
@svemirac cheeers

CheerS! :D Science is great <3

Really good read.. We are made of starstuff so it's kinda reading about us :)
Odlično, u iščekivanju sam sljedećeg posta ;)

You managed to finally post it.
I played a little with those values in Universe Sandbox.I used to keep increasing the mass of Jupiter until core fusion started.
That technically happens after you increase the mass to 70x the original :D
The core compresses and the energy heats up the mantle and crust. The planet starts to shine.

Finally! Too many distractions and offline duties :)

Yeah, Jupiter is a pretty failed star. :)

There was also this game about gravity in the solar system, where you could make a new planet/ or change planet's mass to alter their orbits. :) forgotten the name.

Apart from Universe Sandbox, I don't know any other games but I guess there must be others.
And yes, I fixed the fission/fusion. It's not the first time I mixed them and I know which is which :)

Yeah Jupiter is interesting. Have a look at what happened between Jupiter and Io after Show Maker Levy comet crashed into it in the 90's. There was literally a highly magnetic filament produced between the two bodies.

It was a very curious event in my opinion. :) @alexdory @svemirac

I fell in love with physics and cosmology at a very young age. My plan was to pursue a degree and work at the large atomic collider that was being built in my home state of Texas. But my dreams died when the government decided to kill the project after already building the tunnels.

This post is the type of material that I absolutely find fascinating. Even though I was turned onto medicine as a result of this government action I continue to feed my passion for this subject with material like this. Thank you so very much.

this stuff just blows my mind!!!

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