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RE: Fortsetzung 5. Teile Autophagie vs. mTOR

in #steemstem6 years ago

Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber verwende Google Übersetzer. Danke für die Post! Das Fasten hat sich in so vielen Kulturen "entwickelt", dass es gesundheitliche Vorteile hat. Intermittierendes Fasten zur Stimulation der Autophagie. Auch Insulin-Signalübertragung ist ein großer Spieler, der AMPK und TOR reguliert. Wenn Sie also wirklich etwas Gutes für Ihre Gesundheit tun wollen, sollten Sie Ihren Zuckerkonsum reduzieren.
Auf gute Gesundheit!


Hey rcebike,
at first I have to apologize. In general, I translate the articles in English but this time there is a little delay. I know the google translator. He often makes some very confusing translations. Please wait for the English translation be me. I will post the English version today or tomorrow. Maybe the translated article will bear more fruitful information for you.
Concerning your opinion about sugar. I definitely agree with you. Sugar is a very toxic substance and most people will benefit from a low-carb diet. Nevertheless, I also figured out that carbohydrates (in a “natural” form) are also important for the cellular chemistry. Nonetheless, high sugar intake should be prevented in any case.
Also many thanks for your effort to write your reply in German.
Have a nice day,

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