Circular movement, a phenomenon impregnated with humanity

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)

Greetings to the entire academic and scientific community of steemit.


By observing the environment where we are our eyes can visualize and project in our retina any kind of movement, this phenomenon can develop either in nature or in any of our daily activities, this characteristic has made the movement the phenomenon of greatest influence on the development of humanity and our history has ratified it from the most remote years to our days.

It is important to emphasize that we can find this phenomenon describing different trajectories so it is essential its enormous relationship with any geometric place that originates a certain shape or figure, and according to the conformation of this figure we can determine its name, thus being able to classify the movement in a general way in rectilinear and curvilinear.

In this opportunity we will be relating with the essential circular movement, therefore a curvilinear mobility, highlighting its enormous impact in some of our activities, when referring to this type of phenomenon leads us to link it with the figure that characterizes its name, that is to say, with the geometric form that we call circumference, we will briefly describe this geometric figure and its algebraic expression according to certain conditions linked to its coordinates and to the constant distance known as radius.

Constantly for the graphical interpretation of a given figure or curve, we relate to the system of rectangular Cartesian coordinates that are very useful, however, we can express that for the analysis of this type of movement as the circular we would benefit from the use of a system called polar coordinates as they give us some advantages over the rectangular Cartesian coordinate system, this in terms of interpretation of mobility is concerned.

With the circular movement man has been able to perform countless activities which have allowed them to improve their quality of life, this thanks to the implementation of all that knowledge that science has provided throughout its history in relation to this phenomenon, when analyzing the circular movement we find important physical magnitudes which intervene in its development and some of them are angular velocity, tangential velocity, centripetal acceleration, angular acceleration and tangential acceleration.

To be able to imagine our lives without this type of circular mobility phenomenon would be like leaving behind a large part of our intellectual development as well as social welfare. This leads us to take into account the essential importance that the phenomenon of movement between us has and will have, and with it to always remember that we must balance the usefulness of this phenomenon with the environmental impact, because nature allows us to learn from it but for a common welfare.

Circular movement
A circular movement is one whose trajectory traversed by a particular particle, body or object (mobile) represents the geometric place of a circumference, then, we know some features of this known and important geometric figure which allows us to identify this type of movement.


It is impossible to talk about circular movement without relating to the geometric figure that describes any particle, body or object when moving in a curvilinear way drawing a circumference in its path, from this figure we extract the name of this type of mobility.

Of the circumference we can describe that a certain point will have mobility in the plane in such a way that this point maintains a constant distance with respect to a fixed or immobile point of the same plane, this fixed point is known as the center (C) of the circumference and the distance originated between this fixed point and any point of this geometric figure is called radius (r).

It is important for the study of circular motion to relate these two points (center and radius of the circumference) with a system of polar coordinates, because through this system we can locate a point (P) by specifying its relative position with respect to a fixed line, likewise locate a fixed point of that line, thus the fixed line is called the polar axis and the fixed point pole.

Next we will observe the characteristics before described and including an object implemented to make a circular movement, as we can visualize it in the following figure 1.

In this way we relate the circular movement with the geometric figure that gives its respective name, the circumference, but it is important to describe in a general way some variables or physical magnitudes that influence the development of this phenomenon, such as:

Angular speed(ω)

When this type of mobility originates the mobile will experience a speed because it passes through a certain space and as it is a circular movement, ie curvilinear, the same will travel through the geometric place through a series of angles, therefore, to know such speed we use the angular speed, and this is only the number of turns that the mobile performs per unit of time then its formulation.

Tangential speed(v)

In this type of movement we can focus on figure 1, when the object inside the circumference rotates, in any of its edges there will be a point which will turn with uniform circular motion, therefore, this point will have a linear velocity which is tangential to the curved trajectory of that movement, so it represents the quotient between the length traveled and the time used for such a journey then its formulation.

Centripetal acceleration

This acceleration occurs during the variation of the direction of the linear vector (v) or tangential to the path of the curvilinear path, therefore, this acceleration will have the direction of the radius and which will always point towards the center of the circumference described by the circular movement of the mobile.

In the same way, we find angular acceleration and it represents a variation in angular velocity with respect to a time interval, and also tangential acceleration which constitutes a change in linear velocity, the latter representing a product between angular acceleration and the radius of the trajectory circumference.

Important parameters that together with the characteristics of the trajectory circumference allow us the physical-mathematical analysis of the circular movement.

Circular movement, a phenomenon impregnated with humanity

In order to be able to affirm what has been described above, we can take a tour of our homes and we will demonstrate without a doubt that circular movement is part of our lives, and with this phenomenon we have been able to increase our quality of life from a personal and family point of view, but we could extrapolate this to countless activities of humanity.

Now, our task is to be able to locate some objects or mechanical systems which depend on this type of movement in order to carry out a certain work or activity, next we will show a series of photographic examples where we will indicate the implementation of this type of mobility phenomenon in important physical or mechanical systems designed by man.

It is difficult to think that any person on this planet has not had the pleasure of riding in these incredible two-wheeled vehicles, and whose geometric shape of these wheels is that of a circumference, therefore in order to mobilize us in them (vehicles) their wheels must develop a circular motion.

This type of mechanical system has been implemented to perform innumerable tasks, such as the ventilation of a certain physical space, likewise plays an important role in the cooling of machinery or any body or object that deserves to keep a certain temperature stable, and to achieve this goal its propeller must develop a circular motion.

This instrument or electronic device is an example of the need for cooling during its use and therefore some ventilation systems are implemented (fan type) such as those we could observe in figure 5, and to carry out this task the circular movement must intervene.

This phenomenon is even in the most amusing activities of the human being, as it represents the previous figure 6, where to be able to enjoy this implement of amusement we must develop a circular movement, and this is only a small example of its great utility in the park of amusement, since we also find the famous wheel of the fortune or the trip to the moon as it is known in some countries of South America.


The study and understanding of the phenomenon of movement has allowed humanity to be able to inject this phenomenon with many human qualities as we can see in the application of circular movement in some of our activities, much intrinsic complexity we find in this phenomenon but what is important is to highlight the enormous usefulness and versatility of this type of mobility within humanity.

Any person of this planet hardly has not delighted some time in his life through a determined route with circular movement, until having thought that this type of movement is the most fascinate of all, and this we could easily verify it in any amusement park, where the most emblematic mechanical apparatuses are those that use a circular movement.

It is important to highlight the essential link that exists between the scientific branches, in this opportunity between Physics and Mathematics, the first through its kinematics, science of movement, and the second through geometry, science of forms or figures, both fundamental pillars in the universalization or propagation of any type of knowledge related to any type of phenomenon present in our universe.

In many occasions the human being does not stop to think about the benefits that science extracts from our nature and its phenomena, nevertheless, to any person of this planet it would only be enough to observe our environment and to notice quickly the great influence that these knowledge have in our lives, since the evolution of humanity is due in great measure to the application of the phenomenon of the movement as we could verify it in the previous examples.

Our environment is full of geometric shapes or figures as well as some kind of movement, and no doubt it will always be this way, the important thing is to be able to interpret them in the best way and enjoy their benefits, because through them we express multiple feelings as well as intellectual development, remembering that it is necessary a balance between its implementation and the impact it may have with our environment that ultimately benefits us.

Note: All the images were elaborated using the applications Paint, Power Point and the animated gif was elaborated with the application of PhotoScape, the photographies were captured with the cellular phone ZTE BLU Life Play 2.

Bibliographic References

[1] Charles H. Lehmann. Analytic geometry.
[2] Katz Robert. "Physics, Chapter 6: Circular Motion and Gravitation" (1958). Robert Katz Publications.
[3] Serway, Raymond A. Jewett, John W. Physics for scientists and engineers.
[4] Prieto Santiago, Rodríguez, Silveira Ismael. Física General 1. Universidad de la República; Instituto de física, Facultad de ingeniería - UdelaR, 2007.

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