. No music, no computer, no phone (set to silent) and at times I forget to eat. But I still think I have a dual personality Apollonian and Dionysian but in the studio, Dionysus takes over, aided by me being left-handed Right Hemisphere vs. Left Hemisphere.
There is nothing I would want to change!


Thank you, I am writing with a smile on my face.

I'd like to refer to your last sentence: I wouldn't ask you to change:)

To what you described as constructing your world: Is this the form of construction you understood I was talking about? I would say, that you, who you are aware of constructing a parallel world are anything but unaware of the traps one can fall into.

I like to give a really strong construction: "I do fear no death". A person who states this sentence in my society would be like a miracle, an outstanding entity, for that would truly be something extraordinary. So I would say the chance is great, this is a mental construct.

You did grow up. If you didn't you wouldn't know. Maybe in your artistic world where it is for you a pleasure to look into the fools box the childish perspective is needed and therefore treasured. I must think of Janosh, who you for sure know.

In other realms of your life it would be - let's say irritating - to say that you act and feel like a kid. For example within your responsibilities for relatives or family members or friends or a partner. Or the tax agency:)

Cool that you mention the Watts Quote from my header. I would like to ask you: Do you really not get what is meant by that? I think you do. It touches something and as far as I thought it is promptly giving a message easily understood.

The Narrenkastl I like a lot - though I am German I never heard this term - it must be something from the southern part! When time presents itself generously I will have a look. To be a fool feels really great sometimes.

Greetings from Hamburg!

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. This post, and my searches, made me think about a painting I did over 30 years ago. Well, I am not going to hitch a ride on your post with this as a link, but if you are interested, I just posted the painting a short while ago.
While I am native Austrian, grew up in Vienna, I lived in Canada for over 40 years (and in the long, cold winter nights one becomes introspective ) - I studied German sort of backwards at the University of Lethbridge, taking courses in German Literature and colloquial studies in Psychology: in that class, more than half the students were also professors from other faculties - and they discovered things outside their own field of expertise - i.e. we lectured each other, since most of it was more like a discussion group.

I don't mind you leaving the link to the post: go ahead, so it will be easier for me to find it.

HeHe, studying German backwards sounds really interesting. Wow, you lived for such a long time in Canada. I think that had a great impact on you. To get to know many cultures & climates stretches the mind and heart, I would say. Well, at least when things run smooth in way.

So you are also interested in psychology:) welcome to the club!

I like what you are pointing at: the different faculties and the openness of the members of your group is of high value. Nothing is more boring than always agreeing on something. We need people from other disciplines once in a while to shake us up.

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